Growing radishes in trays (cassettes) from under eggs

Planting radishes in egg cells is a new method of growing a crop that has many advantages over the standard method. This early root crop is a favorite vegetable for many gardeners, but not everyone decides to grow it, arguing that it is difficult to prepare the soil after radishes for planting other plants. However, a solution has been found: the procedure can be simplified by growing a culture in egg cells.

Growing radishes in trays (cassettes) from under eggs

Benefits of growing radishes in egg trays

Growing radishes in egg cells has many advantages:

  • saving planting material;
  • convenience of sowing small radish seeds in separate cells;
  • absence of weeds;
  • seedlings do not need thinning;
  • mulching and loosening the soil subsequently is not necessary.

Preparation of beds

Advice! It is desirable to grow radishes in cells from under eggs in sunny and bright areas. At the same time, the recommended daylight hours should be no more than 10 hours, otherwise, the root crops will not have time to form before the appearance of peduncles.

Radishes should not be placed in areas with a high level of groundwater, excess moisture can cause cracking of root crops. The soil for radishes should be fertile, sandy or loamy, neutral or slightly acidic. The composition of the soil should also include at least 3% humus.

The place for the beds needs to be dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet, and then level the ground with a rake. During digging, the soil should be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. For 1 sq. m will need:

  • 5 – 6 kg of humus;
  • 30 g double granular superphosphate;
  • 30 g of potassium sulfate.

Planting radishes in egg cells

Even a beginner can handle planting radishes in egg trays. However, in order to get an early and rich harvest, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules.

Preparing seeds and egg trays

First of all, you need to start preparing egg cassettes. They need special treatment, because in some cases, chickens can be carriers of salmonellosis: the causative agents of this dangerous disease for humans, along with bird droppings, fall on the eggshell. In order not to infect the land for planting radishes through contact with egg cassettes, they are wiped with alcohol or heated in the oven at a temperature of 70 degrees.

After processing from the underside of each cassette, it is necessary to cut off the tops of the cells with a sharp clerical knife or scissors. As a result, through holes should be obtained, with which the cassettes should be directed downwards when placed on the ground.

Growing radishes in trays (cassettes) from under eggs

In the case when self-harvested radish seeds are used, it is recommended to treat them with Tiram before planting. Treatment with this preparation will further protect the radish planted in egg cells from the formation of root rot. Seeds bought in the store, as a rule, do not require processing, since it has already been carried out by the producers. If desired, seeds can be germinated before sowing by soaking in warm water for 12-16 hours.

Important! Radish seeds must be thoroughly dried before planting in cells.

How to sow radishes in egg cells

The best time for planting is the spring season. The beginning of spring is more preferable, but, first of all, it is necessary to build on climatic conditions. Seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 3 degrees Celsius.

The main rule for sowing radish seeds in egg cassettes is that each seed must be lowered into a separate cell. Radish seeds have almost 100% germination, therefore, if several pieces are planted in one cell, then the seedlings will have to be thinned out, thereby causing harm to the root system.

Algorithm for sowing radishes in cells from under eggs:

  1. Spread the prepared egg cells in the selected area, pressing them into the ground so that the ground begins to protrude slightly from the holes. This avoids a gap between the soil and the cassettes, into which seeds can fall.
  2. Fasten the cassettes with ordinary wire staples so that they are not blown away by the wind.
  3. Sort the seeds, removing all debris. Choose the largest. Put one seed in each cell, sprinkle with river sand.
  4. Liberally pour.

Egg cells are sprinkled with sand, not earth, since sand has several advantages: it does not form a crust after drying, and during harvesting it is enough just to shake it off and the root crops will become clean.

You can plant radishes in egg cells in another way:

  1. Dig up and then loosen the ground by adding crushed eggshells and ash during digging.
  2. Place prepared egg cells on the bed.
  3. Pour the cells with water until they are soaked.
  4. Pour a little humus on the bottom of the cells.
  5. Lay out the seeds and sprinkle with a small layer of soil.
  6. Water.
  7. Sprinkle again with soil mixed with humus, then water again.

Growing radishes in trays (cassettes) from under eggs

After sowing the seeds, the bed must be covered with a film until the first shoots appear, not forgetting to ventilate regularly. As a rule, the seeds begin to germinate and actively sprout after about a week.

Advice! Experienced summer residents know a way to continuously feast on fresh radishes for a long period. To do this, it must be sown weekly. In this case, when the old crop has already been harvested, the new one will just begin to ripen. Another trick is to plant several varieties with different ripening dates.

How to grow radishes in egg cells

Growing radishes in trays (cassettes) from under eggs

The subsequent care of radishes in egg cassettes is quite simple. The optimum air temperature for this crop is from 16 to 20 degrees Celsius. Young plants can withstand short-term cooling down to 3 degrees below zero, but with prolonged frosts they will die.

It is important to remember that, like all root crops, radishes prefer moist soil (the recommended soil moisture level is 60-70%) and does not tolerate drought. If the soil is not sufficiently moistened, the root crops will grow small, and their skin will become dense and rough. In case of waterlogging, the foliage will begin to turn yellow, and cracks will form on the root crops.

Radishes growing in egg cassettes are best watered daily with small portions of water. Otherwise, the surface layer of the soil mixture may dry out. The best time for watering is in the evening after sunset. When watering, you should always focus on air temperature and rainfall. During cold weather, the frequency of watering should be reduced to three times a week.

Radishes in egg trays can be watered in another way:

  • 2 – 3 times a week – during drought and heat;
  • Once a week – in rainy weather.

Water consumption in this case, on average, should be about 10 liters per 1 sq. m.

Advice! Radishes in egg cells are recommended to be watered with soft rainwater; several open barrels can be installed on the site to collect it. If this is not possible, you can use carefully settled tap water.

If the soil was qualitatively fertilized before planting, then additional dressings are not required, they can provoke the accumulation of nitrates in root crops. Root crops planted in sand do not need to be loosened, because after watering a crust does not form on it. The earthen soil is periodically loosened, it should also be mulched with a layer of peat or humus to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

The ripening period of root crops is about 30 days.

Pests and diseases

Of the pests of radishes, cruciferous fleas are mainly threatened. You can get rid of them with the help of ash, infusion of tansy, a solution of soapy water or dusting with tobacco dust.

In addition to cruciferous fleas, root vegetables can be attacked by various beetles, butterflies and slugs. As folk remedies for repelling pests, fertilizer from slurry and spraying plants with tincture of dope or henbane are used.


Growing radishes in trays (cassettes) from under eggs

Planting radishes in egg cells greatly facilitates the process of growing a crop, making this method gaining more and more popularity. The technology contributes to obtaining a rich, high-quality crop, which nothing can interfere with or harm during growth. At the same time, it only becomes easier to harvest, it is enough just to lightly pull the tops – and the root crops will leave the egg cells without much effort.

Growing radishes in cassettes. Step-by-step instruction

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