Growing in the womb and visible on ultrasound: 10 facts about children’s hair

Growing in the womb and visible on ultrasound: 10 facts about children’s hair

Some babies are born with delicate fluff on their heads. Others – with luxurious hair. But all are equally beautiful and all require proper care.

Perhaps there are few things that are so surrounded by all kinds of myths as pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care. Is it true that heartburn in the expectant mother means that the child will be hairy? And if there is a lot of spicy food, will the child be bald? We dot all the Y’s – the most interesting facts about children’s hair and caring for them on

1. The child grows the first hair in the womb.

They are called “lanugo”, which means “fluff” or “fluff” in Latin. This hair covers not only the head, but also the body of the child, and the legs and arms. Mothers know: some babies are born fluffy. Lanugo – very thin hairs, they are formed on the 7-8th month of pregnancy and almost completely fall out in the last month, so that by the time of delivery, little remains of fluff. These hairs help the fetus to regulate the temperature, because it can be both cool and hot. Premature babies are often born quite hairy, but very soon there is no trace of these hairs.

2. The baby’s hair is visible on the ultrasound.

Not always, but there are such cases. It is a well-known fact when at the screening the doctor saw a kind of cloud on the head of the future baby. That was the hair! The child was quite expectedly born with impressive hair, and by the age of four months the girl (yes, a girl was born) had already grown her hair to her shoulders.

By the way, what kind of hair a child will have depends largely on genetics. But, obviously, there are other factors that affect the density of the baby’s hair. Scientists have not yet figured out what it might be.

3. Do you suffer from heartburn? A hairy baby is born.

Quite a widespread opinion – many believe that if a pregnant woman suffers from heartburn, then she will give birth to a child with luxurious hair. Of course, this is far from a fact. Heartburn can appear from an unsuitable diet, and for hormonal reasons: estrogen relaxes the muscles between the stomach and esophagus, here’s a whole bunch of unpleasant sensations for you. But there is still some truth in this myth – see point 4.

4. Mom’s hormones affect the hairiness of the baby.

Estrogen, the most female hormone, has the ability to affect the baby’s body by crossing the placenta. And this hormone, in addition to relaxing the muscles and increasing their elasticity, can also affect the amount of hair. And if estrogen penetrates enough, then the child’s hair will be the envy. True, it is impossible to predict this, as well as to influence the process.

5. A baby can be bald up to two years old.

Not quite bald, of course, he will have some hair. But if suddenly your baby has no enviable curls at six months, or even a year, do not worry. By the age of two, baby hair will finally be replaced by “real” hair, and then it will be possible to give free rein to their passion to weave pigtails for the girl, and for the boy to get a fashionable haircut.

6. Babies don’t smell sweet because of their hair.

Hair really has the ability to absorb odors, and if you were sitting in a cafe with not very good ventilation, then the exit from the hair will predictably smell of food. But baby hair is not about that. It’s not at all that they smell so that young parents roll their eyes with happiness. Scientists tend to believe that either the sweat glands are responsible for the smell of newborn babies, or it is the scent of amniotic fluid and primordial lubricant.

7. Baby hair needs special care.

This is obvious, because the baby himself cannot take care of his hair. First of all, there is no need to rush to rid the baby’s head of crusts. They can be oiled and gently combed out with a special soft brush, but without effort and fanaticism. Small children should not weave pigtails and make tight ponytails. For the baby’s fragile hair follicles, this can be an overwhelming test.

“Some mothers ask to make a child of two or three years old Afrokos, they say, beautifully. I immediately warn you that after such beauty, the child may remain bald, and I refuse to do the hair. But, unfortunately, some still find specialists who do not care whether your baby will have hair or not, ”explains the bradist Daria Shaposhnikova.

8. You don’t need to wash your child’s hair every day.

Rinsing with water is not prohibited. But it is not necessary to accustom hair from infancy to daily washing with shampoo. And you need to approach the process with the greatest accuracy, because the baby’s fontanel will only last for a year and a half.

Also, remember that babies’ hair can fray and fall out. This happens when he sleeps in one position, without changing the position of his head. However, this is completely normal – baby fluff will fall out anyway.

9. Shaving your baby a year is optional.

Some trichologists claim that it is even harmful. Like any aggressive action, shaving can damage the hair follicles on the baby’s head. However, in some cultures shaving the head is a required ritual. But if there are no such traditions in your family, then there is no reason to deprive a child’s head of hair.

10. The baby’s hair will change.

Soft, light, linen curls have every chance to turn into exuberant dark blond hair. What to do – as the color of the eyes changes, so does the color of the hair, their rigidity and density. And always in the direction of a darker shade. After all, the gene that is responsible for the dark color of the eyes and hair always suppresses the “light” genes. This is why real blondes and blondes are so rare.

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