Every year, the problem of utilizing unripe vegetables due to sudden cold weather is acute for every gardener. Good for those who have at least some living creatures in their yard or neighbors. In this case, there will be at least someone to feed the unripe fruits. Well, it’s even better if you try to give free rein to your imagination and cook something tasty for the winter from unripe vegetables. In the case of green tomatoes, thrifty housewives have long come up with many interesting recipes in which vegetables, after cooking, become not only edible, but also very tasty.

Often, green tomatoes in large quantities remain on the bushes during the autumn cold, when at the same time many owners dig out the horseradish root for harvesting. Therefore, green tomatoes with horseradish will be the main topic of this article.

Of course, most recipes are associated with the preparation of these vegetables for the winter, since horseradish itself is a good preservative, and green tomatoes reveal their true taste qualities only after some time in brine or marinade.

Green tomatoes with horseradish and garlic: a recipe for the winter

Pickling green tomatoes

Traditionally, in Our Country, conservation for the winter is hard to imagine without harvesting various kinds of pickles, especially for owners who live on their own land and have a cellar for storing them. Yes, and green tomatoes, cold-salted with horseradish, retain the maximum amount of nutrients and are stored at the same time until spring. For salting, you only need the tomatoes themselves and a variety of seasonings and spices, thanks to which the taste of the workpiece will become so attractive.

It is most convenient to salt in an enamel pan or in a bucket, depending on the number of tomatoes you have. If there is not much space for storing them, then it is convenient to use ordinary glass jars. To prepare 5 kg of tomatoes, you have to find:

  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • 2-3 leaves of horseradish and 100 g of its roots;
  • 150 g of dill;
  • Several dozen leaves of cherry and black currant;
  • a spoonful of coriander seeds;
  • A teaspoon of allspice and black peppercorns;
  • A few bunches of herbs, like parsley, basil, tarragon.

Green tomatoes with horseradish and garlic: a recipe for the winter

Pickle for tomatoes is prepared in advance. 5 g of salt are dissolved in 300 liters of water, the mixture is brought to a boil, cooled and filtered.

Tomatoes should be placed as tightly as possible in a clean and scalded with boiling water suitable container. In the process of laying, the tomatoes are sprinkled with herbs and spices. Then they are filled with cooled brine and under load remain in a warm place until the solution becomes cloudy. Usually for 3-5 days the container with tomatoes is transferred to a cold place. The taste of the finished dish appears after 5-6 weeks.

Recipe with Vinegar and Garlic

Green tomatoes with horseradish and garlic: a recipe for the winter

If you do not have a cellar or other suitable place to store pickles, and the refrigerator no longer holds all the prepared supplies, then you can consider a recipe for green tomatoes with horseradish using vinegar. In this case, the workpiece can be stored even at room temperature.

To make this not only tasty, but also original and beautiful appetizer with garlic spirit, you will need:

  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 100 g of horseradish leaves and roots;
  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • 100 grams of dill and parsley;
  • Black and allspice to taste.

Horseradish roots must be peeled and cut into small pieces or grated. Garlic, after peeling and dividing into slices, is cut into thin slices. Tomatoes are stuffed with horseradish and garlic in the following way: several cuts are made on the surface of the tomatoes, and pieces of the above-mentioned vegetables are inserted there.

Green tomatoes with horseradish and garlic: a recipe for the winter

Advice! The taste of the workpiece will be even more interesting if the tomatoes are soaked in a saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for 6 hours before cooking, changing the brine every 2 hours.

Wash the dill and parsley and chop with a sharp knife. Jars for harvesting a tomato must be sterilized and filled with tomatoes with garlic and horseradish, sprinkling them with herbs and spices at intervals.

The marinade is prepared based on the following proportions: 1 g of salt, 40 g of sugar and half a glass of 100% vinegar are taken per 9 liter of water. Banks with tomatoes are poured with boiling marinade and additionally sterilized for 15 minutes from the moment the water boils. Then they are rolled up with lids and wrapped upside down until cool.

Such pickled tomatoes will serve as a real decoration of the festive table.

Attention! But this recipe can still be significantly diversified, using, for example, a filling of chopped sweet and hot peppers, or, conversely, stuffing tomatoes with a mixture of sweet and sour autumn apples.

In general, if you show imagination, then you yourself can come up with several branded recipes for canned green tomatoes according to this model.

Horseradish tomato

From green tomatoes, you can cook not only an appetizer, but also a spicy seasoning sauce, which can be seasoned with various fish and meat dishes. In general, horseradish is usually understood as a sauce that penetrates to the base of the bones, the main components of which are horseradish, garlic and hot peppers. Tomatoes in this recipe are used more as a filler, and most often this spicy seasoning is made from red tomatoes.

Green tomatoes with horseradish and garlic: a recipe for the winter

But horseradish made from green tomatoes has recently become popular, since this spicy seasoning differs significantly in taste from that prepared using red tomatoes. It’s a little sourer and spicier. However, it is better to try once than to describe a hundred times.

Attention! The big advantage of this harvest of tomatoes for the winter is that it does not require any heat treatment and all the useful substances found in the original products are stored in it throughout the year.

In addition, the process of preparing such horseradish is also quite simple. Need to collect:

  • 1 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of horseradish root;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2-4 pods of hot green pepper;
  • 30 g of rock salt without additives;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar.

Green tomatoes with horseradish and garlic: a recipe for the winter

In horseradish seasoning, green pepper is used mainly for the company, that is, to make the seasoning a uniform grassy green color. Fans of original color schemes can use hot red pepper.

Before proceeding with the direct manufacture of horseradish tomato sauce, it is advisable to prepare 200-300 ml jars for packaging the finished seasoning. They should have screw caps for ease of use. They need to be washed well, scalded with boiling water and dried thoroughly on a towel.

First, tomatoes, hot peppers and garlic are cut into pieces and chopped with a meat grinder.

Important! If you leave the seeds when peeling hot peppers, then the hotness of the seasoning will increase even more.

Horseradish is peeled and chopped last. Since its spirit quickly disappears from it, it cannot be cut first. In addition, the meat grinder does not always do a good job of grinding it. Sometimes it is better to use an ordinary fine grater. And on the container where you grind the horseradish root, it is better to immediately put on a bag so that the spirit from horseradish does not corrode your eyes.

Green tomatoes with horseradish and garlic: a recipe for the winter

Mix all the crushed components with salt and sugar and immediately lay them out in jars and close them with lids. Of course, such a seasoning with horseradish for the winter will be stored for a long time only in a cool place without light.

Recipes with horseradish and green tomatoes are so easy to prepare that they provide plenty of room for imagination. By adding a variety of ingredients and mixing them in larger or smaller proportions, different taste sensations can be achieved. And thus you will be able to satisfy the most demanding needs of your family and friends.

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