Growing eggplant seedlings

Growing eggplant seedlings

Eggplant seedlings are finicky, so growing them is not easy. If you tinker a little, you will get a good harvest.

Growing eggplant seedlings

To get strong seedlings, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the soil, its humidity and air temperature.

Eggplant seedlings must be dived into separate pots.

Seeds for seedlings should be sown in early March, since at least 70 days should pass before planting on the beds. During this period, a thick stem is formed and 6-8 large leaves grow. When grown in a greenhouse, seeds can be sown in mid-February.


  1. Make the soil yourself. Mix humus with peat or turf soil in a 2: 1 ratio. A substrate consisting of manure, earth and mineral fertilizer in a ratio of 8: 2: 1 is also suitable. Disinfect the soil or heat it in the oven before sowing.
  2. The day before sowing, soak the seeds in a growth stimulator or warm ash infusion.
  3. Seedlings can be grown in plastic cups or large boxes. Fill the container ¾ with soil. Place seeds in the center, water and sprinkle with soil. Don’t pack the ground.

Large boxes can be sown in rows. The distance between the furrows is 5 cm.

How to care for eggplant seedlings

Until the sprouts sprout, do not open the film, maintain the air temperature at 25-30˚С. The first shoots appear in a week.

The care is as follows:

  • Remove the film gradually. Moisten the soil surface as it dries. Water in the morning with warm water only.
  • Place the container with seedlings in a bright place. Reduce the air temperature to + 16˚C, otherwise the seedlings will stretch. A week later, the temperature regime is as follows: in the daytime – + 18 … + 26˚С, at night – + 10 … + 16˚С.
  • If the air in the room is dry, cover the seedlings with foil for at least the first week to prevent drying out of the soil.
  • Rotate the pot a few times a week so that the sprouts do not stretch to one side.
  • After the appearance of two leaves, dive the seedlings. To make it easier for her to endure this procedure, fertilize her. Water the seedlings with a solution of wood ash or any mineral fertilizer. For 10 liters of water, you will need 1 tsp. funds.

A month before planting seedlings in the beds, take them out to the balcony.

If all the recommendations are followed, the seedlings will not hurt and will easily transfer the transplant to open ground. Plant your garden area no earlier than June.

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