Grooved talker (Clitocybe vibecina) is an inedible mushroom of the Ryadovkovye family. Fruiting occurs at the end of October, single specimens are found in early December.

Grooved talker: description and photo

Where do the grooved talkers grow

The main distribution of colonies is sparse coniferous forests dominated by pines. The mushroom picker is located on the fallen needles. It can grow among heather thickets, on deciduous litter near oak or beech. Preference is given to open space, moderately moist soils with low acidity. Often forms fruiting bodies on the bark of fallen coniferous branches.

It grows in all regions with coniferous or mixed forests. Solitary specimens are not found, the grooved talker forms numerous dense colonies. The fruiting period is quite late. The main growth occurs in the middle or end of autumn. In milder climates, the talker can be seen after the temperature drops to -4 0C.

What do grooved talkers look like

The species is rare, it is difficult to identify due to the variability in the color of the fruiting body. The color of the cap depends on the humidity in the growing area. The mushroom in a damp environment absorbs a large amount of water, so the color becomes darker. Under normal conditions, the color is cream or light beige, during precipitation it becomes brown, radial stripes are visible along the edge of the cap.

Grooved talker: description and photo

External characteristic:

  1. The hat is round, regular in shape or with uneven wavy edges, diameter – 3-5 cm. At the beginning of growth, it is slightly convex, then prostrate with curved or even edges.
  2. The surface is hygrophanous, dry, velvety, but varies depending on humidity. After precipitation, the protective film becomes wet and slippery. In dry weather, the surface can be hard, with fine wrinkles, faded.
  3. The recess in the center of the cap is painted in a dark shade.
  4. The lower lamellar part is light gray. The plates are narrow, of different lengths. Short upper ones are formed along the edge, long ones descend on the leg. The location is dense, firmly fused with the fruiting body.
  5. The pulp is thin and fragile. White in dry weather, light brown or gray after rain.

The stem of the fungus is central, thin, grows up to 8 cm in length. Straight or curved – depends on the density of the colony. The shape is cylindrical, the structure is fibrous, brittle, hollow. In the upper part, a finely scaly white coating is visible. A dense fringe is formed near the mycelium. The color is light brown, often gray, changing with age and humidity.

Important! The species completely lacks a veil.

Is it possible to eat grooved talkers

The fruiting body is rather small with thin pulp and is rare. There is no taste, the smell is sharp and repulsive, reminiscent of rotten flour. There is no information on toxicity. Included in the group of inedible species.

The genus Ryadovkovye includes more than 100 representatives, only a few of them are conditionally edible, and they are also poisonous. The grooved talker changes color depending on the environment, so it can be confused with an edible representative of the genus. If the mushroom is in doubt, you need to refrain from collecting.

How to distinguish grooved talkers

 In dry weather, the color of the fungus brightens, it looks like a pale-colored talker.

Grooved talker: description and photo

Grooved talker: description and photo

The hat is whitish gray. The texture is watery. It begins to grow from the end of summer and continues until the onset of frost. Found in coniferous and mixed forests. The poisonous mushroom differs from the grooved govorushka in the absence of a powdery odor and in the gray color. In dry weather, the poisonous double has an unpleasant musty smell.

Говорушку слабопахучую also referred to as twins.

Grooved talker: description and photo

The size of the mushrooms is the same, the growth sites are the same. Fruiting later: from December to January. The surface of the cap is covered with a thin wax coating, transparent, light brown. Pulp with the taste and smell of rancid flour. The plates are large and rare. Kind of inedible.

wax talker – a poisonous representative of the genus. Found in temperate climates, fruiting from September to November. Grows in small groups.

Grooved talker: description and photo

The double is larger in size, the cap has a more extensive depression in the center. The color is white, dense wax coating cracks in dry weather, acquiring the structure of a marble surface. The taste is soft, astringent, the smell is spicy, pronounced, not repulsive.


The grooved talker is an inedible mushroom with a mealy taste and an unpleasant rancid odor. The fruiting body is hygrophanous, changing color depending on the level of humidity. Fruiting later, found in pine and mixed forests on coniferous, moss or deciduous litter. Forms dense colonies growing in rows or a semicircle.

Clitocybe vibecina – fungi kingdom

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