Greenhouse Butterfly: advantages and benefits of building

Many experienced summer residents know about such a design for greenhouse cultivation of plants, which is called the Butterfly greenhouse. It is known for its reliability and ease of operation. This type of greenhouse will be described below, as well as its advantages.

What is “Butterfly”

The greenhouse, called “Butterfly”, got its name because of the folding side flaps. They are similar in appearance to butterfly wings. In truth, the people call them that – wings. In general, the idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbbuilding such a greenhouse is quite practical. The dimensions of such a design should not be very large. With all this, the building will be fully used, one hundred percent.

Greenhouse Butterfly: advantages and benefits of building

The device of this greenhouse is well thought out, because the special flaps that are provided by the building will allow you to have full access to the plants. Thus, you will not need to equip special paths inside the greenhouse. This will allow you to spend more area for the growth of seedlings and plants.

What is used for?

Greenhouse Butterfly: advantages and benefits of building

Before you buy or make a Butterfly-type greenhouse with your own hands, you should think about what will grow there. It is this type of greenhouse that will be an excellent choice for those who decide to grow seedlings or any types of gourds in them. So it is immediately clear for what purposes this type of greenhouse is used.

The gable design of the “Butterfly” is quite simple. It consists of four sides, between which there are two frames. The upper part of this design should ideally be narrow. As a material for the greenhouse frame, plastic or metal-plastic profiles are often used. They are perfect for such a small building. And for the outer coating, you can take polycarbonate or plastic film. True, the second option is used less often due to the fact that it is not strong enough.

Greenhouse Butterfly: advantages and benefits of building

The greenhouse got its name due to its resemblance to a beautiful insect: when opened, the frames that make up the structure resemble butterfly wings. Such frames may be uniform, solid, or composed of smaller parts or sections that will open individually. This will depend on the size of the greenhouse and the materials used in the construction. In the case of sections, it is recommended to divide the entire space of the greenhouse into sections according to the number of sections with your own hands using a plastic film. After that, plant different plants and seedlings in sections. Thus, it is possible to obtain different microclimatic conditions and adjust them to the needs of plants. In the case when the greenhouse consists of one section, the climate in it will be uniform.

In such a greenhouse, in the first place, seedlings are grown, it is for these purposes that it is mainly set. However, this does not prevent planting dill, lettuce, parsley or green onions, etc. on the territory of the greenhouse.

Construction diagram

Greenhouse Butterfly: advantages and benefits of building

The design of the greenhouse “Butterfly” is valued for its simplicity and versatility. Its construction will not give you many difficulties during assembly and installation. The whole structure is based on a frame, which is made of wooden planks or a profile pipe. Usually, the first option is more suitable for greenhouses that summer residents make with their own hands. And the second one is made in factories from a steel profile twenty by twenty millimeters. To obtain the desired type of construction, the frame is formed in such a way that in the center of its part reaches the highest point. Next, it is worth installing the supporting longitudinal elements, which will be located on the long sides of the structure. They should be at a distance not exceeding twenty centimeters from the bottom edge of the frame.

After all of the above, you need to deal with the ends of the greenhouse. They are usually made solid. But the cover must be made so that both sides of the top can be lifted, it is necessary that they be movable. Thus, you will get a design that looks like a butterfly.

It is also worth noting such an important fact that it would be best to cover the entire greenhouse with polycarbonate. This is all because the moving parts of such a structure will occupy almost the entire area of ​​​​the entire surface of the cover. Unless this will apply to those models that are made from old window frames. Do-it-yourself assembly of the entire structure will not take you much time.

Usually the sizes of such greenhouses are not too large. Most often, there are such options for the proportions of dimensions: height – no more than one to one and a half meters, length – about four meters, width – up to one and a half meters. In total, the area of ​​such a greenhouse will be about five square meters.

If we talk about the weight of such a design, then it can reach up to twenty-five to twenty-eight kilograms. True, you need to use profile pipes for this frame and sheathe the cover with polycarbonate. In this case, you can easily transfer the building yourself if necessary.

Advantages of a greenhouse

Greenhouse Butterfly: advantages and benefits of building

Such a small and compact building has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. Among them, it is worth noting first of all that you can easily use the entire area of ​​​​the greenhouse for plants due to the fact that there is no need to equip paths in it to move in it. From this follows the second advantage, which is easy access to landings from different sides of the building. This will allow you to easily care for plants during their growth and development, as well as harvesting a ready-made crop. Minimizes the risk of damage to the plant if you accidentally step on it.

It is also worth noting the durability of such a building. It is explained by the fact that the greenhouse is thought out in such a way that you are guaranteed strength under any circumstances. It was noticed that such a greenhouse can withstand and withstand the wind, the strength of which reaches twenty meters per second. It seems impossible, because the design at first glance looks fragile and unstable, but it is.

Also, you can equip a greenhouse with several windows from different sides with your own hands to ensure ventilation at the time you need.

Video “Assembling a Butterfly-type greenhouse”

Get to know how the finished construction of the greenhouse we are describing is assembled.

Assembling the greenhouse “Zucchini” produced by the company “Teplichny vybor”

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