Guided meditation How to be aware of what makes you happy through meditation
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, proposes in this guided meditation session that we cultivate within ourselves what we so desire.

When talking about happiness, generally appears linked to external circumstances, to something extraordinary happening in our days. Thus, it seems that we have to wait for her like someone who waits for the holidays or the weekend.
However, genuine happiness is not dependent on the environment, it is not as volatile and ephemeral as a holiday, but comes from within. It is a state that is cultivated, that is trained and that arises and is expressed in the form of a sustainable well-being over time. That it does not run out but can continue to grow as long as you want.
Therefore, to celebrate that March 20 was the world happiness day I have prepared this meditation for you, to take a break for wellness. To train and cultivate from within what we want so much.