Guided meditation How to accept and feel good about our own body
The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, explains in this guided meditation session how to work on self-esteem to feel good about our body

Summer is approaching, a time of year when we begin to show more parts of our body. The media and social media bombard us with perfect bodies And, if we fall into the trap of comparison, demands, criticisms and insecurities will begin to arise towards our own body and probably, our self-esteem will also be damaged.
Most of the time when this happens we rate or rate ourselves negatively, and we tend to create a distortion of reality produced by our way of thinking and influenced by a multitude of experiences and external factors that have accompanied us throughout life.
That is why, in this week’s meditation, we offer you a short practical session in which we prepare for learn to accept our body. And we will do it from love and self-care, valuing our beautiful and not so beautiful parts to continue nurturing our esteem and value, to feel good about him being as he is.