
Useful properties and application of guarana in sports, guarana for weight loss

What is Guarana?

Guarana is a beautiful evergreen shrub whose branches reach a length of 12 meters. On the branches are oval leaves, which have teeth along the edges. The flowers of the plant are bright red, collected in inflorescences. Two years after planting, fruits can be harvested from the bushes.

The guarana fruit is bright yellow, and its top is red. Inside the fruit contains 1-2 oval-shaped seeds, slightly resembling a grape. It is from the seeds of this fruit in Brazil that a drink is prepared. Guarana pulp must be removed by soaking the fruit in water. When the juicy shell separates, you need to pull out the seeds and rinse them. The seeds are then dried, roasted and ground. This guarana powder contains caffeine. Next, they take the finished powder and pour it with water, you can add cocoa – and the energy drink is ready.

Wild guarana grows in many parts of Brazil. But for a long time, guarana has been grown for medicinal and industrial purposes in such Brazilian states as Mato Grosso and Para.

Useful properties of guarana

The beneficial properties of guarana are due to the content of caffeine in it. Therefore, guarana is used as a tonic and stimulant for headaches, migraines and other ailments. The tannin contained in guarana has a positive effect on gastrointestinal upset. Guarana normalizes fat metabolism in the body, increases the efficiency of the body, and also stimulates the functions of the nervous system.

Due to the fact that guarana reduces appetite, it is used in the fight against extra pounds. Guarana has a good effect on chronic fatigue syndrome.

Guarana in sports

What do athletes need the most? Of course, proper energy nutrition, which facilitates the path to victory. To date, guarana is the best natural remedy that restores strength in athletes after exercise and training. Guarana enhances physical activity by increasing calorie expenditure during exercise. Guarana contains trace elements such as theobromine and caffeine, which increase concentration and counteract fatigue. In addition to all these advantages, guarana also improves heart function. If we compare the effect of coffee and guarana, then guarana has more positive effects on the body. Guarana extract speeds up metabolism, which means that fats are burned faster in the body. Guarana removes excess toxins and fluid from the body that the body does not need.

Sports nutrition, which includes guarana, is a good start to the day for an athlete.

Guarana for weight loss

Even in ancient times, guarana was used as a means for weight loss. For example, then guarana seeds were added to coffee, thus improving their memory and losing weight, without harming their body.

In the summer heat, when there is nowhere to escape from the high air temperature and you want to drink something tonic and relieve thirst, a glass of ordinary guarana will be better than any tonic.

Guarana contains substances that reduce appetite, especially if you engage in physical sports. Guarana is used in the production of dietary supplements for weight loss.

From any diet, a person becomes irritable and tired, but from taking guarana, the body not only calms down and strengthens, but also such useful substances as tannin, potassium and magnesium, vitamin B1, which together improve heart function, get into it.

How does guarana lead to weight loss? Guarana, when ingested, stimulates metabolic processes, accelerating fat burning and providing the body with additional necessary calories that help increase endurance during training. A person who takes guarana, losing weight, receives useful substances and no longer feels tired during training. A person, taking guarana, becomes stronger and can lose weight in a short time and without harming his body, but on the contrary, helping him recover from stress.

Guarana is used not only for weight loss, but also as a drug for obese people and those who cannot cope with cellulite. Guarana is used in the deterioration of blood circulation, memory and reduced potency. In addition, people taking guarana lower cholesterol levels and improve bowel function.

In order to lose weight, guarana should not be used for more than six weeks. The best way is to take a break for a month. This month you need to follow a balanced diet so that the thermogenic effect does not decrease.

Contraindications to the use of guarana

When taking products containing guarana, be careful not to exceed the dose, as this can lead to increased excitability of the nervous system and even insomnia. The elderly and people with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and heart disease are generally not allowed to consume guarana.

Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not take guarana in order to avoid unwanted effects.

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