Growing hyacinths, daffodils and tulips for the New Year

Growing hyacinths, daffodils and tulips for the New Year

We don’t waste a minute! We plant bulbs of spring flowers in pots so that primroses bloom on the window by the winter holidays.

Growing hyacinths

Large (more than 5 cm) bulbs are planted in pots with soil prepared from an equal amount of peat and sand or earth and sand. 2/3 of the bulbs are buried, 1/3 remains on the surface. The pots are stored in a dark place at a temperature of 5–9 ° C for 2–4 months and watered periodically.

When the flower stalks develop, the hyacinth pots are transferred to a bright room.

For the first two to three days, cover the pots with a dark cloth for several hours a day.

The duration of flowering of plants depends on the air temperature, at 15–20 ° С it lasts 7–10 days.


Large onions are soaked in very warm water (about 45 ° C) and kept for 4 hours. After that, they are planted in a container with earth so that the tops protrude to the surface by 1–2 cm. The spaces between the bulbs are filled with sand.

Then the containers are placed in a cool room for 2-3 months, once a week the plants are watered.

When the sprouts reach a height of 10-15 cm, the pots are transferred to a dark, cool room (no higher than 10 ° C). Two days later, the flowers are exposed to light, watered. Flowering will come in 2-3 weeks.


Only bulbs of the “extra” class are suitable for forcing – they are large and regular in shape. The bulbs are freed from dry scales and planted in a mixture of sand and earth (1: 1), 3-5 pieces per pot. The bulbs should sit tightly in the pot, but not touch each other, the soil thickness under them is at least 8-10 cm, on top – a layer of soil about 2,5 cm. Do not forget to water!

Plants are stored in a damp, dark and cool room (5-9 ° C) for about 10 weeks. Keep the soil moist: you can cover the container with a bag, periodically removing it to ventilate the bulbs.

When the sprouts reach a height of 5–6 cm, the flowers are transferred to a warm room (20 ° C). The first few days, the sprouts are covered with paper caps so that the stems stretch out a little.

When the caps are removed, the tulips will need highlight additionally within 3-5 hours using fluorescent lamps… The sprouts need regular watering. When the buds are colored, the container is moved to a cold window – this will prolong flowering.


In early November, corms are planted in a mixture of sod and leafy soil, peat and sand (1: 1: 0,5: 0,5) and placed in a dark, damp and cold place (the bottom shelf of the refrigerator will do).

After 2 months, the sprouts will reach 2-3 cm, and the pots are transferred to a cold window (10-12 ° C), and after 3-5 days – into the room (20-22 ° C) and watered moderately.

The first flowers will appear in 15-17 days.

For more detailed instructions read here.


The rhizomes of the lilies dug up in the second half of October. Only flower buds are taken for distillation – they are sharp, with a awl. Selected lilies of the valley are placed in plastic bags and stored on a glazed balcony at a temperature of 1-3 ° C.

Three weeks before the desired flowering period, lilies of the valley are planted in the ground. 10-13 shoots are planted in a pot (10-15 cm in diameter). In order for the flower buds to actively and amicably start growing, the rhizomes are frozen in the snow for a day before planting.

Prior to the appearance of peduncles, the pots are kept in a dark, warm (25-27 ° C) place. And when sprouts appear, they are taken out into diffused light and the temperature is maintained at 16-18 ° C. In order for the lilies of the valley to bloom as long as possible, after the first buds appear, you need to transfer them to a cool room.

By the way, the seeds and bulbs of fragrant freesia can also be planted for a whole year. To learn how to grow these beautiful flowers with the scent of lily of the valley on the window, read here.

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