If you are tired of growing potatoes, you can pay attention to such a root crop as sweet potato. Another name for him is “earth potatoes.” How to grow sweet potato? How to care for it and when to collect? These questions are often asked by gardeners. Indeed, when growing each vegetable or fruit, there are some nuances and features. Sweet potato contains a large amount of useful vitamins, trace elements that are necessary for the human body. It is very easy to digest, although it has a fairly high calorie content.
What conditions do root crops need?
The sweet potato itself is of tropical origin and is considered an exotic fruit. And yet it can be bred in the middle lane and even in Siberia.
Some experts believe that the cultivation of sweet potatoes takes much less effort than the “extraction” of the potato crop. It doesn’t need to be buffed. And the benefits are much greater.
In our latitudes, sweet potato grows in light soil and likes moderate watering. It is very good when the soil has a high nitrogen content, and it is sandy loamy with an acidity level of 5,5-6,5. When growing, the plant spreads along the ground and, as it were, covers it and suppresses weeds.
The most comfortable temperature for its ripening and good yield is + 25-30 degrees. In cases where the temperature drops and becomes less than the lower optimum mark, the plant growth process slows down significantly. When the thermometer shows + 10C, growing sweet potatoes becomes impossible, since under such conditions the vegetable dies.
The quality of the environment in which the sweet potato was located will depend on its yield, taste characteristics.
Video “Growing seedlings”
From the video you will learn how to properly grow sweet potato seedlings for planting.
Growing seedlings
At home, you can grow sweet potato seedlings from seeds or from tubers. As a rule, it is problematic to find seeds in ordinary gardening stores; they can be ordered through special online stores or learned from farmers. But it should be understood that when making a purchase through the site, first you need to familiarize yourself with the reviews and reliability of the selected store.
The basis for planting includes: loose soil, humus, coarse sand. All components must be in equal quantities. You can not use simple land taken from the garden. Firstly, it lacks useful trace elements, and secondly, it may contain pests or become infected.
In order to grow sweet potato seedlings in special boxes, it is necessary to pour the resulting earthen mixture and push the seeds not very deep. This procedure is most advantageous to do in the second decade of February. Finished boxes are covered with foil and placed in a warm place. The most important thing is not to forget, constantly, to water the future vegetable.
To plant sweet potatoes, sprouts must reach 15-20 cm in height. The temperature of the soil at the same time be in a state of at least +15 degrees.
Before identifying a plant for beds, it needs to take a “course of a young fighter”. Approximately 14 days before the final “move”, boxes with seedlings are taken out into the fresh air and left there for several hours. This is done so that the plant gets used to the temperature difference and becomes more hardened.
Tubers are grown in January or February from fruits that are purchased in advance. Plant them in boxes or pots. With a narrow part down, the fruits, with a slight pressure, are pressed into a special substrate. Sprinkled on top with a 3-cm layer of coarse-grained sand. This is done so that excess moisture from the soil comes out. Thus, the plants will not rot. For complete confidence in a successful result and in order for the sweet potato seedlings to turn out to be of high quality and ready for transplantation, holes are drilled in the bottom of the box / pot.
You can pre-bath the sweet potato in a solution of copper sulphate, this will help to avoid the attachment of any infection.
The optimum temperature for tubers to germinate is + 17-27 degrees. In this case, you must not forget about regular watering. The first shoots appear after 1 month. One fruit of the vegetable gives 5-10 cuttings, and the sprouts are removed on average 6 times every 8-10 days.
The internodes are separated from the tuber and transplanted separately into pots in order for the roots to break through. But they can also be placed in water or planted in a garden, but subject to the temperature outside +25 degrees. Just like germinated seeds, they need to be hardened and accustomed to the sun’s rays.
Grow seedlings from the fruits of those that have not been stored in the refrigerator and have not been processed for long-term preservation. To do this, it is better to use sweet potatoes taken from farmers, and not in stores.
Landing technique
Sweet potato cultivation in open soil requires special features, it is best to choose calm areas.
The earth in the autumn period is preliminarily dug up and enriched with humus, rotted manure or potassium sulfate. If there is high acidity in the soil, then it is necessary to reduce it by adding limestone. In the spring, before planting the future vegetable, fertilize the ground with ammonium nitrate and loosen it.
The holes are dug about 15 cm deep, a pre-grown sprout is planted in them. The intervals between rows should be at least 70 cm, and the distance between planted seedlings should be about 30 cm, so there is an advantage for further harvesting a good harvest. This principle of seating helps to create a natural “carpet” of leaves in the future and protect against rapid loss of moisture from the soil.
They are planted so that the internodes are deepened 2 centimeters underground. To save from temperature fluctuations, sweet potato seedlings are covered with a film or plastic bottles. If the plant has taken root after planting, then new leaves begin to appear in it.
vegetable care
Sprouting the future vegetable correctly is an important part of the whole procedure, but you should also remember the nuances of caring for it. The most important thing is to take into account the temperature indicators, to protect as much as possible from drops and cold wind.
Regarding watering, it should be noted that the sweet potato needs a large amount of water, but only in the first month after planting. In no case should you “fill in” and arrange puddles, which provokes stagnation of water. Watering is done when the topsoil dries out slightly. Germination can be improved with wood ash, which is infused for 2-3 weeks in water.
Rooting in nodes should be avoided. This will significantly affect the quality of the tubers. When going around, cut off the roots under the leaves.
When to Harvest?
The timing of digging sweet potatoes depends on some important factors. First of all, these include planting time, variety and region. Depending on the type of this product, it is possible to determine the maturation period in the soil (which lasts from 3 to 6 months).
The main indicator of the collection are yellowed tubers and foliage on the bushes. Most often, it is recommended to harvest in warm and not rainy weather, since a wet vegetable is stored less in time and deteriorates faster. After digging, dry for several hours in the fresh air. But despite this, there are species that can be dug up after the first frost.
Usually the yield amount is 1 to 2 kg/m2. Harvesting, in order to preserve the integrity of the tubers, is recommended with a pitchfork, since the sweet potato is considered very easy to damage. Storage must be carried out in small boxes and at a temperature of 8 to 15 degrees. Exposure – 4-7 days, room temperature 25-30C.
The conditions for storing sweet potatoes are important in order to keep the vegetable in good condition for a long time.
Sweet potato cultivation in the middle lane does not cause much trouble, the main thing is to follow certain recommendations and the main growing system.
Video “Increase in yield”
From the video you will learn how to increase the yield of sweet potatoes.