Growing up is the process of transition from a child’s worldview to an adult’s worldview, from «I can’t!» to «Everything will be done», from the hope that everything will be done for you — to personal responsibility. The readiness and ability to be responsible for your actions and fulfill the duties assigned to you is one of the most important criteria for growing up.
Legally, under 18 you are a child. After 18 years — an adult.
In life, psychologically, Adults, in contrast to the Child, are called a responsible and independent person. If you are independent and responsible, if you are 10 years old, you are an adult. If you are 30 years old, but you are not independent and responsible, you are a child.
In more detail, growing up is described by the concepts of a young man, a young man and an adult.
Growing up is a change in the system of values, the achievement of which is directly related to the assumption of responsibility, and not only for oneself, but also for other people. Growing up is determined by the skills of a person and the amount of responsibility that is assigned to him (or that he took on himself). Levels: raise yourself, feed, put in order; set yourself up for work, cheer yourself up; provide for parents; give birth and raise children; give birth and bring to mind the Project; make a direction or firm.
Growing up has both pros and cons. The disadvantages of growing up are perfectly described by T.V. Gagin:
“Growing up deprives a person of love. How? Not so easy. But it’s safe. A person grows up (not all at once, gradually) insofar as he understands one simple thing more and more deeply — both in the sense of faith and in the sense of everyday practice. He himself — by himself, as he is — DOES NOT NEED ANYONE. Nobody. Quite…» See →
Does everyone want to grow up? — Not. There are many people who are many years old, but at the same time it is very difficult for them to part with their childhood. Not many people want to grow up, because responsibility is scary and burdensome. Children have no problems, they live easier. Therefore, many people are overage children. But there are also children who behave like adults.
How to grow up?
Growing up is facilitated by a person’s aspiration to the future: whoever thinks about the future in a timely manner, makes efforts, takes steps towards becoming an adult.
Conversely, the rejection of the efforts that need to be made to build your future looks like a conscious or unconscious desire to delay or delay growing up.
Adulthood presupposes life planning — subordination to a clear plan, concern for the future, thinking through the consequences of one’s decisions, etc. Therefore, becoming an adult means clearly controlling your life, managing everything that makes up life, living not only today, but also thinking about the future. Overcoming difficulties is growing up.