You can pick mushrooms not only in forests, but also in your own dacha. In this regard, they are no worse than the popular strawberries, raspberries or blackberries.
But growing mushrooms is still not an easy task, requiring certain knowledge and a considerable amount of patience. At first glance, mushrooms and champignons do not require much effort: they grow on their own, without requiring watering, weeding or fertilizer. But the fact is that mushrooms are “independent” creatures and clearly do not want to become a garden crop, despite all our efforts.
At least until now, man has managed to “tame” less than a hundred species, and in nature there are thousands and thousands of them! But attempts continue. After all, it is not only interesting and profitable, but also useful for garden trees and shrubs. Mushrooms are able to process wood and garden “garbage” into humus, restoring the balance of soil formation. In this respect, mushrooms leave far behind even earthworms.
Not all mushrooms should be grown in the country, even if they are able to take root there. For example, edible flakes or autumn mushrooms feel at ease not only on dead stumps, but also on living trees. They are able to destroy the entire garden in a short time, parasitizing on apple trees or pears. Be careful!