Growing greens in the winter at home
In winter, the body lacks vitamins, and growing greenery will help fill this shortage. Moreover, spicy herbs are quite unpretentious to care for, and it will not be difficult to grow them.
Basic rules for growing greens at home
You can grow healthy greens from seeds. But it is much easier to buy pots or containers with mature plants. It remains only to transplant such greens in a larger container. And then you just need to properly care for the bushes and gradually cut the crop. But it’s worth noting that herbs grown from seeds are more viable and will delight you much longer.
Growing greens is a pretty simple process.
For growing on a windowsill, it is better to choose early varieties of greens. Pay attention to the expiration date of the planting material. Seeds lose their germination ability rather quickly.
It is recommended to plant useful plants in special soil. For these purposes, a mixture of vermicompost and coconut fiber, mixed in a 1 to 2 ratio, is best suited. In addition, drainage should be done at the bottom of pots or boxes. Small pebbles or expanded clay are suitable for this.
Greens are unpretentious plants. In spring and summer, it does not require any attention to itself and grows calmly in the garden. But in the winter, she needs more care. First of all, plants need to provide 13-15 hour daylight hours. To do this, you will need to place the pots under a special lamp.
To ensure that all plants receive the same amount of light, it is recommended that the pots or boxes be rotated 180ºC once a day.
Greens grown on the windowsill require abundant watering, because the hot air coming from the batteries drains them. Water the plants with settled water at room temperature. It is worth noting that it is rather difficult to water with an ordinary flower watering can, so it is best to spray from a spray bottle.
To prevent the plants from suffering from the hot air of the batteries, place containers of water next to the pots. Also, periodically cover the radiators with damp towels.
In order for the greens to give a good harvest, it is recommended to feed them. It is best to use organic fertilizers for these plants. But at home, they are quite difficult to apply. Therefore, you can do with minerals. The drug “Rainbow” has proven itself excellently.
Homemade greens grown on the windowsill will fill your body with all the necessary minerals and vitamins, which are so lacking in winter. Such plants require a minimum of attention, so even a novice florist can cope with the task.