Guanabana: the whole truth about exotic superfood

Gaunabana is an exotic tree, which in indoor conditions usually does not reach more than thirty centimeters in height. With regard to wildlife, the plant can reach nine to ten meters, while the fruits can weigh more than seven kilograms. In the wild, it can be found in Latin America, the same country is the historical homeland of the plant. In addition, you can also find the tree in any area with a tropical hot climate.

Those who have tasted the fresh guanabana fruit claim that the fruit tastes like a very refreshing blend of citrus fruits, sweet strawberries and wild pineapple. 

In addition to its great taste, guanabana has a truly stellar nutritional profile with over 200 chemical compounds in its pulp, leaves and stems that contribute to its many health benefits.


The average fruit contains 66 calories, 1 gram of protein, 16 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber and a lot of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, vitamin C, potassium and thiamin (vitamin B1). All this makes it a unique superfood. 

Nutritionists identify the 3 most important reasons for using guanabana

Immunity support… Soursop is another good way to protect yourself from colds, parasites, and viruses. Research has shown that the flavonoids, steroids, and alkaloids contained in guanabana extract are effective against various types of bacteria, parasites, and viruses, including herpes simplex virus.

Protection against cancer… There is evidence that soursop has potential to fight cancer cells.

For example, a recent systematic review has shown that guanabana leaf extract has some anti-cancer effect, and animal experiments have suggested that it reduces tumor size in various types of cancer.

The fruit’s acetogenins are thought to inhibit the growth of cancer cells by decreasing glucose access to them and supporting the production of antioxidant compounds.

Beauty care… Thanks to calcium, the fruits strengthen bones, nails and hair. Given the beneficial composition of the fruit, it can be used to treat bowel problems.

How to eat guanabana

Guanabana can be eaten not only fresh, but also processed.

The easiest way to consume the fruit of the graviola tree is to simply cut it apart and eat the pulp with a spoon.

To preserve the fruit, it can be preserved. In addition, the pulp is a part of various drinks, for example, juices, cocktails, etc. Delicious creamy pulp can be used to prepare a variety of desserts: ice cream, pastries, mousses, etc.

Who is this fruit contraindicated for?

According to some gastroenterologists, it is better for our people not to use overseas fruits at all, since our body does not have enzymes that break down those useful substances that they contain. For us, apples, pears, apricots, plums will be more useful, i.e. what grows in our region.

But if there is guanabana, then in moderation. After all, fruit seeds, in particular, can be a little dangerous, as studies have shown that consuming large amounts of them – or tea made from the leaves and stems of the plant – can trigger neurotoxicity and movement disorders.

It is not recommended to abuse the product during pregnancy, since drinking tea with guanabana leaves is fraught with increased excitability, which can have a bad effect on the condition of both the expectant mother and the child.

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