Guess which European women are the slimmest? – Dietetics – Articles |

We are getting fat. There are women, there are men and children. In over 33 years, no country has managed to reverse this dangerous trend. When it comes to Europe, the worst situation is in Iceland, where 60,9 percent was recorded. obese and overweight women and by more than 10 percent. more men. It is not that bad in Poland yet, although we do not have reasons to be proud either. The percentage of people with extra kilograms for women is 49,4, and for men 64. This information comes from a report prepared after an analysis of publications, data on overweight and obesity from 188 countries around the world and the information database collected by WHO (World Health Organization) and ministries health. But we will forget about the numbers anyway. So let’s find out what is the secret of the slimmest women in Europe. We start from the last place:


France – 42,8 percent overweight and obese women



French women are thinner and, in addition, less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Although they love wine, cheeses, exquisite pates and livers, there are a few tricks to keep them from getting fat anyway. First of all, they eat in moderation and try to eat regularly. People who have stayed in France for a long time emphasize that eating regularly is obsessive and inculcated from an early age. Moreover, their meals are varied and filled with fresh vegetables. Importantly, French women are very active and exercise regularlyid = »h24 ″>. No matter what, it’s important to keep moving and spend time actively. They also carefully take care of their figure. Recently, I read the book ‘In Paris, children do not fuss’, which did not contribute much to my daughter’s upbringing, but it allowed me to learn a lot about the mentality of the French. An American journalist living in Paris noticed that women from those regions take great care of themselves, find time to relax, have a good book, have a cup of coffee with a friend, and exercise. If they come here and there, they do not pretend that nothing is happening, but act immediately. Just like that, without much emotion, whining and feeling sorry for myself. Smaller portions, longer exercises allow you to get under control before it’s too late. They also take great care not to ‘get fat during pregnancy’ and no one is surprised by the mother of a 2-month-old baby in a tight S-size dress. 


Wine also helps French women to have a slim figure and a healthy heart, as I wrote in an article on the French paradoxical = »h24 ″>.


Austria – 42,8 percent overweight and obese women


How come this region of schnitzels, strudels and donuts, and more precisely ‘kipfli’, found itself in such an honorable place? The answer is the same as for France – a lot of physical activity, especially hiking in the mountains, regular meals and moderation. Austria combines many nationalities: Italian, French, Czech and Hungarian. Austrian cuisine is lighter and more sophisticated than those from neighboring Germany, but still quite caloric. Their tables are often filled with fish, and there is almost no potatoes. Austrians create an ‘atmosphere’ around food, they often go to restaurants, if they drink coffee and eat the popular apple pie, most often in cafes with a book or while talking to friends. And it is known that in a cafe it is easier to stop yourself from 3 pieces of cake than at home, when there is a whole tray on the table.


Italy – 41,4 percent overweight and obese women



Southern Italian cuisine is considered one of the healthiest in the world – it is a popular Mediterranean diet. Italians they eat regularly and oftenid = »h24 ″>. It’s also no secret that they just like to eat, but also to cook. They enjoy both the dishes themselves and the time of their preparation. Their kitchen hosts seafood, fish, vegetables, olive oil and spices stimulating the metabolism. The main course consists of meat, fish, flour dishes (pasta, spaghetti, pizza) and vegetables, most often stewed or grilled. Interestingly sweets (sweet croissants, the so-called cornetto / brioche) are usually eaten in the morning, and after lunch there is fruit and sweetened coffee, not necessarily tiramisu and pan cotta as is commonly believed. Most Italians, however, take care of themselves and do not overdo their meals. In addition, they exercise – they ride bikes, run, walk.


Swiss women – 39,9 percent overweight and obese women


Probably not one person will be surprised by this news, because while you can read about the French or Italian diet on every other website about weight loss, hardly anyone has heard about the Swiss diet. The only thing that touched my ears about the Swiss girls’ diet are the memories of a friend who was on an exchange student in this country. She spoke indignantly about the sweet bars scattered all over the house. It was not easy to resist them, so my friend returned 10 kg more … It turns out that Swiss cuisine is influenced by several countries: Austria, France. Italy, id = »h24 ″> and additionally also Germanyid = »h24 ″>. From all information about this cuisine, we will learn that it is caloric, filling and warming. Depending on the region, it is rich in cheese, dried sausages, vegetables, fruit, pasta, pizzas, and in the German part, in meat, potatoes and cabbage. Swiss women love Italian cuisine, cheese, pasta and chocolate. So why aren’t they getting fat? Because everything works like a Swiss watch, they know what, when and how much they can eat, what portions they can afford and when to refuse. In addition, they are also very active, they go hiking in the mountains, they go for walks. Weekends in the mountains are a very popular form of relaxation after a busy week.


We can learn a lot from the cuisine of the thinnest nations. What stands out is the love of food, good-quality food and regular, frequent meals. Ladies from all these countries are very active physically, which allows them to drop any excess luggage before it becomes noticeable at all. The best time to exercise id = »h24 ″> is given by our trainer – Damian Jefremienko.


The title photo is from: tommerton2010id = »h24 ″> / Foterid =» h24 ″> / CC BYid = »h24 ″>


Photo 1 of the text comes from: Ash Kapoor Photographyid = »h24 ″> / Foterid =» h24 ″> / CC BY-NDid = »h24 ″>


Picture 2 from the text comes from: The Urban Scotid = »h24 ″> / Foterid =» h24 ″> / CC BY-NDid = »h24 ″>




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