Growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse includes a set of works, which includes preparing a site for planting, forming seedlings and transferring them to a permanent place. After planting tomatoes in closed ground, you must follow the rules for watering and fertilizing.
Greenhouse preparation
You need to prepare a greenhouse for planting tomatoes a few weeks before planting. Usually, work begins after the snow melts on the site.
The greenhouse is placed in an open space, well lit by the sun. On the roof and side walls you need to equip windows for ventilation.
In the spring, the greenhouse is ventilated and wiped with a wet cloth. In order for the tomatoes to receive the maximum possible illumination, all contaminants must be removed from the walls.
Soil Preparation
Quality soil provides plants with nutrients. Soil preparation for growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse begins in the fall. For 1 sq. m beds require ash (3 kg), ammonium nitrate (0,5 kg) and superphosphate (3 kg).
Tomatoes prefer alkaline or neutral soil. The main indicators that soil for tomatoes should have are high air permeability and porosity.
Soil work is carried out a week before planting:
- The top layer of soil is removed because it contains harmful microorganisms and insect larvae.
- For disinfection, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is prepared, which is carefully watered the soil before planting.
- Improving the structure of the soil for tomatoes: compost, peat and sawdust are used for clay soil, compost and sand are used for black soil, turf soil, sawdust, compost, and coarse sand are used for peat soil.
- The introduction of potassium nitrate (5 g) and superphosphate (15 g) per square meter of beds.
- The soil in the greenhouse must be carefully dug up to form beds up to 0,4 m high and 0,9 m wide. Between the beds with plants leave a free space of 0,6 m.
seed Processing
For growing tomatoes, choose high-quality seeds, without external defects. Preparation of the material begins at the end of February.
Seed processing is carried out in several stages:
- Tomato seeds are wrapped in cloth and placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. To prepare the solution, 1 g of potassium permanganate and a glass of water are required.
- 5 g of nitrophoska is added to 1 liter of water, after which the seeds are placed in the resulting solution. The container is left for 12 hours in a warm place.
- After the nutrient solution, plant seeds are placed in a container with water and placed in the refrigerator for 2 days.
- After the treatment, the seeds are planted on seedlings.
Preparation of seedlings
First, tomato seedlings are obtained, after which they are transferred to the greenhouse. Plants require containers about 5 cm high. Soil can be taken from the greenhouse or purchased ready-made soil mixture.
The technology for growing seedlings includes the following order:
- Soil is poured into the container, which is watered and tamped.
- Small furrows up to 1,5 cm deep are made in the ground, where the seeds are placed. Between rows with plants leave 7 cm.
- The containers are located in a warm place with good lighting.
Seedling care includes a number of actions:
- after the emergence of seedlings of tomatoes, watering is carried out, which is repeated every two weeks;
- in the daytime, the temperature should be in the range from 18 to 20 ° C, at night – 16 ° C;
- Every day the containers are rotated so that all plants receive an equal dose of sunlight.
Plants are pinched, leaving 2/3 of the height, and transplanted into other containers. This procedure allows the seedlings to save energy for further flowering and fruiting.
Transfer to a greenhouse
Tomatoes are transferred to the greenhouse in the second half of May. First you need to change the temperature of the soil. Its value should exceed 13°C.
The transplant is carried out when the plant has 5 leaves and the root system has formed. Work is done in the afternoon. It is best to choose a cloudy but warm day.
Wells are pre-formed with a depth of 20 cm. 1 liter of potassium permanganate solution is poured into each hole (with a concentration of 1 g per bucket of water).
The lower leaves of the tomatoes need to be pinched off, after which the plants are placed in the holes and covered with soil. After 10 days, the bushes will take root, then they are filled up to the lower leaves.
Microclimate in the greenhouse
For the normal growth of a tomato in a polycarbonate greenhouse, the following conditions are required:
- Regular airing. In summer, under the influence of sunlight, the greenhouse heats up, which leads to the drying of the soil, the withering of tomatoes, and the fall of inflorescences. To prevent temperature rise, the greenhouse must be ventilated.
- Temperature conditions. For growth and fruiting, tomatoes require a temperature range of 22 to 25°C during the day and 16 to 18°C at night. If the temperature in the greenhouse exceeds 29 ° C, then the ovary of plants will not be able to form. Tomatoes remain resistant to short-term cooling down to 3°C.
- Humidity. Moisture indicators for plants should remain at 60%. With an increase in humidity, there is a risk of developing fungal diseases.
Shrub formation
Agrotechnics for growing tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse involves the correct formation of a bush. The procedure will allow plants to direct their forces to the ripening of fruits. Two weeks after planting, the tomatoes are tied up. During this period, they begin to form a bush.
The procedure for carrying out the procedure depends on the variety of plants. In tall tomatoes, one stem is formed. Stepchildren should be removed every 10 days until they have grown by 5 cm or more.
For medium-sized plants, two stems are formed. To do this, after the appearance of the first inflorescence, a stepson is left.
Low-growing varieties do not need pinching. After the formation of the third brush, their growth stops. In undersized plants, only the lower leaves are removed.
From the video you can learn about the features of growing tomatoes. The video talks about pinching and tying plants in a greenhouse:
Watering tomatoes
Tomatoes are watered immediately after planting, after which a break is made for two weeks. In the future, it is enough to water every three days.
The supply of moisture to tomatoes should take place according to the following scheme:
- May – early July: every 3 days;
- July – early August: every 4 days;
- August – September – every 5 days.
Watering of plants is carried out in the morning and in the evening, 1,5 liters each. You can reduce the amount of watering to 2 liters in cloudy weather. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening. It is not allowed to water the tomatoes during the day in the heat.
One of the secrets of growing tomatoes is the equipment of the irrigation system. In greenhouse conditions, it is possible to equip drip irrigation, which consists of a piping system.
This method of watering provides a gradual flow of moisture to the plants. As a result, tomatoes receive the necessary amount of moisture without overdrying and excessive soil moisture.
Application of fertilizers
Mandatory stage of growing and caring for tomatoes is the application of fertilizers. For this, organic or mineral components are used.
The first top dressing is carried out 3 weeks after planting the plants in the greenhouse. The following solution is prepared for processing:
- 0,5 l cow’s milk;
- 5 g of nitrophos.
The components are mixed in a bucket of water and watered tomatoes under the root. Such top dressing provides plants with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For each bush, the fertilizer consumption is 1 liter.
After 10 days, the second processing of tomatoes is performed. It is prepared on the basis of organic fertilizer and potassium sulfate, which require 1 tbsp. l.
Subsequent feeding of plants is carried out after 2 weeks. To prepare the solution, 5 g of superphosphate is taken per bucket of water. The agent is applied under the root of the plants.
Instead of superphosphate, it is allowed to use wood ash, which contains a complex of useful substances and is a natural fertilizer.
Foliar top dressing
Another feature of growing tomatoes is regular spraying. This procedure provides plants with the supply of nutrients. When leaf processing, useful components are absorbed much faster than when watering under the root.
A solution for sheet processing is prepared with strict observance of the proportions of all components. Otherwise, the plant will get leaf burn.
Spraying of tomatoes is carried out every 10 days. It is best to alternate foliar tillage with fertilization into the soil.
The following solutions are prepared for spraying greenhouse tomatoes:
- 1 liter of milk or whey per 9 liters of water;
- 3 cups of woody water are infused in 3 liters of water, then water is added to a volume of 10 liters;
- 50 g of urea per bucket of water (before the plants start flowering);
- 1 tbsp calcium nitrate per 10 liters of water.
During flowering, tomatoes are fed with boron. This substance increases the number of flowers, promotes the development of ovaries and increased yield. Processing is performed once per season.
For spraying, a solution is prepared, consisting of 1 g of acid per 1 liter of water. The substance of the beginning is dissolved in hot water, after which cold water is added to the required volume.
Protection against diseases and pests
Tomatoes are prone to fungal diseases that spread with high humidity. One of the most dangerous lesions is phytophthora, which spreads to the leaves, stems and fruits of plants.
To protect tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse from diseases and insects, chemicals and folk remedies are used. All of them are aimed at eliminating the source of the disease and helping weakened plants.
An iodine solution is a folk remedy for combating tomato diseases. It is obtained by mixing 15 drops of iodine and 10 liters of water. 1 liter of non-fat milk can be added to the solution. For prevention, the treatment of plants is carried out twice a month.
The greatest harm to tomatoes is caused by the larvae of the May beetle, aphids, scoops, bears, spider mites. Insecticides (“Antikhrushch”, “Rembek”, “Proteus”) will help protect plantings from pests.
An infusion of dandelions helps against pests. Fresh plants are crushed, placed in a container and water is added. After 3 days, you can use funds for watering the soil. Instead of dandelions, garlic is often used in the form of heads, arrows or husks.
The fruits of tomatoes are carefully plucked along with the stalk. The crop is harvested after the tomatoes turn pink. If you leave them until fully ripe, then the subsequent fruits will lose in mass.
The rate of ripening of tomatoes depends on the variety and the conditions created in the greenhouse. An early harvest is given by hybrid varieties that give a large harvest in a short time.
If greenhouse varieties are grown, then determinant tomatoes give an early harvest. Other varieties bear fruit a month later.
You can harvest a good crop of tomatoes in a greenhouse, subject to the rules for planting and growing this crop. You need to regularly take care of plantings, properly form a bush, tie up plants, and perform top dressing. You can learn about pinching and tying tomatoes from the video. Additionally, the video tells other subtleties of planting care.