Green tea – what are its properties?

Green tea is a drink made from Chinese tea leaves, the leaves of which have only been minimally processed to maintain their full antioxidant properties. Green tea is rich in flavanoids, substances with important antioxidant properties that reduce free radicals in the body.

Green tea is widely believed to have significant health benefits. For many years, research has been conducted on the relationship between the consumption of green tea and the reduction of the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases or cancer. Green tea extract is also an ingredient of many dietary supplements aimed at supporting the weight loss process. Several studies have shown an increased level of fat burning after consuming green tea extract, other studies have shown that green tea can increase glucose tolerance in healthy people and thereby increase insulin sensitivity.

However, there is insufficient evidence that green tea consumption reduces the risk of cancer. For some cancers (such as breast cancer and prostate cancer), consumption of green tea may have some beneficial effects in the treatment process.

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