Grzesiowski: I do not approve of what happened in Zakopane, but on the other hand I am not surprised
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During the weekend, Zakopane experienced an invasion of tourists. Despite the prevailing pandemic, thousands of people appeared in Krupówki, not always following the rules. – I understand it a bit, but I do not approve of it. First of all, the city did not prepare for it, and it could have been foreseen – says the immunologist Paweł Grzesiowski.

  1. From February 12, the government lifted some of the restrictions conditionally. They can work, among others ski slopes
  2. This, in conjunction with the organized ski jumping World Cup competition, meant that thousands of tourists came to Zakopane over the weekend. It was especially crowded in Krupówki
  3. On the one hand, I am not surprised by people who wanted to react, on the other – I do not approve of such behavior – says Paweł Grzesiowski, an immunologist
  4. However, I do not predict any significant increase in infections – adds the doctor
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Lifting restrictions – crowds in Zakopane

The loosening of the restrictions and the resulting opening of the ski slopes, the World Cup competition in jumping, and additionally Valentine’s Day – all this meant that crowds of tourists appeared in Zakopane over the weekend, not seen for months. In such conditions, it was difficult to comply with the rules of the sanitary regime. And yet the coronavirus is still taking its death toll.

On Saturday, the police recorded 65 offenses related to failure to comply with the obligation to wear masks, and imposed 45 fines. It was probably the same on Sunday.

The situation in Zakopane was assessed by Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski, an immunologist, in an interview with Medonet.

Weekend in Zakopane: will there be an increase in infections?

Medonet: Have you seen pictures from Zakopane? How do you rate them?

Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski: On the one hand, I am not surprised by people who wanted to react, on the other – I do not approve of such behavior. I believe it could have been foreseen and organized in a safer way. And it looks like it was completely unprepared. After all, it was known that when three occasions combine, i.e. ski jumping, Valentine’s Day and the lifting of restrictions after two months of sitting at home, there will be crowds on the streets.

  1. The fit of the COVID-19 mask is more important than the material it is made of

It was possible to prepare security measures, and a crisis management team could be convened a week earlier. And during the weekend, limit the sale of alcohol, organize more patrols, distribute masks and remind about safety rules. It was also possible to organize the movement of tourists in Zakopane differently, so that not everyone gathered at Krupówki.

Will there be any consequences of these crowds in Zakopane?

I don’t know exactly how many people were in Zakopane. But if we assume that it was 10 thousand, and among them it was 0,5 percent. 50 people are sick, so the transmission will not be that big. Most importantly, it was in the open air, where the virus does not spread as efficiently as in confined spaces.

  1. British variant of the coronavirus – what is the scale of its presence in Poland?

Of course, when people from Zakopane travel to Poland, secondary infections may appear, but I do not expect any significant increase in infections. We were likewise concerned about an increase in infection following the protests. There were crowds in the streets, there were cheers and dances, but this did not translate into a new wave of illnesses.

Since we have to go where the crowd will be, what safety measures should be taken?

From the outset, I believe that helmets and scarves as nose and mouth covers should be deleted from the regulation. Because they don’t make sense. Professional or double cotton masks must be worn. This is especially important in the face of these new, more contagious variants. Plus, keeping your distance, although not always possible, and avoiding gatherings in closed, poorly ventilated rooms.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. There were side effects following the administration of AstraZeneca
  2. WHO: We will not achieve herd immunity this year
  3. In France, many more infections, but fewer deaths than in Poland

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