Grenadier fish: preparing delicious meals
Grenadier fish is considered very capricious, since tender meat quickly falls apart into individual fibers. But if you cook it correctly, you will end up with incredibly tasty dishes with an unusual shrimp flavor.
Makrurus: we cook different fish dishes
As soon as the people do not call this fish of the cod family, living in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, “mocrouse”, “mokrus”, “macrous”, “macrorus”, “macraus”. In fact, it is called grenadier. Other names are also found: hawk, blue hake, longtail and blue grenadier. And in Great Britain she was nicknamed the rattail. But ask the grenadier in the store, because it is under this name that this delicate fish is sold in our country. And grenadier should be cooked in the oven or fried in a hot pan.
Grenadier has very sharp scales, so fish carcasses with peeled skin or fillets are most often delivered to the counters
Recipe number 1. Grenadier cutlet
Pass the frozen fillet through a meat grinder. Add a raw egg to it. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle a little lemon juice (just a couple of drops). Add finely chopped herbs to your liking. Mix the minced meat gently. Form cutlets with two spoons dipped in water. Dip lightly in breadcrumbs and fry in high-hot oil until golden brown.
Recipe number 2. Macrurus fried in batter
Cut the fillets into small portions across. Sprinkle each with lemon juice and set aside to marinate a little. At this time, prepare the batter. Mix one chicken egg and 2 tablespoons of sour cream, add 2 tablespoons of flour to the mixture and stir the mixture. Season the batter with salt and pepper to taste.
Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat it. It is necessary to fry the fish quickly over high heat. Dip the marinated fillet pieces in batter, then in breadcrumbs and put in hot oil. Fry on each side for literally one minute until golden brown. Flip the fish very carefully. Make sure that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan, as it may fall apart when you turn the pieces.
Put the fried fish on paper towels, let the fat drain off and transfer to a plate.
Recipe number 3. Baked grenadier
Cut the grenadier fillet into fairly large portions. Season a little with salt and roll in the fish seasoning. Leave the fish to marinate for 10-15 minutes. While the grenadier is marinating, grate one medium carrot and chop the onion into rings.
Tear off a piece of foil. Transfer the prepared piece of grenadier to it. Put carrots grated on a coarse grater and a couple of onion rings on it. Top with sour cream or heavy cream.
Wrap the foil. Secure all edges carefully. Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Transfer the foil fish bags to a baking sheet, place in the oven and bake for 30 minutes. Sprinkle the cooked fish with finely chopped herbs.