Green tea for slimming, or how easy it is to lose weight! Check if you know everything about it!
Green tea for slimming, or how easy it is to lose weight! Check if you know everything about it!Green tea for slimming, or how easy it is to lose weight! Check if you know everything about it!

Green tea has been known for over a dozen centuries. It is made from Chinese tea leaves. Its method of preparation was developed in China and has been popularized in other Asian countries, including Japan. Today, green tea is known all over the world. It has many health-promoting properties and helps in slimming.


Health benefits of green tea:

Green tea also has a beneficial effect on other aspects of our lives. Helping in slimming, it additionally has a pro-health effect on our body. It is not enough to write that, according to the Japanese, drinking green tea every day (about 5-10 cups a day) can extend our life by an average of 3 years.

  • It reduces the risk of some cancers
  • It reduces the risk of getting heart disease
  • Lowers bad cholesterol levels
  • It lowers the level of dangerous triglycerides
  • It protects against sugar “spikes”, which are dangerous especially for diabetics
  • Green tea helps in dealing with stress and negative feelings
  • It protects the teeth against caries


Green tea for weight loss

The slimming effect of green tea on the body has been confirmed in scientific studies. Green tea has a cleansing and antioxidant effect on the body. When drunk before a meal, it absorbs most of the fats and unnecessary calories from it. It also helps in slimming by suppressing the feeling of hunger – at least in some slimming people.

Drinking green tea also affects the acceleration of metabolism. Faster metabolism helps in losing unnecessary kilograms more efficiently. Food is digested faster because green tea increases the production of gastric juices. Green tea can also help with abdominal pain and in the treatment of troublesome bloating.

Of course, green tea does not work on its own, i.e. drinking it regularly is just a good idea to support weight loss. Exercise and changing your diet to a healthier and lower calorie diet should be involved in the whole process. Only then can green tea speed up the whole process and make it much easier. In the case of strenuous physical exercise, green tea helps to regenerate our body faster and easier to endure physical exertion. In addition, drinking green tea while losing weight will help you maintain the results of the diet for longer and help you avoid the so-called. yo-yo effect.


Brewing green tea

In order for green tea not to lose its slimming and health properties, it should be brewed in the right way. Some green tea connoisseurs claim that it is best after the second brew. It also does not lose its health properties then, on the contrary – the second brewing of green tea makes it richer in minerals.

One teaspoon is enough to prepare green tea. Pour the tea with hot water at a temperature of 80 to 90 ° C. The tea should be brewed for 2 to 3 minutes, depending on taste preferences.

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