Guide to Nulling “Toxic” Co-workers

Guide to Nulling “Toxic” Co-workers


To avoid the influence of people in our environment who exhaust us, you must know what helps you recharge your batteries

Guide to Nulling “Toxic” Co-workers

Exhausted, exhausted, fatigued, exhausted … Every day we come home in a catatonic state from which it is difficult to get out. Perhaps it is due to lack of sleep, or because we do too many things at once, or because we have not eaten in a healthy way, or perhaps it is simply because we have been influenced by those “toxic” co-workers who destroy our patience and problems. our energy.

It is probable that each person is affected more or less by that negative influence of the environment, but the truth is that there are many circumstances that, on a day-to-day basis, they leave us without strength.. Have you ever stopped to think about it? When we asked Mónica García, leadership coach and founder of El Factor Humano, for everything that she can reach us on a day-to-day basis. exhaust or even to get us out of our boxes, the list can be endless: conversations based on complaint, criticism and contempt; postponing or delaying tasks, not doing what we have said we are going to do, thinking out of time about daily decisions (what do I have to buy for dinner or to eat the next day … that is, the mental load behind the « “burnout syndrome”), multitasking (doing several things at the same time), saying “yes” when we want to say “no”, self-punishment and self-criticism, turning around something that happens to us without taking action, wanting to control what is beyond our control (behaviors of other people ), always wanting to be right, talking or thinking about what you could have done in the past …

All those little things (and many others that may have occurred to you while reading this article) are the ones that sap energy, almost without us noticing. The good news is that, just as there are things that “vampirize” us, there are also actions and attitudes that recharge the batteries. The Human Factor expert divides them into four types: those that renew your physical energy, those that increase mental energy, those that strengthen emotional energy and those that take care of spiritual energy.

What do I do to have more energy?

To increase the physical energy It is useful, according to Mónica García, to make stops during the day for five minutes to stretch the body, hydrate yourself and breathe deeply. “Don’t wait until the end of the day to rest, renew your energy every one or two hours,” he advises.

Spending at least an hour of the day outdoors and sleeping a minimum of 7-8 hours (even if you think you function with less) are habits that help to renew yourself.

La mental energy It can also be strengthened and for this it is important that you focus on what you are doing, work in series and have clear priorities. “Finish one thing before starting the next one,” proposes the expert.

Another aspect that helps to have more mental energy is to focus on what you can control: your attitude, the attention of your mind and what you can do at that moment. If you said you were going to do something, do it. It is the best way to awaken satisfaction », he reveals.

It is also important to take care of the emotional energyWell, whether we like it or not, we are “social.” Thus, the expert affirms that the connection with loved ones (spending time to be and talk with them) awakens important feelings such as belonging, security, connection and intimacy.

La fun it must be part of life, as it also feeds emotional energy. Spending time to have fun, with no other objective than to enjoy, increases the illusions and excitement.

But don’t forget about the time alone and in silenceBecause looking within us contributes to awakening clarity and inner peace. “Take a few minutes to appreciate the day and appreciate yourself, instead of reviewing everything you have left undone, awakening a feeling of scarcity and increasing stress just before going to sleep,” says García.

La spiritual energy it renews itself by giving meaning to what you do, freely choosing obligations, saying “no” when appropriate, and setting healthy limits.

The most important moments of the day

The beginning of the day, before leaving home, and preparing for sleep are the two most important moments of the day. That is why the expert invites us to establish specific rituals for each of them that allow us to attend to all energies.

An example of a morning routine is spending 5 or 10 minutes (shortly after waking up) to stretch the body (physical energy), 10 minutes to plan the day (mental energy), 15 minutes to focus on breathing or meditating (spiritual energy) and 5 minutes to appreciate everything that is going well in your life (emotional energy).

As for the routine before going to sleep, it can be similar, only changing the time of planning the day for a review of everything that has been achieved throughout the day.

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