Growing greens on the windowsill at home

If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, you can think about creating a small garden right on your own windowsill. Growing plants at home does not take much time. And in return you will get fresh, fragrant greens, which will contain many vitamins. It will be possible to use it without fear that there is any “chemistry” or nitrates there.


Growing it is very easy. The white root left from the plant is placed in a container of water. It should not cover the end of the stem. The place of the cut must be sprayed. And the vessel is placed where the sun’s rays fall. It will take a couple of days for the appearance of young foliage and roots. Growing greens on the windowsill at homeAfter a week, you can transplant the culture into the ground. Leaves should be above its surface. After a couple of weeks, you can really enjoy juicy greens. Sometimes the plant is planted directly into the soil. It should be well moisturized throughout the week.


A piece of rhizome is advised to be placed in the ground with the shoots up. Regular watering and placement of the plant in a sunny place is necessary. When new shoots and rhizomes are visible, you can get a piece from the container with the ground, separate another one from it and plant it again.

Lemongrass (lemongrass)

The necessary conditions for the germination of lemongrass are a small container of water, the role of which can be played by a glass, and the presence of the sun. Growing greens on the windowsill at homeAfter a week, it is permissible to transplant it into a convenient pot. If the stems have already grown to 30 cm in height, they are cut. At the same time, the remaining part of lemongrass does not stop its growth.


The root that remains after eating the plant is recommended to be placed in a glass or other small suitable container with liquid. Growing greens on the windowsill at homeBy placing it where there is enough light, it is realistic to expect a constant increase in the edible part of the culture. In winter, it is better to put a bowl with onions away from the window. So that drafts do not harm his health. Water is advised to be changed once a week, and the overgrown part is cut off as needed.


The soil for arugula should have a loose structure and be moistened normally.

Seeds are covered with dry soil and irrigated with a sprayer. Next, they must be covered with a film and placed in heat for germination. After 3-7 days, the film is removed.

Under it, the first shoots are found. The plant is placed in a permanent place. When the leaves reach a height of 10 cm, they can be used for cooking.


It is possible to grow fennel if you put part of the white root in a jar of water and put it in the light. There is another option – to sow seed material. In the first case, germination should be expected somewhat faster.


It is required to soak the seeds a couple of days before they are planned to be planted. This must be done in warm water. They should be sown to a depth of about 2 cm in a box or pot. Growing greens on the windowsill at homeYou can cover with a film before germination. Requires regular watering. Shoots should not be too much. Re-advise to plant radishes a week later with the obligatory application of top dressing.


Seeds should be planted to a depth of about 5 cm, sprayed from a sprayer. The plant needs shade. Shoots appear in a few weeks.


The upper part of the fruit is used. The rest are cut so as to leave the processes of the roots. The lower leaves are cut to 2 cm. Warm soil and good drainage are required.

At first, regular watering is carried out. Then the frequency is 1 time per week. Growth is observed already in the first month. But it’s really possible to enjoy the harvest after a couple of years.

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