Growing celery in soil

Growing celery in soil

Celery is a biennial plant widely used in cooking. Its dietary and vitamin properties are of particular value. Growing celery is not an easy process, but very interesting. In total, there are three types of this plant – root, petiole and leaf, all of them are very useful for human health.

Growing celery outdoors with seedlings

Since the ripening period of this plant is 120-200 days, it is preferable to grow this culture using seedlings. Sowing seeds for seedlings is done in February-March. The seeds must first be soaked in water for a day to swell, and disinfected in a manganese solution.

Celery can be grown by seedling and non-seedling methods.

The soil for planting celery must be prepared in the fall. But you can do this in the spring no later than 2 weeks before planting. For this, humus and complex fertilizers are introduced into the ground.

After the appearance of 3-4 real leaves, seedlings need to dive. Each sprout is transplanted into a separate glass or they are seated at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other. Next is the stage of preparation for planting in open ground, for which the seedlings are periodically taken out into the street so that it gets used to the sunlight. Seedlings are planted in the beds in late May or early June. Plants are planted at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other.

Early varieties can be sown in a seedless way, this should be done in early spring, as soon as the soil warms up enough. In order for the seeds to give amicable shoots on the 9-10th day, you need to soak them for 3 days before planting. After seed germination, young shoots must be thinned out.

Features of caring for celery

Approximately 10 days after planting in the ground, it is necessary to make the first feeding of celery. To do this, you can use complex fertilizers, for example: dilute 1 g of Nitrofoski in 2 liter of water. After 2 weeks, the procedure should be repeated. In addition to feeding, celery needs the following care:

  • regular weeding;
  • loosening the earth;
  • mulching – the procedure greatly facilitates plant care and prevents the growth of weeds;
  • watering – celery needs infrequent but abundant watering;
  • treatment against various parasites and root rot.

For winter distillation of greens, it is enough to transplant it together with an earthen clod into an appropriate pot, then you can enjoy fresh greens all winter. The benefits of celery far outweigh the amount of effort spent growing and caring for it. This is probably why celery grows in almost every vegetable garden.

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