“Groundhog Day” as a way of personal growth

Are you satisfied with your life? Doesn’t every new day look like the previous one, like Bill Murray’s character from the comedy Groundhog Day? Let’s try to understand how this film helps to find the keys to happiness.

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At first glance, Groundhog Day seems like an ordinary comedy, but if you take a closer look at it, it becomes clear that the film teaches us how to stop seeing our own life as a series of the same and dreary days. In other words, this film can become a kind of master class in making changes in your own life. From a touching story that took place in the small American town of Punxsutawney, there are three main ideas that will help you become happier.

The first idea: self-improvement brings us closer to perfection

Groundhog Day is an ingenious experiment in slowing down time, the results of which show that it is necessary to make the most of every day and live life to the fullest. The comedy character seemed to be in a game where he could “save” and start again in case of defeat, which allowed him to forget the fear of mistakes inherent in a person and give free rein to his imagination. However, it was the ingenuity and constant work on oneself that allowed the hero of Bill Murray to turn an endlessly unhappy day into a truly meaningful and happy one. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ways of thinking, feeling, behaving, be spontaneous and flexible. Be open to change and create something different instead of living on auto-pilot, constantly reproducing boring patterns.

Idea two: harmony within

The main character of “Groundhog Day” from a narcissistic egocentric narcissist turned into a sympathetic, romantic man who seeks to help his neighbor. It turns out that this is also the history of the development of self-consciousness. This is an adventure in which the hero improves himself and embarks on the path of transformation of his own personality. As the story progresses, it becomes clear to the character that power, wealth, and social status do not make him happier and he must change only one factor in an endless series of repeating days, namely himself. Most of the goals we strive for give us much less satisfaction in the end than we expect. Sometimes it takes many years to realize the fact that financial well-being, popularity and even the ability to travel is a negligible pleasure without a sense of spiritual harmony. That is why, in order to become calmer and happier, you need to focus on a sense of inner well-being.

Idea three: we have everything we need to be happy

Phil Connors, a TV commentator, is sick and tired of his job and has a deep hatred for the Groundhog Day celebration in a remote town where he thinks the people aren’t bright and where the hotel is just awful. However, gradually the hero discovers that all this hell is actually not so terrible. At the same time, nothing changes except Phil Connors’ personal attitude to the surrounding space. Which confirms the thesis: “if you can’t change the situation, try to change your attitude towards it.” To do this, you can even keep a special journal, writing down every little thing that makes us feel happier. It is especially important to discover the positives at the moment when we have failed, upset or angry at life. Learn, like Phil, to love what used to cause dislike, accept and understand those people who were previously considered unworthy of their attention. Be thankful and grateful for every pleasant circumstance in your life without focusing on the failures. Try to change yourself, not paying attention to external circumstances. By doing this, you will feel much happier than before.

Groundhog Day, a comedy that tells the story of a man lost in time, teaches us one of life’s biggest lessons: we create our own reality. The protagonist of the film tried every possible way to improve his life until he found the perfect strategy based on self-knowledge, self-improvement and compassion. Similarly, each of us has a daily choice of what the next 24 hours will be like. We can make them sad or happy, boring or inspiring, meaningless or satisfying. One thing is clear, any person is able to make their day more enjoyable than it was yesterday. And for this you do not need to fall into a time loop at all.

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