Growing grapes from chubuk: features of planting

Many summer residents dream of having a chic vineyard for home use on their plot, but for this you need to buy a bunch of seedlings. Since such a luxury will cost a tidy sum, resourceful gardeners have found an alternative solution – to grow excellent grapes from chibouks.

Procurement of shank

What are chubuks?

The cut off parts of the lower one-year-old vine, which has already given fruit, are called chubuk by gardeners. In fact, this is an ordinary cutting, which has several “sleeping” buds, no more than 70 centimeters long. On the “trunk” the chubuk has several large knots, and it is cut off exclusively in the fall: in this way, rooting will have more chances after planting than in spring, for example.


For successful harvesting of high-quality shank, you should follow a few simple rules: the correct cut of the vine and storage. As for the process of cutting the future cuttings, in this case it is worth using only high-quality garden tools that are well sharpened. Otherwise, if the blade of a knife or pruner is rusty or dull, then the cutting will hurt. Therefore, it will no longer make sense to store it until landing. The incision itself should be made only at an acute angle – along an oblique line.

Growing grapes from chubuk: features of planting


This stage is no less important than cutting the chibouk, because if the correct temperature regime is not maintained in the room, or storage conditions, then the future grape bush will die and become unsuitable for planting in the ground. Many gardeners recommend choosing the optimal temperature for storage in the basement or barn, where the stalk will wait in the wings – from 0 to 5 degrees with a plus sign. Also, to preserve the cut vine, it is advised to use wet sand, and before wrapping the seedling in polyethylene, it is recommended to wash it. First of all, you need to make sure that mold does not start in the room.

Growing grapes from chubuk: features of plantingGermination

Growing good grapes from chibouks is half the battle, but germinating the cutting itself is a much more difficult task. In order to successfully cope with it, you need to choose the right “raw materials” and process it correctly.

Workpiece selection

A good harvest, as a rule, gives chibouks of a healthy green hue, without “pigmented” spots or damage. They don’t have to be rotten either. It is recommended to be up to 70 centimeters long, no more, otherwise they will not be preserved, and too short ones will not germinate. The width of the chibouk varies about 0,8 centimeters. On the trunk, the cut part of the vine should have up to three buds, and the cut itself should be dry.

Growing grapes from chubuk: features of planting

Preparation for disembarkation

Planting germinated cuttings is a secondary matter. First they need to be germinated from pieces of the vine. To do this, the chibouks stored during the winter are taken out and washed with cold water, and then with potassium permanganate. The whole process takes at least six hours. Next, you need to soak the future grape bushes in melt water for a third of the trunk, before updating the sections (about 0,2 centimeters). While they are soaking, special organic solutions, which are sold in any specialized store, can be added to the water to stimulate growth.

In a popular way, stimulate the growth of roots with the help of notches. They are made shallow at the very bottom of the process. Next is the process of growing the root system. It is done simply: the chibouks are planted in small containers with soil, humus and sand and placed in a dark place without a draft. Within three weeks – watering with warm water and loosening.

Growing grapes from chubuk: features of planting

At the end of the period, good roots should appear. If they are not there, an error was made in the process. And for better susceptibility of grapes to weather changes, it is advised to regularly take containers with cuttings into the air after the second week of germination. This will harden the future bush.

Departure and disembarkation

It is better to start planting the future bush in a permanent place by the middle of the summer season. Firstly, this will make it possible for the seedling to be written with microelements and the sun, and secondly, frosts on the soil or in the air will definitely not harm the grapes from the chubuks.

The main thing in this process is not to injure the root, otherwise all your work will be in vain. The place where to plant the germinated cuttings should also be chosen based on the varietal characteristics and climatic preferences of the individual. Gardeners are still advised not to experiment with varieties that require some special weather conditions, but to proceed from the existing climate zone.

To achieve a good harvest, the soil in which the vine is planted must be regularly loosened and moistened. In no case should cracking of the soil be allowed, as the seedling will die. For the best effect, you can use mineral fertilizers from stores or use folk remedies, such as a weak solution of honey in ordinary water (a tablespoon per 10 liters). If all the instructions are followed, then by the fall the new pets of your site will reach a height of two meters.

A weak solution of honey (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) will help strengthen the root system. As a rule, by autumn, a vine that has grown up to 2 meters has strong roots and several healthy branches.

Video “How to cut and store chibouks”

A video clip from an experienced person, he gives advice on exactly how to cut grape cuttings so that they take root when planting.

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