The Royal Ibero-American Academy of Gastronomy (RAIG) designated on October 18 the headquarters of the Ibero-American Capital of Gastronomy 2015, whose appointment has fallen to Guanajuato.
In the words of Mr. Salvador Jaime Arroyo, president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac), the candidacy, seeks:
Integrate the largest number of local gastronomy professionals, and inherit an instituted program from Guanajuato.
Guanajuato is one of the 32 states that make up the national organizational structure of Mexico.
This Central region has a very rich gastronomy, chili peppers, fruits, vegetables, flowers and seeds are part of the universe of wealth that local producers have, to develop flavors, textures and culinary innovations on a daily basis or on special occasions.
As of January 1, 2015, the local hospitality industry has the opportunity to show itself to the world, offering its extraordinary gastronomic wealth, traditional in its elaborations but tremendously cosmopolitan and international.
Recognition of the Region is an intense work of local authorities, hospitality entrepreneurs and professionals in the sector that is due to the joint effort of all the actors of the local gastronomic scene and above all to the intense joint work of recovery and dissemination of the delicious Guanajuato gastronomy that they have been doing for years.
The project that Guanajuato intends to launch during his “reign” Annual, it includes restaurants, chefs, cooks and traditional cooks, specialized schools, municipal and state authorities and other service providers.
The gastronomic culture of the region is rich and ancestral and since ancient times it involves many people:
From those who grow, cultivate and harvest their natural products, to the world cooks and chefs who process them.
Guanajuato celebrates other events annually that will help show its gastronomic capitality to the entire Ibero-American and international public:
- The International Cervantino Festival (FIC), was born and maintains its headquarters in the State and has recently been held from October 8 to 26.
- The Festival of the Spirit, which is also celebrated here every year, makes all who visit it, “return to their places of origin satisfied” …
These days the X National Contest of Skewers and Tapas, and the state invited to the event is Guanajuato, which will surely constitute an exceptional framework to spread its gastronomic capitality as well as its culinary values and of course its recognition for the Unesco town (Guanajuato capital) Heritage.