Green tea prevents excessive levels
    • 9 years ago

    Rapidly changing blood glucose levels in response to eating a high-carbohydrate meal is a recognized trigger of many chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, metabolic dysfunction and diabetes.

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    Scientists have found many natural ingredients that slow down the release of glucose from carbohydrates after consumption, or accelerate the entry of sugar into cells for use as energy. The latest research by scientists from Penn State University is presented in the magazine Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, focused on green tea, which has long been known to contain a lot antioxidants (polyphenols).

    More specifically, the research looked at a compound called EGCG. This molecule is known to help reduce blood glucose levels, but experiments so far have only been performed in mice. Now, researchers at Penn State University are considering developing new dietary strategies for humans based on EGCG. As stated, glucose metabolism in rodents is similar to that in humans, and provides an appropriate model to test compound efficacy in experimental models. So, to determine the effects of EGCG on blood glucose after eating, researchers divided the mice into several groups based on about their body weight. After the fasting period, the mice were given corn starch, maltose or sucrose. One group was given EGCG with food. The researchers then tested the rodents’ blood sugar levels. They found that mice fed the bioactive EGCG experienced significant reducing blood glucose levels after eating cornstarch, but not maltose or sucrose. The lead author of the study, Dr. Joshua Lambert, states: glucose levels are approximately 50% lower in mice fed EGCG compared to mice that did not eat this nutrient. The dose administered to the mice was equivalent to about ½ cup of green tea.


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