Growing tomatoes using Chinese technology 

Almost every gardener grows tomatoes in his garden. Growing these delicious vegetables takes a lot of time and effort. Every year there are more and more new methods that greatly facilitate the task. In addition, modern methods allow you to get much more yield than with standard cultivation. These methods include the Chinese way of growing tomatoes.

Growing tomatoes using Chinese technology 

Benefits of Chinese Tomato Growing Method

The name of the method makes it clear that the inhabitants of China were the first to grow tomatoes in this way. In our area, this method has appeared recently. But the reviews of those who have already practiced the Chinese way of growing tomatoes suggest that this technique is very effective and has a high yield.

The advantages of the method include the following:

  1. Seedlings grow much earlier than with conventional planting.
  2. Absolutely all sprouts take root after picking.
  3. Tall varieties do not stretch so much in open ground.
  4. Productivity indicators grow in one and a half times.

Growing tomatoes using Chinese technology 

In addition, the Chinese way of growing seedlings allows you to make them strong and healthy. It does not need a strong penetration into the soil. At a distance of about 20 cm from the ground, the first brush with flowers is formed. Thanks to this, the yield of tomatoes increases.

Seed preparation

The main differences of the Chinese method are the following factors:

  • seeds are processed in special mixtures;
  • sowing of seed material is carried out when the moon is in the sign of Scorpio;
  • the picking of sprouts takes place exactly one month later in the same sign of the moon.

The Chinese are confident that the health of seedlings and proper root formation directly depends on the phase of the moon. That is why they sow and plant tomatoes in the waning moon. In their opinion, it is thanks to this that the seedlings grow strong and healthy.

Growing tomatoes using Chinese technology 

All prepared seeds are placed in a cloth that should be soaked in advance. Then they are left for 3 hours in an extract from the ashes. After that, they should stand for about 20 minutes in a solution of manganese. Further, the seeds are kept in the Epin mixture for twelve hours. At this stage, it is important to place the container with Epin’s solution in a warm place. After done, the fabric with seeds is left on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Now you can start sowing seeds.

Seed sowing

The soil in the containers for planting must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (hot). Only after that you can get the seeds from the refrigerator, immediately after which you should start sowing. Seeds are planted in the usual way for everyone.

Attention! If you grow different varieties of tomatoes, then you need to take them out of the refrigerator in turn so that the seed does not have time to heat up.

Then the containers should be covered with film or glass. Thus, the heat will stay longer inside the container. At first, boxes with seedlings are placed in a dark, warm room. For example, you can place containers on the floor near the battery.

Growing tomatoes using Chinese technology 

Shelter is removed after 5 days. It is after such a time that the first shoots should appear. At this stage, the boxes are placed closer to sunlight. Even at this time, the seedlings must get used to the temperature changes day and night. To do this, at night the containers should be taken out to a cold place.

Seedling of seedlings

As mentioned above, the picking of the sprouts is carried out at the same time exactly one month after sowing. With proper care, seedlings should already have 2 leaves. Picking is carried out as follows:

  1. The sprout is cut at ground level.
  2. Then it is placed in a new cup with soil and buried.
  3. After that, the plant must be watered and covered with a film.
  4. For a couple of days, cups with seedlings are left in a dark, cool place.
  5. Now the seedlings can be transferred to a bright room for further growth and development.

Growing tomatoes using Chinese technology 

Important! The soil for planting seedlings should be neutral and peaty. It is better to purchase ready-made soil mixture. You can not add humus to the soil. It promotes the spread of rot.

Pruning of sprouts is carried out in order not to transfer pathogens to a new container. Thus, the seedlings will not be very sick.

Care and cultivation of tomatoes

Tomatoes are very fond of light. If necessary, take care of additional lighting. At night, plants can be taken out to a cooler place. After the picking has been carried out, it will be necessary to loosen the soil in containers with seedlings. This is done so that the root system can breathe freely.

Watering is carried out as needed, depending on how quickly the soil dries. Don’t overfill the tomatoes. The soil should be moist, not wet. It depends on the correct watering whether the tomatoes will get sick with a black leg or not. You can start planting the grown sprouts in early May.

Attention! 10 days after planting tomatoes in the ground, fertilizing with special preparations should be carried out. For example, the Baikal tool is perfect.

Growing tomatoes using Chinese technology 

The next top dressing after the 3rd brush begins to tie on the bushes. This time, you can simply sprinkle the soil around the plants with mineral mixtures that include boron. The rest of the care of tomatoes is no different from the usual. Bushes need to pinch and shape. From time to time, tomatoes are watered, and the soil is also loosened.


Many gardeners have already tried the Chinese method of growing tomatoes and were very pleased with the results. By growing tomatoes in this way, you can achieve very high yields. The whole secret is in strong seedlings. Chinese technology is completely aimed at ensuring that seedlings do not get sick and grow well. Below you can also watch a video showing how to grow tomatoes the Chinese way.


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