Growth hormone (somatotropin, GH) – importance, norms, excess and deficiency [EXPLAINED]

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Growth hormone (somatropin) is produced by the cells of the pituitary gland and its secretion depends on age and gender. Its main function is to stimulate weight gain and growth. Abnormal levels of growth hormone may be associated with growth disturbances.

Growth hormone – characteristics

Growth hormone, GH, is a polypeptide (protein) hormone that stimulates the growth of long bones and organs. It stimulates the synthesis of nucleic acids and enhances the processes of cell division and protein synthesis. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of growth hormone (anterior lobe) and its dysfunction often results from the development of a tumor in this gland. GH secretion is pulsatile and is related to sex, time of day and age of the patient.

Human growth hormone consists of 191 amino acid residues. The amount of somatropin entering the body is regulated by somatostatin (which inhibits its production) and somatoliberin (increases its secretion). The abnormal concentration of somatropin may be due to, inter alia, on gigantism and acromegalytherefore, doctors often refer patients for a growth hormone measurement test. Growth hormone is secreted most intensively at night, during deep sleep.

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Growth hormone – action

Growth hormone affects the body by stimulating the production of intermediate peptides in the liver and possibly other peptides in the tissues as well. These are the somatomedins IGF-1 and IGF-2. The action of growth hormone is quite broad:

  1. stimulates the growth of long bones and organs and weight gain;
  2. it also plays an important role in the synthesis of nucleic acids;
  3. takes part in the process of cell division and protein synthesis;
  4. has an impact on carbohydrate metabolism;
  5. improves the condition of the skin;
  6. cares about concentration and a good mood.

However, it should be remembered that by using growth hormone for a long time, we lead to an increase in insulin secretion in the pancreas. In addition, by affecting adipose tissue, it increases lipolysis and reduces lipogenesis, which leads to an increase in the concentration of free fatty acids in the blood plasma.

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Growth hormone – importance

The growth of the body would be impossible without the growth hormone. Thanks to GH, cartilage in long bones widens and bones lengthen. It is accompanied by weight gain. Others the tasks of somatotropin there is also (as mentioned before) the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. As a result, valuable substances, e.g. phosphorus ions, are retained in the body.

In addition, growth hormone accelerates and stimulates glycogenolysis and glucose secretion. As a result, the lipolysis process (breakdown of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol) in adipose tissues is much greater. And finally – growth hormone has a positive effect on the appearance and thickness of our skin. It improves concentration and promotes a good mood.

Ornithine powder, which you can buy at a favorable price on Medonet Market, stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.

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Growth hormone – study

Growth hormone concentration measurement we perform in the case of:

  1. diagnosis of short stature in children,
  2. suspicion of the presence of a growth hormone producing tumor, gigantism and acromegaly,
  3. to evaluate the effectiveness of growth hormone treatment.

Growth hormone testing consists of drawing blood from a vein in the arm several times. The test is used in the diagnosis of excess or growth hormone deficiency in the body. The test material is serum. The patient should be fasting for at least eight hours:

  1. in the stimulation test – on an empty stomach and after administration of insulin, arginine or dopamine;
  2. in the inhibition test – on an empty stomach and after administration of glucose.

Approximately 12 hours without food, the patient is given a blood sample and then is given an oral glucose solution or an intravenous arginine or insulin solution. The next step (in the case of both tests) is to monitor the effect of the applied substances on the somatropin by examining the collected blood samples.


Increased release occurs due to decreased glucose levels, increased amino acid levels, as well as exercise, fasting, sleep, and estrogens.

The tests assessing the secretory reserve of the pituitary gland in terms of its release – stimulation tests, are of greater importance in the diagnosis of deficiency and excess of growth hormone.

In contrast, inhibition tests can confirm the uncontrolled secretion of the hormone by the neoplastic tissue.

Growth hormone – norms

Hormone level norms heights differ for adults and children. They are:

  1. 1-12 µg / L for adults;
  2. 10-30 µg / L for children and newborns.

The test results are always interpreted by a doctor, who takes into account the age and sex of a given person as well as reference values ​​applicable in a given laboratory. Also note that on high levels of growth hormone it is also influenced by the amount of sleep, the amount of exercise, estrogen levels and even malnutrition.

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Growth hormone – interpretation of results

The results of GH tests should always be consulted with a doctor. The level of growth hormone is influenced by: gender, age, and the type and method of performing the test. Standards are set by a specific analytical laboratory for a specific assay.

Normal levels for growth hormone should not be more than 5 mg / l in a blood drawn in a fasting state. In the sign consisting of sIn order to stimulate the secretion of growth hormone with insulin administration, the concentration of growth hormone should exceed 25 mg / l in plasma.

Thanks to the growth test, we are able to detect serious diseases that originate in pituitary disorders. Growth hormone therapy can be used in children who are deficient in growth hormone.

Growth hormone – treatment

Growth hormone is given to children in the form of a synthetic drug, which is part of the treatment in the case of GH deficiency diagnosed by a doctor. Growth hormone therapy is possible until the bone epiphyses are overgrown and if the growth hormone deficiency is confirmed endocrinologically.

In the case of adults, growth hormone is administered when there are clear symptoms of its deficiency, such as an increase in adipose tissue, less muscle mass and bone density, or weaker contractility of the heart.

Growth hormone treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. It is necessary to check the levels of GH on a regular basis as synthetic growth hormone can have side effects such as insulin resistance, diabetes and high blood pressure.

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Growth hormone – supplementation of athletes

People who regularly practice sports, especially those interested in the subject of bodybuilding, often decide to take synthetic growth hormone. This decision is due to the effect of somatropin on strengthening and building muscles and preventing injuries during training, thanks to the fact that growth hormone builds up the connective tissue that forms cartilage.

In addition, growth hormone facilitates fat burning. So it’s no wonder that so many athletes are experimenting with GH supplementation to speed up their body’s transformation process.

However, you should be very careful with these types of supplements. Taking too much growth hormone can lead to acromegaly, which is characterized by enlargement of all parts of the body except the eyes. The changes that occur in the course of the disease are incurable and very dangerous to health.

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Growth hormone – stimulating secretion

It is worth putting away the expensive supplements and nutrients that are not always good for your health and starting to take care of yourself. So that the body produces adequate amounts of growth hormone you should ensure you get enough restful sleep. In addition, a proper (varied) diet with large amounts of protein is very important. Protein is found primarily in eggs, poultry, tuna and legumes.

Physical activity is also an important element. If you want to build up your muscle mass, focus on moderate-intensity but high-repetition exercises.

Growth hormone – excess

Growth hormone levels too high it may lead to:

  1. in children to gigantism (excessive growth of bones and tissues),
  2. in adults to acromegaly (soft tissue growth).

Growth hormone – deficiency

In children, GH deficiency causes significant developmental delay and short stature. In adults, increased bone density, high lipid levels and general muscle weakness have been reported. Growth hormone level testing is also performed during the therapy with its use.

Growth hormone deficiency can be manifested by:

  1. hypoglycemia in children;
  2. persistent jaundice in children;
  3. a small penis in boys;
  4. other symptoms of dwarfism in children, e.g., slow growth, sexual underdevelopment, abdominal fat, short nose, small hands, chubby cheeks;
  5. increasing abdominal obesity in adults;
  6. a drop in mood, and even depression and anxiety;
  7. weakening.

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