Growing basil from seeds at home

Growing basil from seeds on a windowsill is quite an exciting activity for both experienced and novice gardeners. This plant can be used not only as a seasoning, but also as an ingredient in many recipes for natural cosmetics. It grows well in greenhouse conditions, so getting a good harvest right in the apartment is not such a difficult task.

Can you grow basil on a windowsill?

Basil is a well-known and popular plant used as a fragrant spice in the production of many products. It is believed that basil was first brought to Europe from India, where it was used as a culinary seasoning. Later, this plant began to be used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. The composition of the basil includes a large number of essential oils, this explains its unique aroma.

Growing basil from seeds at home

It is possible to grow basil at home on a windowsill, but not all varieties are suitable for this. There are many species of this plant with large leaves. In an apartment, due to a lack of sunlight, they will not receive the substances necessary for growth, therefore, only experienced gardeners who know how to make up for this deficiency can be recommended to grow them. Beginners should pay attention to small-leaved varieties that are not so demanding on growing conditions.

Which variety to choose for growing basil at home

The following varieties are suitable for growing basil on a windowsill in winter:

  • Baku;
  • clove aroma;
  • Yerevan;
  • Marquis.

After the first experiments on growing basil at home are successful, you can move on to more demanding varieties.

How to grow basil at home

There are several ways to grow basil at home. It is best to use a window sill or balcony for this. You can grow a plant from:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • replanting an adult plant.

The latter method is suitable for those who grow this plant in their country house. For transplantation, young shoots that have not yet bloomed are chosen. They are transplanted into separate pots and further grown at home, placing them on the windowsills or on the balcony. Cuttings can be taken from an adult plant, rooted and then regularly updated. The seed method is the longest, it can take 7-8 months to grow a full-fledged bush.

Selecting and preparing a container

Any containers can be used for planting, however, when planting in small dishes, seedlings will then have to dive, which is undesirable. Therefore, for growing basil on a windowsill, it is better to immediately use containers of a significant size, such as large flower pots or plastic containers. This will save in the future from unnecessary work, and plants from stress.

Growing basil from seeds at home

Important! The estimated soil norm for 1 basil bush is at least 1,5 liters.

Soil Preparation

At the bottom of the container or pot in which the basil bush will grow, a layer of drainage (expanded clay, large pebbles) is laid, and the containers themselves are filled with a nutrient substrate. You can buy it or make it yourself by mixing soddy soil with humus in a 1: 1 ratio. Sometimes the substrate is prepared from a mixture of peat and humus, mixing the components in a ratio of 2:1.

Seed preparation

Seeds or cuttings can be used as seed material. Cuttings are obtained from an adult plant, cutting off its upper and side shoots. Then they are placed for 1,5-2 weeks in water. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in containers for permanent cultivation.

Seeds must be disinfected before planting. To do this, they are kept for 2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate. It is preferable to plant seeds that have already sprouted. To do this, they are placed in wet gauze (or placed between two wet cotton pads) and kept for several days in a place with high air temperature, for example, next to a water heating radiator. Great care must be taken when planting such seeds.

Rules of landing

The nutrient soil is moistened before planting, and then the seeds are planted, deepening them by no more than 1 cm. After planting, the container is covered with plastic wrap or glass. Sprouted cuttings do not need to be closed after planting.

Growing basil from seeds at home

Important! When using a common container (if further picking of seedlings is planned), intervals must be observed, leaving a distance of 7-10 cm between adjacent plants.

Care after landing

In order to grow and develop properly, the basilica needs moisture, light and heat. In the summer, problems, as a rule, do not arise. When growing in the winter on the windowsill, the plants must be illuminated with the help of artificial lighting devices, thereby increasing the daylight hours by 3-4 hours. The temperature in the room must be maintained within + 20-28 ° C.

Basil, grown both outdoors and on a windowsill, needs regular watering, but the soil should not be waterlogged. It is better to do this in the morning, using settled warm water. On hot days, you can add additional watering in the evening. In addition, it is necessary to regularly spray the plant itself with water. Do not forget about loosening the soil, which must be done constantly.

Growing basil from seeds at home

If the soil is poor, then the plants need to be fed from time to time using liquid fertilizers based on humates. As soon as the bush grows up, it is necessary to pinch its top. This contributes to the formation of side shoots and the growth of the bush in breadth.

Important! Basil does not tolerate drafts, so the plant must be removed from the windowsill while airing the room, especially in winter.

Features of growing basil on the balcony

When using a balcony to grow basil, you must first ensure a constant temperature. Therefore, artificial heating is necessary in winter, and in summer it is necessary to ensure that the plants do not overheat. Basil can be grown on the balcony along with other plants. Neighbors for him can be, for example, pepper or asparagus.

Optimal conditions for growing basil at home

Basil belongs to subtropical plants, and this region is characterized by high temperature and humidity. It is not easy to provide such conditions in a city apartment. Therefore, often the pots in which basil is grown at home are additionally insulated by wrapping them with heat-insulating material.

Growing basil from seeds at home

A huge plus would be the installation of additional lighting, for example, phytolamps for seedlings or at least just fluorescent lamps. With their help, you can provide optimal light conditions. To constantly maintain the required level of humidity, basil bushes are sprayed with warm water using a spray bottle. In winter, when the humidity in the apartment is at a very low level, this is especially true.

Protection against diseases

At home, basil gets sick much less often than when grown in a garden plot. However, if care is violated, gray mold or fusarium can form on the bushes. The reason for the appearance is considered waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, you need to try to prevent excessive waterlogging and stagnation of water in the roots. Affected leaves and shoots should be removed immediately to prevent the spread of the disease.


Basil leaves are used for culinary and cosmetic purposes. Already 1,5-2 months after planting seedlings in a permanent place, you can begin to cut them off. The leaves are cut from the top and side of the plant, while always leaving at least 5-6 leaves on the stem. You can not pinch off the basil near the root, this can destroy the entire bush.

Important! For harvesting, it is best to use scissors, this method injures the plant less than picking leaves with your hands.


Growing basil on a windowsill from seeds is an opportunity all year round to provide for yourself not only a fragrant seasoning, but also an effective component for cosmetics. There is nothing complicated in this process. You just need to follow certain rules and regularly carry out plant care activities.


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