Guide to the cottage: what to plant and in what quantities

Difficult times are easier to get through if you have a garden and a vegetable garden. Here it is important to correctly plan the planting in order to optimally use both strength and area.


For a family of 4–5 people, two beds 60 cm wide and 10–12 meters long will be enough. You will need 60 tubers of healthy varietal potatoes. To reduce labor costs, try growing a root vegetable in mulch (this can be simple cut grass). Lay the tubers directly on the ground, with a 20 cm layer of mulch on top.When the sprouts are 20 centimeters long, refill them to the top. That’s it, you don’t have to go to the beds anymore before harvesting, you will get about 30–34 buckets of potatoes. This will be enough for a family and seeds for next year.


The most unpretentious culture. If you didn’t manage to plant it in the fall, do it in the spring – there is spring garlic. They store the harvest at home, the cellar is not needed. For a family of four, 100-200 planting teeth are more than enough. The rest will be spent on winter preparations and cooking.


Requires more costs: you will have to buy sets. It is profitable to grow salad varieties – purple and white, which are sold only at retail and at a high price, especially in winter, and a couple of beds of ordinary onions, which can be easily stored until the New Year at room temperature in a city apartment.

Carrots, turnips, beets, radishes, daikon

Crops are beneficial for growing in the country, provided you have a cellar. One pack of seeds for 5-10 rubles is enough for 1-2 beds, and you will get a decent harvest. Little care is required, it is enough to apply feeding in the fall in the form of mineral fertilizers and organic matter, and in the summer to do with ash. Radishes can be sown many times – in April, May and towards the end of summer.


It is better to buy seeds rather than obtain them yourself. Take hybrids, they are easier to care for and shape, and they are less sick. The economic benefits of growing are noticeable even with the use of a greenhouse that requires construction and maintenance costs. From one pack of seeds, you can get a couple of dozen buckets of harvest from late June to mid-September.

Squash and pumpkin

These are unpretentious and guaranteed high-yield vegetables. Flawlessly successful varieties “Tsukesha” and “Gribovsky 37”. 2-3 bushes are enough for four people, enough for food throughout the summer, and for harvesting. Pumpkins are also enough 2-3 bushes to last the whole winter. You will not be let down by the old Russian varieties “Gribovskaya Kustovaya 189”, “Mozoleevskaya 49”, “Golosemyanka”.


It is easy to grow and maintain. A jar of store-bought corn costs five times more than a pack of seeds, so the benefits are obvious, especially since this crop requires practically no maintenance, feeding and watering. Excellent varieties for harvesting “Children’s Sugar”, “Kubanskaya”, “Early gourmet 121”, “Supersweet”. 25-30 plants produce about 4-5 liters of pickled corn.


If you grow seedlings, and not buy ready-made ones, and take a responsible approach to choosing a variety, then dozens of heads of cabbage can be grown from a pack of seeds. From the early varieties of white cabbage are good “June”, “Golden Hectar”, from mid-season – “Slava 1305” and “Megaton”, from the late for pickling – “Sugarloaf” and “Nadezhda”.


The economic benefit will be noticeable only with the correct choice of the variety, regular pinching, tying and watering. Covering materials are needed both in the greenhouse and in the open ground, because until the threat of returnable June frosts disappears, the planted seedlings must be protected at least with spunbond. From a greenhouse with an area of ​​12 sq. m you will collect about 200 kg of tomatoes.

Berries and greens

These are the most profitable crops for growing: they are easy to harvest, berries and greens are frozen for future use. Judge for yourself: a thin bunch of dill or parsley in winter costs from 20 rubles, and a pack of seeds – 5 rubles. The costs are minimal: the bushes of gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants bought in the nursery will bear fruit for 15 years, and you can further propagate them yourself, and the harvest will always be good. Strawberries can be grown from seeds or, as a last resort, ask your neighbors for a mustache. At least 10 strawberry bushes are grown per person in the family.

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