Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

Greens, especially onions, are a beautiful ingredient in any dish: on New Year’s Eve – it turns into a Christmas tree, and by March 8 it becomes tulip stalks, they are tied with “bags” of pancakes and meat filling that are beloved by many. In a word, this plant becomes an indispensable assistant to housewives. In order for it to please all year round, it is necessary to grow onions for greens in a greenhouse.

Green onions have the ability to improve digestion and the process of assimilation of food taken with it. This is not the whole list of the positive effects of this vegetable on the body, but even without knowing this, it becomes clear that people want to grow green onions in winter and summer.

Greenery is a product that is relevant and in demand at any time of the year, but at the same time unpretentious in greenhouse cultivation.

If everything is much simpler with planting in the summer – you can plant it on a personal plot, then in winter you will need a greenhouse to get a crop.

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

greenhouse requirements

For growing onions in a greenhouse, structures made of various materials are used:

  • polycarbonate;
  • glass;
  • film.

The choice of coverage most often rests on finances. The cheapest option is film, but it should be noted that it will need to be replaced every year, so is it so cheap? On the other hand, saving on coverage in the first year will make it possible to purchase the necessary tools and equip the premises. Of the inconveniences in this coating is the annual installation / dismantling.

In the long term, growing green onions in a greenhouse will be the best material for polycarbonate. The main advantages of this material:

  • reduction of heat loss, which means a reduction in heating costs;
  • decent strength;
  • durability of the structure.

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

As for the placement site, it should be protected from the wind, the best location is south.

The greenhouse must be equipped with the following:

  • a workable heating system, if landing for the winter is planned;
  • lighting system (preferably vertical lamps);
  • boxes with soil or beds.

Where to plant? There are several options. You can plant directly into the ground, but in this way there is an irrational use of the area. The best option would be – the construction of shelving. In addition, shelving saves the gardener from several tasks:

  • on racks, the soil warms up faster, as a result, the growth period is reduced by 12-15 days on average;
  • the construction of racks saves a person from having to bend his back and crawl on his knees;
  • for watering plants, less water is required, and this is already saving;
  • when constructing several-tier racks, the landing area automatically increases.

When equipping the racks, do not forget to use last year’s film, put it on the base and pour earth into it.

Be sure to organize heating, especially along those walls of the greenhouse that will not receive sunlight.

Plants will need lighting in winter and in cloudy weather. If onions will be grown on racks, then fluorescent lamps must be used to illuminate the lower tiers, since it is on them that the plants lack light.

By and large, now the greenhouse is ready.

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

Which variety to choose?

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse is a rather profitable business, but in order to get a good harvest, you need to not only create conditions for the plant to grow, but also choose the right variety. It should be noted that there are several types of onions grown on greens:

  • onion;
  • batun;
  • slizun;
  • chives;
  • tiered bow.

Bow-batun. This plant belongs to the category of perennials. The harvest period lasts from early spring to late autumn. Its peculiarity is that it does not form bulbs. The greens of this plant are similar to the greens of the onion. It tolerates winter well. Its landing is better to start in December.

In this species, the following are considered the best varieties:

  • Gribovsky-21;
  • salad-35;
  • Local Ural;
  • May 7

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

Slime. The plant is milder in taste than onions, has a garlic flavor. It tolerates cold and frost well, loves humidity. Planting of this type can be done at any time of the year – this is its advantage.

Schnitt. This species is also perennial, but is more suitable for open ground, as it is frost-resistant.

The best varieties:

  • Pink K-1669;
  • Siberian K-1670.

Multi-tiered onions are the most suitable species for growing in the autumn-winter period in a greenhouse. The best varieties: Gribovsky-38, Odessa winter 12.

Onion. Most often, gardeners choose this particular species for growing greens in a greenhouse. Multi-germ varieties are selected that are able to form more leaves.

The best varieties of this species:

  • Stuttgart Riesen;
  • Strigunovsky local;
  • Bessonovsky fruitful;
  • Danilovsky 301

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

Planting and care

Growing onions in a greenhouse takes place all year round, but it is best to produce them from October to May. The soil is prepared in advance, it must be fertile and loose. Almost all crops love fertilized soil. Before planting, it is advised to add the following fertilizer to the soil mixture, the calculation is per 1 sq.m.:

  • manure – 1 bucket;
  • superphosphate – 30g;
  • potassium chloride – 15g.

Onions in a greenhouse are planted in three ways: using heads, seeds or seedlings.

If planting is done with bulbs, then in October the planting material is located in boxes at a distance of one centimeter from each other. If planting occurs in early spring, then the distance between seedlings for growing is increased to five to eight centimeters.

Planting seedlings is carried out in early March. Initially, seeds are prepared: they are soaked either for three days in water at room temperature, or placed for 8 hours in water with a temperature of + 40 ° C. Next, the seeds are sown in prepared containers. Seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse no earlier than two months after germination.

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

Each type of onion has its own planting technology.

So, batun can be grown with seedlings and seeds, starting in December. Sowing is carried out densely: 3g is used per 1 sq.m. site. Resorting to the seedling method, grow five plants in a container, which are then planted in such groups at a distance of 15 cm from each other. For the purpose of one-year forcing during harvesting, green leaves are pulled out along with an underdeveloped bulb, otherwise only greens are cut off. It should be noted that three-year-old bulbs are fast-bearing.

Slime onions are grown in three ways: dividing the bulbs, seeds or seedlings. After planting any kind of onion, it must be watered with warm water.

Onions have been grown in the greenhouse since the end of November. Harvest can be harvested in this case after 30 days. The secret of the delicious greenery of this plant is in planting – the soil for planting should be with neutral acidity, as well as sufficiently moist. We can say that this species is quite fertile, can yield up to 5 times per season.

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

Onion care is quite simple, this plant is not demanding. All it takes is:

  • feed the plant 1 time for the entire growth period, using a solution of ammonium nitrate at the rate of 30 g per bucket of water;
  • abundant watering, onions are very fond of water;
  • control the level of soil moisture, prevent rotting of the bulb;
  • observe the temperature regime, especially in winter (not lower than + 19 ° C during the day and not less than + 12 ° C at night);
  • prevent drafts in the greenhouse;
  • prevent plant diseases (onion mosaic, black mold, onion fly, tobacco thrips, etc.)

Experienced gardeners claim that if the onion is fed a week after planting, and then 10 days after the first feeding, then it will yield much more. The following mixture is offered as a fertilizer:

  • water – 1 bucket;
  • ammonium nitrate – 15-20g;
  • superphosphate – 30g;
  • potassium chloride – 15-20g.

Green onions in the greenhouse must be cut in time. The average is a sheet length of 30 cm.

Growing onions for greens in a greenhouse

Features of growing for sale

The main secret in growing onions for sale is the right choice of planting material. Selection rules to be followed for a successful outcome:

  • it is worth choosing early or mid-season varieties;
  • for sprouting onions on greens for the purpose of subsequent sale, the best is sevok (two-year-old);
  • it is unacceptable to plant an onion with an open “neck”, such a vegetable affects rot;
  • if the bulb’s root buds are already swollen, this material is very good for planting;
  • when growing onions for sale, it is better to equip the greenhouse with multi-tiered racks, thereby increasing the planting area.
  • if germination will come from different “batch” and varieties, then it is better to check the growth rate in order to avoid an extra crop that will be lost.

Forcing green onions is a fairly profitable investment that will bring profit ten times more.

Video “Growing green onions in a greenhouse, part 1”

This video describes the main points of running a greenhouse for growing green onions for sale.

Mini Course: Growing Green Onions (Part 1)

Video “Growing green onions in a greenhouse, part 2”

In this video, the continuation of the topic “Growing greenery in a greenhouse”: the main difficulties, specifics, care tips.

Mini Course: Growing Green Onions (Part 2)

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