Guided meditation Eight minutes of relaxation to beat the Christmas blues
Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, helps in this guided meditation session to overcome the sadness that sometimes dominates us at Christmas

Christmas can be lived in many ways, since they bring to mind many, many experiences received iterdos lived. These can sometimes make us feel very happy and fulfilled but they can also make us feel sad and with melancholy. As they come it is fine, they are part of our history.
This can only tell us that there is a pain to heal, a longing to elaborate or a sadness to go. It is important to listen to us to take an active position on it, it is always better to accompany you and take yourself into account, take an active position to transit these emotions, to repair them and not to get carried away by them.
Pretending they don’t exist, looking the other way, or feeling bad for having them won’t solve anything. Do not demand to feel differently, do not repress them, you just have to know how to go through them and elaborate what they are transmitting to you in the present.
And with its elaboration, it will also be important learn to value what you do have, because this will always be better than staying focused on what we lack. There are always things missing but also, always, you are full of many more of them.
Thus, in this meditation I invite you to contact all this that, here and now, you do have. I invite you to feel that within you there is an infinite potential, an enormous potential to continue loving in the present. Here and now.
Because it is also important to give yourself permission to live these dates as you need and as you wish. Without demands but taking care of you.
Do not let yourself be carried away by the tide of emotions but by the sensation of surfing them, of accompanying them within you with self-care and nutrition.
A self-care that arises from the strength of love that exists within you.
Take yourself into account, take care of yourself.
I wish you, in this course of time and emotions: a very happy journey!