The method of growing oyster mushrooms has its own characteristics. These mushrooms need a lot of daylight, so they can be grown not only in a greenhouse, like champignons, but also directly in open ground. This requires the actual mycelium (mycelium) and wood.
For breeding oyster mushrooms, stumps left over from deciduous fruit trees growing on the site are most often adapted. A disk 4-6 centimeters thick is cut from the top of the stump, and the cut is treated with a special paste. Its layer should be from 5 to 8 millimeters. Then the cut disc is put in place and nailed on both sides. So that the mycelium does not dry out and does not die, the stump is covered with grass, branches or coniferous spruce branches. Film is suitable for this. If the weather is hot, the stump must be additionally watered with clean water. In May or June, the mycelium needs to be grafted, and in the fall you can harvest the first crop. Mushrooms will appear until the onset of frost. But the peak of productivity will be in the second year. The stump is able to grow oyster mushrooms until it finally collapses from time to time.
Shiitake is bred in the same way as oyster mushrooms, which were discussed a little higher. This mushroom feels at ease in the shade, near fountains, springs, ponds and other bodies of water. It does not harm the garden, so gardeners grow it with pleasure. Quite unpretentious, grows remarkably on logs slightly submerged with water, or even sawdust. He loves heat, but survives at a temperature of + 4 degrees, but frosts are fatal for him.
Shiitake is very palatable, after cooking its cap remains dark. The mushroom is also valued for its medicinal properties. It supports human immunity, and with prolonged use, it can even resist cancer cells.