Grigory Bakunov: “The future does not depend on us, it is we ourselves”

Many futuristic technologies that seemed unbelievable are already embodied in reality – drones, voice control, artificial intelligence. And now you can already imagine how these decisions will change in 10 years.

Grigory Bakunov, director of technology dissemination at Yandex, in a conversation with him, outlined the main prospects and challenges of the new technological paradigm.

There are several of them:

  • Mixing different artificial intelligences. For example, the integration of forecasting systems into medicine: imagine the human body as a set of 20-50 thousand individual units, the state of which will have to be monitored. And if any of them deviates from the norm, you need to change it so as to return it back to a stable state.

  • Unmanned vehicles or self-driving cars. The fact that they already exist is obvious to many, and here the question is more likely to be finalized.

  • Designs that allow you to project an image directly into the eye. We are moving there through voice interfaces, but this is an intermediate link, and eventually we will need neurointerfaces. Not the fact that this will happen in the next 10 years, but in 20 – for sure.

In every area important to humans, there are narrow layers to be automated.

This is not automation due to the displacement of a person from this area, this is automation due to the knowledge that we have accumulated as humanity, due to the exploitation of the main computer skill itself – to quickly calculate and make decisions quickly.

We need to realize and accept the fact that technical means can also be responsible for something.

It is still completely incomprehensible how to change not so much the legislation as the general approach: the work is being automated more and more, but the person is still responsible for everything that happens in the process of this work. Motor transport, education, medicine – all these areas are now very much dependent on the person, and they will have to make changes of a rather legal nature.

Completely new areas of science and human knowledge are emerging.

In modern medicine, there is a layer of information about a person that is incredibly poorly understood. We, for example, know very little about sleep, its functions and how it works in general. The easiest way to increase your lifespan, like the time you are active, is to shorten your sleep without compromising its quality. And humanity will gain a lot if it succeeds.

The speed of change leads to the fact that we lose the ability to think “forward”.

Humanity is changing at a great speed, and all areas of our life in the future will also be greatly transformed. What are all these changes leading to? In addition to the fact that we receive information, we solve our problems very quickly, while slowly losing an important skill for working in the long term.

I don’t think technology will cause any problems.

A frequent “horror story” that we see in science fiction is when there is artificial intelligence and there are such “technological Luddites”, people who are trying to fight it. This struggle is very scary, because it usually affects completely innocent people.

Most importantly, people will remain people.

The future is not something that depends on us, it is ourselves.

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