- Guided meditation How to cultivate a space of safety and trust within yourself during confinement
- Belén Colomina, an expert psychologist in mindfulness, proposes in this guided meditation session the creation of an inner refuge that allows us to face the crisis we are experiencing due to the threat of the coronavirus
Guided meditation How to cultivate a space of safety and trust within yourself during confinement

In a situation of crisis o difficulty like the one we are living through the threat of coronavirus and confinement associated with it, it is normal to feel insecurity, Confusion, concern for everything that happens and the uncertainty that surrounds it. Under these circumstances, acceptance It is important to let the emotions, without fighting with ourselves, but with the kindness and love that now, more than ever, you need.
Cultivate a space of Trust y fullfilment of security requirements Inside you, it will allow you to maintain hope and feel sustained in the present, because in the face of crises and difficulties, we can also emerge stronger. We can learn from constructive coping, connected to the internal resources and support that we need right now. Subject to your strengths, without demands, but from the kindness to hold you here and now, in the calm of the present moment.
Thus, the meditation We dedicate this week to growing this space of security and trust within you.
Everything will be fine!