Growing eggplants in a greenhouse cannot be called a very simple process, but with a competent approach and a preliminary study of certain rules, even not very experienced gardeners can handle this work. This crop is considered thermophilic and in open ground conditions it is not able to grow in all regions of Our Country, but thanks to greenhouses, it has become possible to get its rich harvest even in cold areas.

According to the botanical description, eggplant is a berry, not a vegetable.
Greenhouse preparation
Before planting eggplant in a greenhouse, a number of works should be carried out. The first step is to process and disinfect the room itself, as well as disinfect the soil in which it is planned to grow the plant. If this is not done, then the plantings can get sick, be attacked by pests and even die.
Be sure to clean the greenhouse: remove the grown weeds, level the area. Next, you need to wash the film and all glass surfaces with soapy water, wipe metal parts with a solution of hot vinegar, disinfect polycarbonate with potassium permanganate. After that, it is recommended to open the greenhouse and ventilate it well.
There are several methods of disinfection, which one to use, the gardener decides at his discretion:
- Biopreparations. Solutions are considered as safe as possible and at the same time effective. Their use not only destroys pathogens of microbes, but also increases the nutritional value of the soil.
- Sulfur bowl. With its help, it is allowed to process only greenhouses, the design of which rests on wooden frames. The sulfur emitted from the checker perfectly disinfects, is able to penetrate into all corners of the room. After processing in this way, close the greenhouse well and do not enter it for three days, and then ventilate it.
- Bleaching powder. She can spray all surfaces of the greenhouse, as well as inventory.
Soil disinfection
The land in the greenhouse is also important to disinfect. If plants have remained on the beds since autumn, they should be removed and the soil dug up. It is possible to disinfect the soil from pest larvae and other microorganisms by thermal or chemical means. The first involves the use of steam equipment or watering the beds with boiling water, the second disinfection with bleach. Lime should be scattered around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse and mixed with the soil with a rake. It is allowed to use formalin for disinfection, it saves eggplant from a black leg.
How to grow eggplant in a greenhouse
To grow eggplant in a polycarbonate greenhouse, you need to know many of the subtleties of this process. This culture is considered quite fastidious and demanding. She does not like high humidity, does not tolerate temperature changes and shading, and may die due to poor ventilation or improper watering. Therefore, before planting eggplant, you should carefully study the rules of agricultural technology.

Gardeners who know how to grow this plant are considered experts in their field.
Soil preparation
Before planting eggplant in a greenhouse, you first need to prepare the soil for planting. If it has already been used before, then it is recommended to restore it. To do this, the top layer about 15 cm high must be removed, taken outside, combined with organic fertilizers: humus, peat, compost at a rate of 1: 3. Periodically, the soil should be turned over.
The soil that is in the greenhouse also needs to be prepared. Eggplants are known to prefer nutritious and light soil rather than tolerating heavy and overly acidic soil. The correct action in its preparation will be the introduction of organic dressings. They are added so that they are located as close as possible to the root system of plants. Wood ash is not recommended.
Terms of sowing
A favorable time for planting eggplant in a greenhouse is chosen based on the climatic conditions of the region where the plant is grown. For example, in the southern regions, sowing begins from March, until June. In this case, you should be guided by frosts. Work is started when one and a half to two weeks pass after the last spring frosts, and the ground has already warmed up to +15 ° С.

Eggplants can be planted in warm polycarbonate greenhouses much earlier than in greenhouses.
How to plant eggplant seedlings in a greenhouse
The plants are fairly large spreading bushes and this is important to consider when planting them. Eggplants should be planted in a greenhouse in a checkerboard pattern or in a row at a distance of at least 0,5 m from each other and 0,6 m between rows. The embedment depth should be 15 cm. Before planting, holes are first made, humus and ash are laid on the bottom, poured with two liters of water mixed with potassium permanganate. After the solution is absorbed, the eggplant seedling, together with a clod of earth, is placed in the center of the hole, sprinkled with soil, compacted, and watered.

Next to the eggplants, it is allowed to plant greens, cabbage, peas, sweet peppers in the greenhouse, you should refuse to be next to tomatoes
Planting eggplant seeds in a greenhouse
In the presence of a warm polycarbonate greenhouse, the gardener does not need to grow eggplant seedlings at home. In this case, planting material can be sown in greenhouse soil, and in order to avoid further picking immediately to those places where the crop will grow. It is convenient to do this using a stencil grid with 8 by 8 or 6 by 6 cells. Eggplant seeds are placed in the center of the cells to a depth of 5 mm.
If the material for planting was purchased in a specialized store and is of high quality, then it is planted immediately, if not, then it is prepared before work is carried out.
Features of eggplant care in the greenhouse
In order to properly grow eggplant in a greenhouse, it is important to know all the features of caring for them in such conditions. If you do everything according to the instructions, the culture will grow well and bear fruit.

Eggplant harvest can only be obtained if favorable conditions are created for them.
Temperature and lighting
The plant is considered to be thermophilic and calmly tolerates overheating, but in order to harvest a decent crop, it is advisable to observe the optimal temperature regime in the greenhouse (from +25 to +28 ° C). With a decrease in the indicator, eggplant bushes will slowly grow, and their flower buds will go into a dormant state.
Eggplant, when grown in a greenhouse, loves light, does not get burned even from direct sunlight. The length of the day for it must be at least 12 and not more than 14 hours. Otherwise, the bushes will stop developing or begin to actively grow green mass. To ensure the necessary daylight hours in greenhouses, additional lighting is installed in the form of fluorescent, mercury, LED or phytolamps.
An important condition for growing eggplant in a greenhouse is their regular watering. The culture is moisture-loving, with a shortage of water it drops the ovaries. The basic rules for its irrigation are:
- the use of warm and settled water throughout the day;
- the implementation of the procedure exclusively under the root of the plant;
- doing work in the morning.
The first time watering is carried out five days after planting, then once a week. At the time of fruit formation, they are moistened every three days, and if it is hot in the greenhouse, then daily. The amount of water is calculated so that the soil is saturated with it 20 cm deep.

For eggplant, drip irrigation is considered the best method.
In order for the plant to bear the maximum number of fruits, it needs to be fed at least three times per season. To feed the bushes, you can use both organic and mineral compounds, as well as universal preparations for vegetables.
The first time fertilizers are applied 20 days after planting seedlings or germination. At the flowering stage, spraying with boric acid is carried out, at the time of the formation of ovaries – treatment with potassium, when fruits appear – with phosphorus, nitrogen, wood ash.
To saturate the eggplant with nutrients, it is allowed to resort to the help of folk recipes, water the plantings with an infusion based on yeast or mowed grass.
Even when growing in a greenhouse, it is useful to mulch eggplant beds. This method allows you to keep moisture around the plants well, prevents the appearance of certain diseases, and reduces the frequency of watering. In the role of mulch, sawdust, straw, peat, dry grass or humus are best.
Shaping and garter
Those eggplant varieties that are usually cultivated in a greenhouse are distinguished by large bushes, which is why they need to be shaped, pinned and tied up. Work is started when the height of the plants reaches 30 cm. Of the stepchildren, only the two strongest are left, all the others are cut off along with the leaves, which create a shadow for the fruits. Depending on the variety of eggplant, some may need to pinch off the shoots and some may need to cut side branches. Also, while caring for a plant in a greenhouse, it is advisable to independently pollinate the inflorescences with a brush or shake them regularly. Although eggplants are considered self-pollinating, in a closed ground condition in the absence of wind, the process can be difficult.
Due to the fact that the fruits of the plant are quite heavy, it is recommended to tie the bushes in several places. As a support, it is better to choose metal stakes or trellises.
Protection against diseases and pests
Even if you grow eggplants in a greenhouse, you should not forget about their protection from the influence of external factors. With improper care, they can get sick or be attacked by pests. Common crop diseases are late blight, anthracnose, mosaic, black or gray rot. Insects that most often attack eggplants are slugs, aphids, whiteflies, Colorado potato beetles, and spider mites.
To combat diseases, gardeners use various chemicals such as Fitosporin or Zircon. To destroy pests, biological products are used, for example, Arrow. Sometimes, to get rid of unwanted guests who have appeared in the greenhouse, there are enough folk methods: spraying with garlic solution, infusion based on tomato tops or dusting with ash.
Harvesting and storage of crops
In the case of proper care, literally a month after germination in the greenhouse, it will be possible to harvest the first crop of eggplant. It is recommended to remove the fruits with a pruner, along with the stalk in a slightly immature state. You should not wait until they grow to large sizes, because the larger the fruit becomes, the worse its taste.
You can store the crop for about four weeks in the basement, cellar or refrigerator. It is also allowed to freeze fruits.

Before being sent for storage, eggplants are wrapped in paper or placed in bags with ventilation holes.
Growing eggplant in a greenhouse only at first glance may seem like a very difficult task. If you follow all the recommendations of experienced gardeners and choose the right plant varieties, then you can fully count on success in this matter. Thanks to the emergence of greenhouses and greenhouses, eggplants can be grown even when living in areas with harsh climatic conditions.