Growing dill
Growing dill is a very simple process. These healthy greens require a minimum of attention and care. And if you carry out several crops, then you can provide yourself with a harvest for the whole year.
Dill is an unpretentious and viable plant. But in order for the crop to appear a little earlier, it is recommended to pre-soak the seeds in water for three days, while it is advisable to change it several times a day. The first planting of seeds should be done in late autumn. Then, in early spring, fresh and fragrant greens will appear on your table. But in order for dill to delight you all year round, it is recommended to carry out a few more crops. The first is in early April, and then every two to three weeks from May to late August.
Growing dill is a simple process
The fragrant herb grows well on loose, fertile soil. It does not take root well on acidic and swampy soil
Many gardeners believe that dill grows like a weed and can be planted anywhere on the plot. But this is not entirely correct opinion. After all, this spice can harm other cultures. For planting dill, you should choose an area located next to potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers and onions. But neighborhoods with carrots, parsley or parsnips are not recommended. In addition, to get the maximum yield from the beds, it is better to sow dill in well-lit areas.
Basic rules for growing dill outdoors
If you plan to plant dill in early spring, then you should take care of preparing the garden in the fall. To do this, dig up the soil to a depth of 20-25 cm and do not forget to apply organic and mineral fertilizers. In the spring, you will need to loosen the garden bed, moisten it well and plant the seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm. In order to maintain moisture, it is recommended to mulch the soil with humus.
It is not recommended to water the dill before the first shoots appear. Otherwise, a crust will appear on the soil, which will be difficult for sprouts to break through.
If planting is done before winter, then you need to prepare the site 2-3 weeks before sowing. Dig up the area and apply fertilizer. Then sow the seeds into the grooves to a depth of 2-3 cm. There is no need to compact the soil in the grooves. When the snow melts, the seeds will self-suck to the required depth. After germination, all spice care consists of watering. Dill loves water, so do not allow the soil to dry out in the beds.
Growing dill on your site is a fairly simple matter. With a little effort, you will always have fresh, aromatic and healthy greens on your table.