Growth of the 3-year-old: ready to go to school

Growth of the 3-year-old: ready to go to school

The growth and development of the 3-year-old

The 3 year old child weighs between 13 and 16 kilos. Its size is between 92 and 96 centimeters. Weight and height vary depending on several factors, including gender and body type. Your child, at 36 months, is fully aware of himself.

Whereas before he tended to speak of himself using his first name, he now appropriates the “I” or the “me”. The sentences he formulates are growing in length and complexity, and his parents are no longer the only adults who understand him. It is essential to stimulate one’s curiosity for the language, by talking to it often, and in a more complex way, and by reading it a lot of books. He especially loves to describe the pictures in his books or name the animals in his picture books.

The social and emotional behavior of the 3-year-old child

The 3-year-old child expresses a great need for autonomy, and this is perfectly normal. To help him in this quest, you can set up a play area reserved for him. He loves private and confined spaces, which can be a cabin in the garden, a tent in his room … Although he enjoys being alone, your little one is also very social.

He really enjoys playing with other children his age. Occasionally, if his classmates disagree with him, he may have a fight with them. Indeed, jealousy and aggressiveness are usual behaviors between children of 3 years. Arguments take place more verbally than in a physical way. This is an assertive behavior that is a normal process: don’t worry, arguments will become rarer and rarer. Your child also enjoys the company of adults, with whom they have more peaceful relationships. He particularly enjoys conversing with them.

The cleanliness and relationship to the body of the 3-year-old child

Normally, at 3 years old, the child is perfectly clean, day and night. However, a nighttime accident can still happen, and it is recommended to place a protection on the mattress and under the sheet. These situations usually occur when the child is sick, worried, or particularly tired. If that happens, don’t beat him up.

In terms of cleanliness, the 36-month-old eats alone, skillfully. Continue to praise him again for not spilling food, or dropping his spoon. Your child is now fully aware of his genitals: he sometimes pays a lot of attention to it. He must therefore be taught the limits in this matter: he can play in his bath, or in the privacy of his room, but neither in the rest of the house, nor in public.

Feeding the 3-year-old

The 3-year-old child has gone through the different stages of food diversification. He is now able to eat almost any food you consume, and happily settles down to share family meals. However, certain foods should be banned for another two years.

Raw foods, such as fish, meat or seafood, are banned from your little one’s diet. It is also better to avoid raw milk cheeses, skimmed milk, as well as sweeteners and low-fat foods. To avoid allergies and because he could suffocate, do not offer your child assorted nuts either.

The care and health of the 3-year-old child

Since childhood, your baby has been fascinated by screens. This trend is confirmed as he grows up, and all the more so since many television programs are aimed at children his age. However, it is better to avoid leaving your little one for long hours in front of the screen: focus on outdoor activities. Indeed, in addition to making it passive, the eyes riveted on a screen can deteriorate its sight.

Thanks to all this progress, your little one is preparing for a real change in size: the upcoming entry into kindergarten. It will significantly improve many skills, in addition to socializing with many children.

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