Growing roses in a greenhouse: proper care and conditions

Many people think that growing a rose in a harsh climate is almost impossible. In fact, all you need is a good greenhouse, and then the queen of flowers will delight you for most of the year. Growing roses in a greenhouse is the topic of our article today.

Features of the method

Growing roses in a greenhouse: proper care and conditions

Growing your favorite flowers in greenhouse conditions is not an easy task. It is important to follow certain rules. For example, it is necessary that the greenhouse is spacious enough, and also provides the necessary ventilation. For those who plan to grow a large number of flowers at once, it is important to take care of the full automation of the greenhouse, it will be very difficult to do all the necessary work manually.

Video “Growing roses in a greenhouse”

From this video you will learn how to build a business growing roses in a greenhouse.

Growing roses in a greenhouse. Business idea for the whole year

Selection of varieties and preparation of seedlings

For growing in greenhouse conditions, it is important to choose those varieties of roses that will feel good in a greenhouse – if you choose the wrong one, there is a high risk that the buds will form incorrectly. Varieties such as hybrid tea, floribunda and all miniature varieties have proven themselves well. In addition, it is important to consider the resistance of the selected variety to those diseases that often affect plants in greenhouses, such as powdery mildew. Winter-hardy varieties of roses for growing in a greenhouse are not suitable.

The success of the whole business will depend on the proper preparation of seedlings. Seedlings can be obtained in three ways:

  • order by mail;
  • buy in a specialized store or nursery;
  • grafting their own culture on the wild rose.

It is important that the bushes intended for planting are fresh and healthy. It would be useful to spray the seedlings with a weak solution of copper sulfate to protect them from various diseases. If you purchased seedlings from a nursery, you can immediately plant them in a permanent place, otherwise the survival rate of roses may suffer.

Indoor microclimate

Growing roses in a greenhouse: proper care and conditions

In order for roses to grow lush and beautiful, it is important to provide them with the right level of lighting. Remember: it is the leaves that need the light, not the soil, so the ground can be covered with a layer of mulch from rotted manure. With the advent of autumn, plants need daily supplementary lighting for at least 5 hours.

It is equally important to maintain optimal humidity – at about 70%. If this indicator deviates in one direction or another, the risk of disease damage to roses increases.

Seedlings should be rooted by maintaining the air temperature at +10 ° C. When the plants take root, the temperature range should be within +22 ° C during the day and +20 ° C at night.

Try to ventilate the greenhouse daily: it is important that the air temperature in it does not rise above +27 ° C. The duration of ventilation in the spring-summer period should be higher.

Rules of landing

Growing roses in a greenhouse: proper care and conditions

Before planting roses, be sure to enrich the soil in the greenhouse. This is done with peat, mullein and superphosphate.

If you purchased a seedling with an open root system, be sure to treat it with copper sulphate. Then we cut off all weak or underdeveloped shoots, leaving no more than 2 stems, each of which should have about four buds. All sections must be treated with any antibacterial agent, slightly dried. You can treat the roots with any growth stimulant to improve the survival rate of the bushes.

Bushes should be planted only when the soil in the greenhouse warms up sufficiently (at least +12 ° C). The planting density is maintained at the level of 15 plants per square meter (planting pattern – 0,3 × 0,3 m). Seedlings should not be buried too deep – the growing point should remain above ground level. The earth around the planted bushes is pressed and watered abundantly.

Further Care

Growing roses in a greenhouse: proper care and conditions

The subsequent care of the planted roses consists in observing the optimal growing conditions for a particular variety, maintaining the required level of humidity and temperature.

Watering and spraying

Roses should be watered abundantly as soon as the ground dries out to a depth of about 3 cm. If the soil is not mulched, it can be slightly loosened after each watering. At the same time, weeds are removed and the bushes are inspected for pests or signs of disease. All roses respond well to regular spraying. To do this, use water at room temperature.


For top dressing, a complex mineral mixture is used at least 1 time per month. If it is not possible to purchase it, you can use your own fertilizer: take a mullein infusion, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, and alternate it with mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, ammonium and potassium nitrate).


As a rule, when growing roses, we strive to get a flower with a long stem. To do this, pinch all side shoots and buds, leaving only one shoot with buds, which will form new sprouts.

Experienced gardeners are advised to follow a simple rule: for every square meter of soil, there should be about 30 skeletal shoots.

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