guaiac tree

Benefits and uses of guaiac tree essential oil

guaiac tree

guaiac tree

The guaiac tree is an evergreen tropical tree that grows up to 15 meters in height. The tree grows slowly and is drought tolerant. The guaiac tree belongs to the parnophyllous family. With many long, curved branches, the tree looks like a large dome. It grows in large numbers in America. Dark green leaves are opposite each other. After 25 years from the date of planting, the tree begins to bear fruit. The flowering of the tree begins in spring and lasts about a month, beautiful white flowers appear on the tree, which have a purple or light blue color. Over time, the flowers turn white. On each long pedicel is a flower consisting of 5 petals. Flowers in the amount of 5-10 pieces are collected in inflorescences, which in appearance cannot be distinguished from the inflorescences of a simple cherry.

The fruit of the guaiac tree is a fleshy yellow-orange (light brown) color berry containing two black seeds. When the fruit ripens, it opens into two parts and the seeds of the fruit appear for everyone to see. About 3500 aerial seeds are obtained from one kilogram of the fruits of this tree.

A tree has wood that sinks in water due to its weight. As soon as the bark is removed from the tree, it is whitish-gray in color, but over time it will turn a greenish tint: this is due to the resin oxidizing inside the bark. The bark of a tree with a thickness of 5 mm is the most dense and resistant to decay.

Essential oil of guaiac tree

The essential oil of this tree is produced from the heartwood using a distillation method. This oil has a very amazing sensual and pleasant aroma. Its fragrance combines strong notes of tea rose with a gentle hint of smoke, and there is very little violet aroma, which is why this oil is used as an imitation of violet, rose and many other scents.

The oil can be mixed with various ingredients, for example, in combination with jasmine absolute and white cognac essential oil, it gives the smell of prunes with oriental fruits. And if you mix the essential oils of guaiac wood with vetiver, cedar and incense, then from oriental, smoky and hot tones you get an “expensive” men’s perfume.

Essential oil of guaiac tree has anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effect on the human body. It improves blood circulation, helping to purify the blood. It is used by nursing mothers who want to increase lactation. Guaiac oil relaxes, relieves nervous tension, promotes meditation. In addition to all this, guaiac tree essential oil is considered a very powerful aphrodisiac.

Essential oil is used not only in traditional medicine, but it has also found application in the manufacturing sector, for example, it is used in the production of soap, drinks and even some food products.

As for whether guaiac tree oil is dangerous, the answer is unequivocal: no! It is non-toxic, non-irritating to the skin and non-phototoxic. The only disadvantage of using this oil is that lethargy and inattention may appear.

Medicinal properties and uses of guaiac wood

guaiac tree

The guaiac tree contains many medicinal substances, due to the presence of which this plant even began to be called the “tree of life”. This tree improves metabolism, normalizing the functions of the skin, kidneys and intestines. Guaiac tree is used in the form of infusions and decoctions. Decoctions from this plant are used for syphilis, aches, rheumatism, uterine disorders and many other diseases. In case of metabolic disorders, guaiac wood is added to various mixed teas, which perfectly and quickly help to cope with the problem of metabolic disorders.

Contraindications to the use of guaiac wood

Children under two years of age are strictly prohibited from taking products based on guaiac wood. Pregnant and lactating mothers should also not take preparations from this plant. People who have any type of chronic disease regarding the gastrointestinal tract are not allowed to use guaiac wood for treatment.

If taking guaiac wood remedies lasts two weeks, and no improvement is found, then you need to see a doctor. Observe the dosage of the drugs!

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