Planting spring garlic in open ground in spring is carried out towards the end of April or early May. The soil by this time should warm up to 3-5 ° C. However, there is no need to delay the timing, since garlic prefers to grow in cool conditions.
When can you plant spring garlic in open ground in spring
Spring garlic ripens much faster than winter garlic, so it is planted in spring. Main criteria:
- The snow has completely melted, the soil has thawed.
- The top layer of soil had time to dry out, which is easy to determine on your own. You need to take a lump, squeeze it and throw it from a small height – the earth should crumble into small fragments.
- The main guideline is that the soil should have time to warm up to a temperature of 3-5 ° C.
At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the root system of spring garlic develops at low temperatures (5–10 ° C), so there is no need to delay planting it.
The plant must have time to take root and give not only roots, but also the first leaves – this directly affects the size of the bulb, i.e., the yield. Usually, a suitable temperature regime is observed already in mid-April. Specific planting dates are determined by the climatic features of the region.
When to plant spring garlic in the Urals
Sowing of spring garlic in the Urals is carried out in the last month of spring. The soil and air have time to warm up to an acceptable temperature only by mid-May. If April was relatively warm, for 10 days in a row the daytime temperature was +14–15 °C and higher, then planting can be carried out earlier – in early May.
When to plant spring garlic in Siberia
In Siberia, spring garlic should also be planted with cloves at the end of spring. Usually the dates are slightly shifted (compared to the Urals) and fall in the second half of May. If April was relatively warm, the procedure can be started after the May holidays, in the second decade of the month.
Planting dates for spring garlic in the spring in the Moscow region
In the Moscow region, the climatic conditions are slightly milder. And although return frosts are not excluded, you should not be afraid of this: the plant is not afraid of a short-term cooling down to 1-3 ° C on the soil. The optimal time for planting spring garlic is the second half of April. Sometimes the deadline is pushed back to the beginning of May. To verify readiness, you need to measure the temperature of the soil with a thermometer.

The right time for planting spring garlic in the Moscow region and the middle lane is the second half of April
Planting dates for spring garlic in the middle lane, Leningrad region
The time of planting spring garlic in the middle lane is the same as in the Moscow region, that is, the third decade of April or the beginning of May. As for the Leningrad region and other regions of the North-West of Our Country, the dates here are later, closer to the Urals. The soil has time to warm up to the desired temperature by the last days of April, although it often happens that you have to wait until the first decade of May.
Landing dates according to the lunar calendar
When planting spring garlic, summer residents pay attention to the lunar calendar. It is advisable to plant all root crops on a waning moon. Full moon and new moon days are traditionally considered inauspicious. If it is not possible to plan the procedure for a specific day, you must take into account these rules for planting spring garlic.
Is it possible to plant sprouted spring garlic
If the garlic has sprouted, it can still be planted. But not in open ground (even if the temperature is optimal), but in an ordinary flower pot or any containers for seedlings – individual cups, common boxes or containers. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Carefully cut dry roots, trying not to damage the bottom itself.
- The spring garlic bulbs are divided into cloves, only some of them need to be planted, while others (rotten and dried) should be discarded.
- Immerse healthy material in a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate 0,7-0,8% for 3-4 hours.
- Planted in a shallow container with fertile soil (layer 2-3 cm) so that the teeth fit snugly against each other.
- Water generously 2-3 times a week. Grow at room temperature.
Two weeks after planting, green arrows of spring garlic will appear. They are very tender, tasty and healthy, because they contain vitamins A, C, group B, phytoncides, organic acids.
The mixture is placed in a jar with a lid and stored in the refrigerator for several months.

Sprouted garlic, which gave green arrows, is best grown at home
Growing and caring for spring garlic
Caring for this culture is easy. It is only important to carry out the processing of spring garlic before planting in the spring, as well as to ensure the interval between neighboring plants. Before starting work, the seed must be divided into cloves, while:
- it is better to choose them from the first (outer) row;
- too small must be discarded;
- remove dried and rotten;
- remove fused. They have clear signs of degeneration, so a good harvest from such teeth will not work.
How to germinate spring garlic before planting
The pre-planting material of spring garlic needs to be germinated a little, getting small roots 2 cm in size. To do this, it is enough to soak it first in potassium permanganate for several hours, and then in a growth stimulator for 30–40 minutes. After that, the teeth are wrapped in cheesecloth and put in the refrigerator. The roots begin to grow from the first days, and they reach the desired length in just a week.
What to soak and how to prepare spring garlic for planting in spring
Preparing spring garlic for planting in the spring necessarily includes soaking. It takes place in 2 stages:
- First, the selected cloves are kept in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (light pink) for 3-4 hours. This allows you to disinfect the surface and destroy both harmful fungi and bacteria.
- Also, spring garlic must be soaked in a growth stimulator before planting, for example, in Epin, Kornevin, Zircon, NV-101. If these funds are not at hand, you can get fresh aloe juice and dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Withstand planting material for 30-40 minutes.
After that, the solution is drained, and the wet teeth are placed in any natural fabric or gauze, folded in several layers. Wrap and place in a strong bag that does not need to be tightly tied. Then this bundle is sent to the refrigerator (compartment for fruits and vegetables), and on the right day they are picked up and planted. If possible, planting can be carried out immediately after soaking.

Disinfection of planting material in potassium permanganate is carried out for several hours
Where is the best place to plant garlic?
There are no special requirements for a place for growing spring garlic in the spring. Choosing a suitable site is simple: it should be well lit (without shade from trees, shrubs or buildings) and be on a slight hill. Landing in lowlands where water accumulates is undesirable. In this case, the bed can be slightly raised by digging the ground or installing additional wooden fences.
If possible, it is better to cultivate the culture in those places where legumes, zucchini, pumpkin, oats, strawberries, strawberries or cucumbers used to grow.
You should not plant cloves in places where any root crops and nightshade have recently been placed: tomato, potato, pepper, eggplant, radish, carrots, beets, onions and others.
Soil preparation for planting spring garlic
Garlic prefers fertile, light, loose soil – loam or black soil. It is desirable to prepare the site in the fall. To do this, it is cleaned, dug up and, if necessary, 2–3 kg of humus or compost is added per square meter.
You can also close up 200-300 g of wood ash. Fresh manure cannot be added, especially in spring. As it matures, it greatly heats the soil, so the roots of spring garlic can be seriously damaged when planted.
At what distance and at what depth to plant spring garlic
The scheme of planting spring garlic in open ground is different in that the cloves are 2 times closer than that of winter garlic. The fact is that the bulbs of the “summer” variety are much smaller, so you can save space.
When boarding, please observe:
- the interval between adjacent holes is 4–6 cm;
- depth – no more than 2-3 cm.
Experienced gardeners take measurements by eye. Beginning amateurs may be advised to define depth as the width of two fingers put together. The interval between landings approximately corresponds to the length of the little finger.

Classic planting pattern – 5 cm between adjacent teeth
How to plant spring garlic in spring
After you managed to properly prepare the spring garlic for planting in the spring, you can proceed to the main procedure. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- On the prepared bed, several furrows are made with an interval of 25–30 cm.
- Biohumus or granules of complex fertilizer are laid in each of them (if top dressing was not made in advance).
- The cloves are planted in the ground, deepening by 2–3 cm.
- Watered with settled water and mulched with sawdust, wood chips. This layer will allow the soil to stay moist much longer and will also discourage weed growth.
Is it possible to plant spring garlic in the fall before winter
Spring garlic can be planted before winter. In this case, the growing season will increase, and the heads will be much larger (from 70–80 to 100 g). The optimal time is the end of September. In the south, you can do it 1-2 weeks later, and in the Urals and Siberia – 7 days earlier.
Before starting work, spring garlic should be processed in the same way as with a classic spring planting. However, there are two differences:
- The embedment depth will be greater: 5–8 cm instead of 2–3 cm.
- At the bottom of the hole you need to put coarse white sand. Then stick in the teeth. Then again fill it with sand, and level it with fertile soil from above.
Landings are covered with a large layer of mulch. You can use dry foliage, straw, sawdust and other improvised materials.
Secrets of growing spring garlic
Agrotechnics for growing spring garlic is not very complicated, but it has its own nuances. Experienced summer residents who receive good harvests of this crop are advised to adhere to the following rules:
- During May and June, abundant watering is given (2 times a week), then weekly (if there is no rain). As soon as 5–6 sheets appear, the volume of water is reduced, and at the end of July it is completely stopped.
- Particular attention is paid to loosening. It is carried out 1-2 days after each watering.
- Weeding is also done regularly. There should be no weeds in the garden with spring garlic.
- If the soil has already been fertilized before planting, additional fertilizing is not necessary. If the soil is not very fertile, you can give once (in May) urea or complex fertilizer, for example, azofoska.

Over-fertilizing can cause yellowing of the leaves.
Planting spring garlic in open ground in spring is not very difficult. Both measuring soil temperature and observing other plants will help determine the timing. The algorithm is quite simple: the cloves are deepened by 2-3 cm, leaving a distance of 4-6 cm between them. To learn when and how to plant spring garlic in the spring, you can watch the video.