Grimaces for Use: Self-Massage Techniques

To enhance the effect of cosmetics, it is necessary to apply them with special movements. Self-massage and gymnastics techniques take very little time and give amazing results.

Every evening, 42-year-old Anna closes the bathroom door, tucks her hair under a bandage, takes a deep breath, and gets to work. She studies the reflection in the mirror, pays attention to whether new wrinkles, age spots have appeared, evaluates the complexion and skin condition. Followed by serum and night cream. This is followed by a series of pinches, pats and taps. The ritual ends with a series of funny grimaces.

From the side it may seem that an adult woman makes faces in front of a mirror. But every movement has a secret meaning. “I started doing massage and facial exercises a year ago. And the results are encouraging,” says Anna. “Besides, it’s 10 minutes just for yourself. Kids are sleeping. The husband reads the news on the Internet. This is a unique opportunity to be alone with yourself, disconnect from worries, get to know your face better. Anna developed this evening complex herself: “My beautician suggested some movements. I borrowed a couple of passes from the Internet. I found a few more in the instructions for my favorite cream.

Creams and oils



Cream for skin elasticity Smile ‘N Repair;

Facial expressions and gestures

Today, many brands accompany new products with massage recommendations developed by brand specialists. But not all women bother to study the instructions and use these techniques. But in vain! Beauticians know that facial care should not be limited to the application of serums and creams. And so in their offices they practice different types of massages. Their main goal is not to smooth the skin, as many people think, but to enhance the penetration of funds and strengthen the muscles of the face, which have a unique structure.

By contracting, the muscles of the face tighten the skin. We constantly strain some of the facial muscles (for example, we smile or frown), others remain without training. This is the reason for the appearance of a second chin, nasolabial folds and “proud wrinkles” on the forehead. What do we do if the body has lost its tone and become flabby? We go to the gym and sign up for a massage course in the salon. Why not start doing the same for your face?

Patience and work

Self-massage and face-gymnastics – a story for the patient. The effect will be noticeable only with regular performance, and not earlier than after three weeks. The simplest movements take from 5 to 10 minutes. At what age to start? Better from youth. But, in principle, it’s never too late. After the age of 30, muscles begin to lose shape. With the help of gymnastics and massage, you can strengthen them and delay the appearance of wrinkles for a long time. However, at 35, and at 40, and at 50, gymnastics will give a good effect.

The first set of exercises for the face was offered by cosmetologist Nadia Payo, the creator of the Payot brand of the same name. This idea was suggested to her by the contrast between the state of the face and body of the ballerina Anna Pavlova. Assessing Anna’s excellent figure and her face with early wrinkles, Nadya realized that facial muscles also needed training. As a result, a set of exercises for the prevention of aging appeared. Almost 90 years have passed since the creation of Payot massage. But special attention has been paid to the training of facial muscles only recently.

We provide examples of facial massages from Lancôme, Guerlain and Clarins.

By the night be remembered

Rénergie Multi-Lift Night Cream, Lancôme, has been specially developed for massage at home. Delicate texture with shea butter, when applied, it turns into an emulsion. First you need to evenly distribute the product over the face with upward movements to the hairline, then downward – to the neck. After that, apply the cream to the décolleté area with alternating horizontal “strokes”, massage this area in circular motions, rising along the shoulder line, then along the right and left sides of the neck.

Then perform a series of soft sliding passes to the collarbone. Finish the massage by lightly pressing your fingertips from the chin to the earlobe. Repeat the same technique three times: along the lower jaw, from the lips to the ear, from the nose to the temples and on the forehead – from the tips, middle and beginning of the eyebrows to the hairline.

Masks and creams



Moisturizing mask with hyaluronic acid;

sensory experience

Guerlain experts believe that modern women need to devote a little time to themselves every day in order to restore inner harmony. In this sense, the updated 4th generation Orchidée Impériale cream offers a unique sensory experience. All channels of perception are activated thanks to its exquisite aroma, silky texture and new application techniques developed by Sophia Kremser, specialist of the brand’s Beauty Institute.

The combination of massages and breathing exercises enhances the effect of the components of the product. First, stimulate points on the chin, at the corners of the lips, under the nose, between the eyebrows, above the eyebrows and on the temples. Breathe in when you press and breathe out when you release. Spread the cream over the face, smoothing the skin from the middle to the contours: on the chin, cheeks, forehead and nose.

Clench your palms into fists and place them on your cheeks. Make rotational movements in the upward direction, exhale in parallel. Do the same for the forehead, neck and décolleté. Then place your left hand on your forehead and your right hand on your right cheek. Slide both palms down along the contours of the face. At the same time tilt your head to the left and take a deep breath. Perform the reception on the other side of the face. Repeat the entire series three times.

Relax under the mask

Special massage techniques accompany the use of a relaxing mask from the Clarins Multi-Régénérant line. Before applying it, stimulate the skin for a few seconds by patting it with the pads of your fingers. Then warm the product in your palms, inhale its relaxing aroma and apply in a thick layer. Leave on for 7-10 minutes. Then sit on a chair, put your elbows on your knees. Press firmly with your fingertips on the area above the eyebrows.

Pay special attention to the area between the eyebrows. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds. The next movement is to press the pads on the temples, and then on the cheekbones. At the end, connect the wrists under the chin, and grab the oval of the face with your fingers. Help the excess to be absorbed into the skin with gentle massaging movements, and then pat your face with a paper towel.

1. This complex can be found on the website

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