Guide to fitness training online – from home and for free!

The self-isolation regime, which was introduced due to the coronavirus pandemic, has led to the emergence of a large amount of free time and mass physical inactivity. To keep fit and get rid of excess weight at home, an online training format is suitable. We will tell about them now.

What is online training?

Online workouts are classes that take place at home and without the personal presence of a coach. You control the start time and duration of classes. The prototype of online training was the broadcast of gymnastics classes in the USSR and TV programs with aerobic exercises in the USA. In quarantine conditions, this way of fitness is perhaps the only way to keep yourself in good shape.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of online training?

  • The main advantage of such classes is that they save time – you do not need to go to a fitness club. Also, they do not require professional sports equipment. Plus, they save money. For example, if you need to turn on a video on yoga and repeat after the trainer.
  • The main disadvantage of online training is absolute independence from a person. Not everyone has the willpower to force themselves to get up from the couch and start exercising. Also, no one will control you, scold or praise you. That is, these are classes without socialization.

Online workout at home. Where to begin?

You need to start with a conscious goal – why do you need it. Look at the previous paragraph. Your landmark – your motivation for training. You know why you get up from the computer. This is the foundation.

How to correctly set the goal of training?

  1. Measure the current anthropometric indicators, write out the desired ones (in terms of weight and volume) and establish what numbers and by what time you need to reach the goal.
  2. The next step is to prepare the space. Determine the place in the apartment or house where the classes will be held. 4 sq.m. will be quite enough. free space for exercise.
  3. Then decide on the available equipment: dumbbells, expanders, weights, fitness gadgets.
  4. Decide what time is most convenient for you to practice. We remember – after 23:00 it is impossible to make noise in the apartment.
  5. What device do you plan to watch or receive video from? Does Wi-Fi catch at the planned training location?

Now all this seems like a trifle, but in the process of training it can cause severe inconvenience. Take care in advance that they are not. The preparation is done, it’s time to choose the format of classes.

What are the online training formats?

  • You can study through special applications in which video lessons are collected. For example, in one of the applications you can track your progress, compete with other users.
  • There are also people who read the list of exercises directly from the site, memorize and perform it. The advantage of the approach is that you can use the minimum participation of the gadget. True, the execution technique is a big question.
  • Live broadcasts and training recordings YouTube is also a good option. In the description of the video, you can find a link to the coach, study the biography, achievements and reviews of the students. Thus, you will understand whether these classes and this trainer are right for you.
  • Participation in online marathons. Such a format helps to solve the problem of socialization, since the participants in such classes can be from several tens to several thousand. Communication with like-minded people psychologically helps, especially during the period of self-isolation.
  • Also, you can always connect to free online training in various areas of fitness on our website. 

Online training with a personal trainer

We moved this into a separate paragraph so that there is a complete picture of how everything should happen when training with a coach. Before the start of classes, he collects information about you. Anthropometry, health contraindications and other indicators. Then he asks about the goal, you correct it together. The trainer draws up a lesson plan and only then the first lesson should take place.

The first lesson is exploratory. The trainer recognizes and captures the capabilities of your body. Corrects the lesson plan. And yes, it’s all happening online. If possible, synchronize the indicators of sports gadgets for measuring heart rate.

High-quality online training consists of three main stages

Stage 1 – Warm up. Stretching exercises, light gymnastics to warm up the muscles and start blood flow.

Stage 2 – Training sets. Most online home workouts consist of bodyweight training exercises. Distribute them so that a different muscle group is loaded each day to avoid overtraining.

Stage 3 – Hitch. Essentially the same workout. Needed to restore breathing and prevent muscle injuries

How often to practice? Listen to your feelings, but ideally – 1 day off and 6 days with classes. Teach your body to exercise at the same time so that a habit begins to form.

What else is important in online training?

Food. The result is more difficult to achieve with improper nutrition and constant training than vice versa. The diet should be a balanced combination of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and a sufficient amount of liquid.

When compiling the menu, focus on slow carbohydrates (buckwheat, oatmeal) and natural sources of sugar (fruits, vegetables). If you are a vegetarian, you can use soy substitutes, nuts, and tofu instead of meat. 

So, we now know that exercising at home is great and cheap. What are the difficulties? – Lack of a coach, socialization, a ready-made training program for you and an individual (balanced) nutrition plan.

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