Spring is a joyful and difficult time for gardeners. There is a lot of trouble in growing seedlings, sowing seeds in the ground. And strawberry lovers often face the question of how and where to place a delicious fragrant berry. Gardeners do not always have large plots. And I want a variety of plants to grow in the country. Gardeners are difficult to confuse, they emerge victorious from any situation.
So, and with the planting of fragrant garden strawberries. If there is not enough space on the ground, then you can start growing strawberries in boxes on the street. Beginners are often interested in what container plants can be planted in, what kind of soil should be used, what are the features of care.
Advantages and disadvantages
Gardeners quite often plant strawberries in various boxes, in buckets, and large flowerpots.
What are the advantages of such a landing:
- Small boxes and buckets are mobile “beds” that can be moved to a new place at any time.
- In autumn, such structures can be placed in a greenhouse or on a window or balcony.
- The berries do not come into contact with the ground, they get sick less.
- Pests that live on the ground (mice, slugs, snails, bears) cannot get to the roots and leaves.
- Picking berries is a pleasant thing, because you don’t have to “bow” before each berry.
Some of the disadvantages of growing strawberries in boxes and buckets cannot be kept silent. First, it is difficult to regulate watering. Secondly, if the boxes are wooden, then the service life is limited. Thirdly, increased requirements for soil fertility.
Container for planting strawberries
For growing strawberries on the street, you can take any boxes. They can be made of wood or plastic. You can use ready-made boxes in which products are brought to the store. Wooden and plastic containers already have holes for planting seedlings. Some gardeners use old buckets, because they still have to make holes.
And how do you like this option of using items that go out of fashion. One would like to say in verse: before, little things were stored in it, but now strawberries are growing. The old chest of drawers (pictured below) has become a unique garden bed.
We are preparing the soil
Strawberries develop quickly, after the first flowering and the formation of fruits, the second wave will soon come. It needs fertile soil to grow. To grow strawberries in boxes and buckets, you need to prepare the soil, following the rules:
- A layer of drainage must be laid out at the bottom of the containers (up to 25% of the volume of the bucket or box) so that there is no stagnant water. Otherwise, the root system will begin to rot, which leads to the death of strawberries. In addition, the drainage cushion allows oxygen to pass through, which is necessary for the harmonious development of plants. Most often, crushed stone or gravel is used.
- Strawberries love fertile, loose soil. Be sure to add sand with large fractions. It is mixed with soil. Due to the presence of sand, gas exchange will increase, which contributes to the rapid growth and development of strawberries. You can not take land in the place where strawberries used to grow.
- Peat, wood ash must be added to the soil. If there are not enough nutrients in the soil, plants in boxes and buckets may stop growing. Naturally, the berries will be small and tasteless.
- Since remontant strawberry varieties are most often grown in boxes and buckets in order to get a crop several times a season, it is necessary to apply nitrogen and ammonia fertilizers before planting. Some gardeners, before planting strawberries, add carrots and beets chopped on a blender down the wells as a source of sugar. In their opinion, plants take root better.
- Since garden strawberries often suffer from a black leg, the soil must be disinfected by watering it with boiling water with dissolved potassium permanganate crystals.
- The prepared soil is laid out in planting containers and watered with clean water.
Rules for planting strawberries in boxes
When planting strawberries in boxes, use the one-line method. The hole is filled with water and seedlings are placed in the resulting mud. Roots need to be straightened. Dry earth is sprinkled on top and the plant is gently pressed. If this is not done, then there will be no close contact with the ground, this will adversely affect rooting. Checking if the plant sits well in the ground is simple: lightly pull on the leaves. If the bush has not moved, then it is planted according to the rules.
Before planting, the roots are cut at the seedlings, leaving from 5 to 7 cm. This technique provokes the rapid development of lateral roots. Landings need to be watered again and mulched.
Features of plant care
Breeding strawberries in various containers is used by many summer residents. They note that there are no special differences in the care of strawberries. Landings need to be weeded, loosen the soil, water and feed.
Although there are nuances that you need to pay attention to:
- Difficulties may arise when watering plants. Soil in wooden or plastic boxes dries out faster than regular beds.
- Since space is limited in strawberries, plants quickly select nutrients. Strawberries need to be fed more often, especially for remontant varieties after the first wave of fruiting.
Crates for strawberries
Most often, gardeners grow strawberries in boxes. This is the most convenient container, in addition, you can use ready-made options or make boxes yourself. You can plant seedlings on one or both sides, as in the picture.
Benefits of boxes:
- You can grow strawberries in such a container on a rigidly fixed basis or in a suspended form.
- Using plastic or wooden boxes of different sizes, you can build pyramids out of them. Such designs attract the attention of gardeners who want to see beauty in their garden.
And how do you like this option of using boxes for strawberries. Three boxes are stacked on top of each other, plants peek out from the cracks between the boards. Each layer is mulched with straw.
If you want to plant garden strawberries in plastic boxes, use not only store containers, but also containers for fruits and vegetables. Although the soil dries out faster in them, it also heats up better. Plants feel comfortable.
An interesting video about a garden fence with strawberries:
Buckets for strawberries
Buckets are an equally interesting option that saves land in the country. You can use old buckets from any material.
Planting in such containers will depend on the method of growing strawberries. Gardeners use different options:
- separate buckets;
- collected in a pyramid. The most attractive are the buckets collected in an amazing cascade, as in this photo.
- hung on rings or chains.
The option used can cause difficulties when watering. In addition, in such buckets, the soil dries out much faster than in boxes. Due to the large weight of the container, rings or chains can fly off, so you need to take care of a secure fastening. Although the method used saves the area as much as possible.
How to apply buckets:
To summarize
Growing strawberries is a kind of hobby that can become a business idea at any time. As a rule, they study in small areas, gaining experience. Today, many amateur gardeners get large yields of strawberries even in small areas in buckets, boxes, flowerpots.
Watch a video about one person passionate about strawberries: