Growing celery seedlings

Celery Odorous or Fragrant – a species of herbaceous plants that is part of the genus Celery from the Umbelliferae family. It is a food and medicinal crop, it can be root, leaf or petiole. In botanical terms, the varieties are very similar to each other, the way they are grown is different. Caring for petiole celery in open ground is easier than for root celery, but it takes more time to breed leaf celery.

Growing celery seedlings

Celery petiole – perennial or annual

Aromatic Celery is a plant with a two-year life cycle. In the first year, it forms a dense root crop without voids inside and a large rosette of leaves on large petioles. On the second, it releases a peduncle up to 1 m high and sets seeds. Harvesting – root crops, petioles and spicy leaves is carried out in the year of planting, the next they receive their own planting material.

Celery used to be grown as a medicinal plant, now its healing properties have faded into the background, the culture is recognized as a vegetable and is used in the cuisines of different peoples. In the post-Soviet space, root crops have gained the greatest popularity, while in Europe petiole varieties are usually bought.

Stem celery has a fibrous root system and forms a small, poorly distinguishable root crop under numerous lateral branches. He builds up a large rosette, the larger volume of which is occupied not by leaves, but by petioles. Their color can be green, salad, pink or reddish, the width is from 2 to 4 cm with a thickness of not more than 1 cm. In classic varieties, the stems are bleached before harvesting (they are deprived of access to light) to remove bitterness and make them tender, many modern ones in don’t need it.

Comment! In fairness, it should be noted that the taste of the petioles of classic varieties is much better than that of self-bleaching ones.

Typically, each leaf rosette consists of 15-20 erect leaves. But there are varieties that give up to 40 branches, sometimes semi-spreading. The stems are wide at the bottom, tapering at the ends and ending in triangular pinnately dissected dark green leaves. The petioles are hollow inside, ribbed, with a pronounced groove on the part facing the center of the rosette. Their length depends not only on the variety, but also on the agricultural technology of stem celery, and ranges from 22 to 50 cm.

Seeds are small achenes that remain viable for no more than 4 years (guaranteed – 1-2 years). A peduncle about a meter long appears in the second year of life.

How does celery grow

Celery is a moisture-loving crop that tolerates a short-term drop in temperature well. Shoots can withstand frost at -5 ° C, however, not for long. The most cold-resistant varieties are those with red petioles.

Leaf celery has the shortest growing season and can be sown directly into the ground. Root for the formation of the root crop will take about 200 days. It is grown exclusively through seedlings, and in the North-West it is rarely planted in open ground.

Petiole celery occupies an intermediate position – from the moment of emergence of shoots to harvest, different varieties take 80-180 days. To obtain commercial stems, seeds can be sown in the ground, but it is more rational to grow seedlings first.

The optimum temperature for growing vegetable celery is 12-20 ° C. And although it tolerates temporary cooling well, if the thermometer does not reach 10 ° C for a long time, premature shooting may begin.

Growing celery seedlings

How to grow petiole celery from seeds for seedlings

There is nothing complicated in growing celery seedlings. Its seedlings are much more hardy than those of tomatoes or peppers, and these crops are bred and swooped down by millions of gardeners every year.

Terms of planting

Seeds of petiole celery are sown for seedlings from late February to mid-March. Most varieties have a rather long growing season, and the stems must have time to acquire a marketable appearance before the cold weather. First, the root and leaves develop, the petioles stretch in length, and only then they increase their mass. This takes a lot of time, although not as much as for the formation of a root crop.

Tank and soil preparation

Celery seeds can be sown in ordinary wooden seedling boxes or directly in separate plastic cups with holes for water outflow.

Advice! Drainage holes are easy to make with a hot nail.

Used containers are washed well with a brush, rinsed and soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill most of the germs and bacteria that can cause seedling diseases.

To grow petiole celery from seeds, you can take the usual purchased soil for seedlings. The substrate can be prepared independently by mixing equal parts of garden soil and well-rotted humus with the addition of sand. Only it needs to be sifted through a sieve to remove all lumps, pebbles and plant residues – the soil for seedlings must be uniform and permeable to water and air.

Seed preparation

Celery seeds are very small – 1 g contains about 800 pieces. In addition, they quickly lose their germination. So personally collected planting material should be used as early as possible, and in the store you should pay attention to the expiration date.

Seeds of umbrella crops germinate for a long time – this is due to the presence of essential oils in them. That is why in the southern regions crops such as carrots are sown dry for the winter and are not afraid that they will germinate at the wrong time.

Without preparation, celery seeds hatch for more than 20 days, seedlings will be uneven and weak. There are many ways to speed up their germination and improve the quality of seedlings, here is one of them:

  1. Seeds are soaked for 3 days in warm water, which is changed twice a day.
  2. A piece of white cloth is placed in a shallow wide container. Swollen seeds are spread on it with a thin layer and moistened with water.
  3. The container is kept at room temperature for 7-10 days, not forgetting to moisten the fabric.

During this time, the seeds should hatch – this will be clearly visible on a white cloth. They need to be planted immediately.

To make celery seeds sprout faster, the following methods are often used:

  • soaking in special preparations sold in seed shops;
  • aging in hot water (no more than 60 °) for 30 minutes.

Planting petiole celery for seedlings

Seeds can be sown not only in planting boxes filled with moist seedling substrate, but also in greenhouses. The soil is compacted, shallow furrows are made at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other. They lay out seeds at the rate of 0,5 g per 1 sq. m and sprayed from a household spray bottle.

Growing celery seedlings

If the planting material was not germinated, but soaked in hot water or a stimulant, you can do it easier. Snow is laid in a thin layer in the prepared box, leveled, furrows are drawn and seeds are sown in them. Then they definitely will not wash out and will not fall into the ground during watering.

Comment! The seeds do not even need to be sprinkled with soil on top – they are so small that they will definitely deepen a little during watering or melting snow.

Sowing can be done in separate cups with several seeds each. Then they do not have to dive, you just need to cut off the weak sprouts with nail scissors, leaving the strongest.

Seed containers are covered with glass or transparent film and placed on a light windowsill or shelving with backlight. Shelter is removed after emergence.

Caring for stalked celery seedlings

When the seeds of petiole celery hatch, the containers are placed for a week in a bright room with a temperature of 10-12 ° C – this will prevent the seedlings from stretching. Then the seedlings are transferred to a warmer place, providing fresh air and good lighting.

You need to moisten the petiole celery carefully – boxes from a household spray bottle, and cups – with a teaspoon, from which water is poured not on the ground, but along the walls.

Important! Even a single drying of the substrate can destroy seedlings.

In the phase of 2-3 non-standing leaves, seedlings dive into separate cups with a bottom hole or special cassettes. At the same time, the sprouts of petiole celery are buried in the soil along the cotyledon leaves, and the root, if it is extended by more than 6-7 cm, is shortened by 1/3.

The ideal temperature for seedlings of petiole celery is 16-20 ° C. During the day it should not exceed 25 ° C, at night – 18 ° C. For seedlings located on a loggia or veranda, a temperature of 5 ° C is considered unacceptable. It stops growing and with a large likely to get sick with a black leg or lie down. The room should have a relative humidity of 60-70% and good air ventilation.

Advice! If for some reason the seedlings of petiole celery fall, but this is not due to waterlogging or disease, earth is added to the cups, but the growth point should not be covered.

The soil should be constantly moist, but not wet. 10-15 days before planting, seedlings are fed with a full complex fertilizer, diluted 2 times more than recommended in the instructions.

Growing celery seedlings

How to plant petiole celery in open ground

About two months after germination, celery seedlings are ready to be transplanted into the ground. By this time, she should have at least 4-5 true leaves.

Terms of planting

Seedlings of petiole celery are planted in the soil of a cabbage field, depending on the region – in late May or early June. Even if at this time there is a decrease in temperature – it’s not scary. Celery can withstand the cold well, the main thing is that the seedlings have time to take root and start up a new leaf. In the southern regions, petiole celery can be planted in open ground earlier.

Site and soil preparation

You can grow petiole celery in the garden after potatoes, cabbage, beets, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkins. Before planting seedlings, they manage to harvest early radishes, spinach or lettuce in the garden.

Petiole celery prefers loose, fertile soils with a neutral reaction. The bed is dug up in the fall on a shovel bayonet. At least 4-5 kg ​​of rotted manure is applied for each square meter. In the spring, before planting seedlings, shallow loosening is carried out and special fertilizers for root crops are added according to the instructions, or a glass of ash and a tablespoon of double superphosphate per square meter.

Acidic soils are brought back to normal by adding lime or dolomite flour, and it is better to do this in the fall, and not before planting celery. Dense soils will already become better from humus, but if necessary, you can add sand – for spring loosening or directly into each hole when planting.

When growing petiole celery in the country, you need to choose a flat, well-lit area. Ridges are arranged on areas prone to soaking – although the culture is moisture-loving, it does not tolerate waterlogging, and even more so stagnation of water.

Preparation of planting material

Petiole celery intended for cultivation in open ground needs hardening. About a week before the scheduled date, the cups are placed in boxes and taken out into the street during the day. At night, five of them are removed into the room. 2 days before planting, seedlings are stopped being brought into the house, leaving them outside around the clock.

On the eve of transfer to open ground, celery is watered, but not abundantly, but so that the earthen ball is slightly moist.

Planting petiole celery in the ground

Growing and caring for petiole celery begins with transplanting into open ground. In order for the crop to give a good harvest, the plants must be placed freely and illuminated by the sun all day. Seedlings of petiole celery are planted on the beds in rows spaced 40-70 cm apart. The distance between the bushes should be at least 40-50 cm.

Growing celery seedlings

Some gardeners practice growing stalk celery in shallow trenches. This is partly justified – it will be easier to shade it when it comes time to bleach the petioles. But the bushes should receive enough sun, therefore, the trenches should be wide and directed from south to north. Otherwise, there will be nothing to bleach.

Seedlings are planted a little deeper than they grew in cups or cassettes, but so that the growth point remains on the surface of the soil. You need to make sure that it is not sprinkled with soil.

Planted seedlings of petiole celery are watered abundantly. It is not necessary to mulch the bed – it will have to be loosened often.

How to care for petiole celery outdoors

If a severe cold snap is expected or the seedlings of petiole celery have not had time to take root, the bed is covered with agrofiber or lutrastil. At night, you can replace them with newspapers, only the edges need to be fixed so that the wind does not blow away.

How to water

When growing and caring for stem celery, one of the main agrotechnical measures is watering. Without this, no bleaching will be able to get rid of bitterness, and they will not reach a decent size.

Celery is a moisture-loving crop. It needs to be watered often and in large quantities. If the soil is as recommended – permeable to air and moisture, there should be no stagnation of water and diseases associated with this. After each watering or rain, the aisles are loosened.

How to feed

It is unrealistic to grow high-quality stem celery without frequent fertilizing. The first time it is fertilized with a complete mineral complex 15-20 days after planting seedlings. In the future, top dressing is given weekly after watering. If chemistry is used for this, not a useful tasty plant will grow, but something that is impossible to eat without harm to health.

Important! Mullein is an excellent fertilizer, but it should not be used for celery.

Therefore, after the first mineral dressing, celery is fertilized with herbal infusion, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3 every week. Twice a month, a tablespoon of superphosphate is added to a bucket of water. At least a liter of solution is poured onto one bush.

Comment! Celery loves nitrogen and phosphorus, it does not need additional potassium supplements, especially if ash was added to the soil before planting.

How to bleach petiole celery

Bleaching of petiole celery in the open field is an operation designed to block the access of light to the stems. It helps to remove bitterness and make the product more tender. If bleaching is neglected, the petioles will be tough and have the same taste as the leaves.

Growing celery seedlings

To bleach celery, it is easiest to spud it with earth as soon as it reaches a height of 30 cm. Only the leaves should remain in the light. The procedure is repeated every two weeks.

Comment! Some claim that celery brined in this way acquires an earthy flavor. It is not true.

Many people do not get involved in growing stalk celery because they do not want to cover it with earth. Gardeners know that it is necessary to wash out the soil from the sinus of each petiole separately, it takes a lot of time. But you can bleach celery stalks in other ways:

  • put boards or plywood on both sides of the row;
  • wrap the bushes with a dark cloth, thick paper or several layers of newspapers, and tighten with an elastic band;
  • use completely rotted tyrsa or sawdust for hilling;
  • fill the rows with walnut shells, tree bark, if they are in sufficient quantities.

Before bleaching the celery stalks, you need to cut off all the thin stalks growing outside the bush. The leaves must remain free – if they block the access of light, the plant will stop developing and may deteriorate. There should be no gap between the soil surface and the material covering the petioles.

It is impossible to use fresh wood residues for bleaching stems – tyrsa or sawdust, fallen leaves, straw. Celery will be watered abundantly while in the ground, these materials will begin to rot and generate heat, and this is unacceptable.

Comment! In self-bleaching varieties, it is not necessary to block the access of light to the petioles.


Varieties of petiole celery are ready for harvest at different times. Usually the self-bleaching ones ripen first. Sockets intended for long-term fresh storage must be removed from the garden before frost. In food, celery, which has fallen under the influence of negative temperatures, is suitable, but lies poorly.

Classic varieties with white petioles are best and longest stored. The bushes are carefully dug up with a root, transferred to a cellar or basement, and dug into wet sand or peat. At a temperature of 4 to 6 ° C and a humidity of 85-90%, petiole celery will not only be stored all winter, but will also start new leaves.

Advice! Thus, it is recommended to grow those who did not have time to reach the expected size of the outlet. The main thing is that they do not fall under frost – with prolonged exposure to negative temperatures, growth processes in celery will stop and it will not be stored for a long time.

Growing celery seedlings


Celery is propagated by seeds. The best plants are chosen as mother liquors, carefully dug up before the onset of frost, the leaves are cut into a cone, and stored in plastic bags in the cellar or basement.

In the second year, the celery root is planted in the garden to obtain seeds. First, rare greenery appears, then a high, up to 1 m arrow. Flowering begins 2 months after planting the root crop, and lasts about three weeks.

From the moment of planting the celery mother liquor to collecting the seeds, 140-150 days should pass, by which time they should change color from green to greenish-purple. The seeds are ripened under a canopy or in a ventilated room and threshed.

In the Northwest, they may not have enough time to mature in the ground. It is recommended to pinch the top of the flower arrow when enough seed plants have formed on it – each plant is capable of producing 20-30 g of seeds. This is more than enough to provide planting material for yourself, neighbors and acquaintances.

Pests and diseases of petiole celery

Due to the high content of essential oils, leaf and petiole celery rarely gets sick and is moderately affected by pests. The greatest danger to the culture is overflow and stagnant water in the root area, they are the main cause of rot. Most often they affect the point of growth and the stem.

Among other diseases of petiole celery, it should be noted:

  • bacterial leaf spot;
  • black leg;
  • viral mosaic.

Pests affecting celery:

  • slugs and snails;
  • scoops;
  • carrot flies.

Proper agricultural technology will help prevent diseases and the appearance of pests:

  • careful choice of landing site;
  • crop rotation;
  • preplant soil preparation;
  • timely loosening of the soil and weeding;
  • correct watering;
  • if necessary, thinning of crops.

What to do with celery stem for the winter

Petiole celery can be stored fresh for up to three months in a ventilated basement or cellar at a temperature of 4-6 ° C and a humidity of 85-90%. Washed and placed in plastic bags, it can lie up to 30 days in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. Pieces of stems will keep for about a year in the freezer.

Petiole celery can be cut into pieces and dried. At the same time, its taste will be very different from fresh or frozen. Salads are prepared with celery, it is salted, squeezed and juice is frozen.

Growing celery seedlings


Caring for petiole celery in the open field can hardly be called burdensome. But by planting a crop on their own, gardeners can control growing conditions and feed it with organic fertilizers. This is the only way to guarantee that a tasty and healthy product will be on the table, and not a set of chemical elements.

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