Growing onions on a windowsill in winter: an annual supply of vitamins

A distinctive feature of the windows of our apartments in the cold season is the bow in winter on the windowsill. No wonder – this plant is useful, it is used in almost all main dishes, it is convenient when it is at hand.

This culture has been built for more than five thousand years by different peoples, its agricultural technology has been studied up and down. Growing onions is not something that is easy and simple, but very easy and simple, and most importantly, it is pleasant to get a harvest and make up for the lack of vitamins for all family members. A lot is known about the benefits of onions, but the most valuable thing is that it is a storehouse of vitamin C, improves digestion, relieves beriberi, helps to cope with spring fatigue and prevent depression. Yes, and dishes with a green onion look aesthetically pleasing and appetizing.

Do you think you don’t know how to grow onions? Forget it! Every person who has hands and desire can grow it.

There are two ways to grow green onions on the windowsill: in water and in the ground. Each of these methods has its own nuances, which we will discuss.

Growing onions on a windowsill in winter: an annual supply of vitamins

The essence of the method

Growing onions on a windowsill using hydroponics. This method is known even to children – the usual cultivation in an ordinary glass, glass or other container filled with water. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to choose a better bulb and, when “planting”, perform some simple manipulations so that the crop appears earlier and thicker.

The essence of the hydroponics method is as follows:

  • for forcing greens, it is better to choose a slightly sprouted one, but if this is not the case, it does not matter, anyone will do;
  • selected bulbs should be washed in warm water and peeled;
  • if the head does not yet have sprouts, then the top of such a fruit is cut off by 1,5 cm;
  • fill the selected container with water (+40°C) to a level up to 1/3 of the height of the head (only the roots of the plant should be in the water);
  • tightly place the onion in the container;
  • send a container with “landing” material to the window sill.

Growing onions on a windowsill in winter: an annual supply of vitamins

Another way to grow is planting in the ground. For forcing green onions on the windowsill in this way, it is better to give preference to the heads of the bulb rather than the seed or the germination of seedlings. The method of planting in the ground is as follows:

  • selection, sevok will be an ideal option;
  • a container is selected in which the onion will be germinated – these can be bowls, boxes, containers, any container with a depth of at least 7 cm;
  • prepared bulbs are planted in containers filled with soil;
  • placement on the windowsill.


Since, by and large, everything is clear with the forcing of a feather by hydroponics and there should be no questions, we will consider in more detail the agricultural technique of growing green onions in the ground.

You should start with the selection and preparation of the soil. For planting onions for the winter, it can be both soil and a substrate (fine gravel or expanded clay, sand). When using the substrate, it must first be treated with a hot potassium permanganate concentrate, and then rinsed with clean water.

The container is filled with soil. In the case of the earth, its level is 4 cm, if it is a substrate, then the water should be 1 cm above its surface.

Growing onions on a windowsill in winter: an annual supply of vitamins

It is necessary to prepare a seedling. The process is the same as when growing green onions in water: the selected material is peeled, the top of the bulb is cut off by 1,5 cm, the heads are immersed in a container with hot water (+40 ° C). Next, the container must be sent to the battery for 1-2 days, allowing the plant to “wake up”, this step will accelerate the growth of greenery.


Onions should be planted tightly together, holding it in an upright position. It is impossible to immerse the onion strongly in the ground, the roots should be mainly in the soil, the maximum depth is 1/3 of the bulb.

After planting, the container with seedlings must be placed in a warm place and kept at a temperature not lower than + 25 ° C for 7 days. After the appearance of 1-2 sprouts, the seedlings are transferred to the windowsill.

There is a great way to grow green onions and save space on your windowsill. For this, resourceful gardeners came up with a design with the interesting name “onion cactus” or “onion tree”. To bring this idea to life, you will need:

  • window sill;
  • priming;
  • planting container (bottle);
  • pallet;
  • planting material – onions.

Growing onions on a windowsill in winter: an annual supply of vitamins

The landing process is as follows:

  • the neck and bottom are cut off from the container;
  • round holes are cut out throughout the container with a size equal to the planting bulb;
  • the pallet is covered with earth;
  • the container is placed on a pallet and covered with earth up to the first circle of holes;
  • bulbs are inserted into the cut out circles with their roots in the ground and sprinkled with earth;
  • all planting actions are repeated to the top of the bottle;
  • at the top in a vertical position, seedlings are also immersed.


Onion is a photophilous plant, but does not tolerate heat. The ideal option is when the windows are located on the south side, southwest or southeast, so the plants will receive a sufficient amount of light. With a lack of sunlight, it is necessary to organize additional illumination, preferably with fluorescent lamps.


Onions in winter on the windowsill must be watered with warm tap water. The frequency of soil moistening is 1 time in 2 days, the main thing is to make sure that the soil does not dry out, but also not to allow excess water to avoid rotting of the roots of the plant.

Growing onions on a windowsill in winter: an annual supply of vitamins


Experienced gardeners recommend not cutting off the first green shoots so that the growth of greenery does not stop. The first cut of the crop occurs after 21 days. Start cutting seedlings on the sides, leaving the central feathers intact.

Additional fertilizing

This culture does not require top dressing. However, to accelerate the growth of greenery in winter, you can take 10 g of wood ash for 50 liters of water.

Temperature conditions

The optimum temperature in the room where the onion grows should not exceed + 20 ° C, otherwise the plant will wither.

Some helpful tips:

  • in order to harvest continuously, it is necessary to plant in different boxes with an interval of 12-14 days;
  • in order for the greens to be even, containers with seedlings must be turned in different directions to the light.

Growing onions is not only a simple process, but also a fascinating one. You can safely involve children in this business. In addition, it is useful for people of different age categories. Greenery on your windowsill – the health of your family.

Video “Growing green onions at home”

In this video, the secrets of growing green onions at home: tips on choosing planting material, planting, care, harvesting.

Growing onions at home. GuberniaTV

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