Guided Meditation How to cultivate resilience and emerge stronger from tough situations

Guided Meditation How to cultivate resilience and emerge stronger from tough situations

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, guides in this guided meditation session to find the path of strength and resilience when uncertainty strikes us

Guided Meditation How to cultivate resilience and emerge stronger from tough situationsPM7:51

Perhaps you have discovered how many times, an experience that at the moment seems complicated, conflictive or totally contrary to what you expected becomes a great learning opportunity. Then, with the passage of time and perspective over the years, you discover that perhaps it was the best thing that could happen, that thanks to what happened you discovered in yourself strengths and facets that allowed you to continue growing. Get out of the comfort zone Many times it scares, creates uncertainty and I know if this push is not sought by oneself but caused by an external situation, it can even stagger us.

However, the human being has an infinite capacity to recuperación, of adaptation and of continuing to learn. A capacity that, beyond the supervivencia, allows us to turn difficult situations into opportunities, from the wisdom that grows from strengths to turn spikes into flowers. This ability is known as resilience and today we train her in guided meditation.

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