green tea diet for a week

Green tea is a drink that allows you to invigorate, improve mood, reduce appetite, quench thirst. It is good to drink it during hot weather, after intense physical exertion. Not surprisingly, green tea is used for weight loss. For the diet, you should choose only high-quality tea leaves that have undergone a minimal fermentation process.

The classic version of the green tea diet is not limited in time. For a week of such a weight loss system, you can get rid of 3 kg of excess weight. Every day you need to drink up to 2 liters of the drink, but without additives (lemon and sugar are excluded).

Drink a cup of green tea before every meal. You can start eating 20 minutes after drinking tea. Also, a cup of green tea replaces all products during snacks.

Permitted and prohibited products

The menu consists of foods that are low in calories. A day should drink about a liter of tea.

Products that are prohibited for consumption:

  • Sausages.

  • Flour products.

  • Sweets.

  • Gas drinks.

  • Alcoholic drinks.

  • Fast food, semi-finished products.

  • Industrial sauces.

  • Salt and sugar, products with food additives.

  • Coffee.

Rye bread can be eaten no more than 3 times a week, in the morning.

Products that can be included in the menu during the diet:

  • Vegetables that do not contain starch.

  • Fruits with a low sugar content, dried fruits.

  • Fat-free dairy products.

  • Dietary varieties of fish, seafood.

  • Cereals. The exception is semolina.

  • Natural sweets (marshmallow, dark chocolate, meringues).

  • Homemade juices and fresh juices, compotes.

Green tea menu for the week



Breakfast number 2





0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 ml natural yogurt, 3 slices of rye bread

Biscuits, 0,2 ml green tea

0,2 ml of green tea before meals, a slice of bread and 0,2 ml of yogurt

0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 kg fruit

0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 kg chicken fillet, vegetable salad


0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 ml yogurt, 3 slices of bread

0,2 ml green tea and biscuits

Boiled veal (50 g), salad (vegetables, cabbage, carrots)

0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 kg fruit

0,2 ml green tea, tomato salad


0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 ml yogurt, 3 slices of whole grain bread

0,2 ml green tea, biscuit biscuits

0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 ml yogurt, 0,1 kg fruit

0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 kg fruit

One carrot, 0,2 ml green tea, 150 g boiled fish


0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 ml milk, 0,2 ml yogurt, 2 slices of whole grain bread

0,2 ml green tea, biscuit biscuits

0,2 kg of berries, 70 g of hard cheese, one tomato

0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 kg fruit

0,2 ml green tea, salad with cucumbers and cabbage, hard cheese (150 g)


0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 ml yogurt, a glass of milk, 2 slices of whole grain bread

0,2 ml green tea, biscuit biscuits

0,2 ml green tea, vegetable salad, 0,1 kg cheese

0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 kg fruit

0,2 ml green tea, vegetable salad, 0,1 kg feta cheese


0,2 ml green tea, 0,2 kg rice with steamed vegetables

Dried fruits and 0,2 ml green tea


0,2 ml green tea, salad with fruit and yogurt

0,2 ml green tea, boiled potatoes and green vegetables

Varieties of the green tea diet

Milk and green tea diet

A diet of milk and green tea can be practiced as fasting days, or as the main technique for weight loss. This is an excellent way to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels, intestinal dysbacteriosis, bleeding gums. Such a diet allows you to normalize the endocrine system, regulate the functioning of all digestive organs. Doctors recommend a diet of milk and green tea for people suffering from thyroid pathologies.

The diet lasts 3 days. During this time, you can lose from 1,5 to 4 kg of excess weight.

Diet Recipes:

  • Heat 2 liters of milk, turn off the heat just before boiling. Add 3 tablespoons of green tea to milk and insist for 10 minutes. The milk is then filtered and drunk throughout the day.

  • According to the type of the first recipe, you can brew tea with water. 50 ml of milk will need to be added to each cup.

  • Tea is brewed in water, honey is added to it (a teaspoon per glass). If this method of brewing tea was chosen, then throughout the day you can drink 500 ml of milk with a low percentage of fat content.

Diet on kefir and green tea with honey

A diet on kefir and green tea with honey lasts ten days.

During the diet, you should follow certain rules:

  • You need to eat 4 times a day.

  • The fat content of kefir should not exceed 1%.

  • You can’t deviate from the menu.







A mixture of nuts with dried fruits, tea with honey (10 g)

The choice of losing weight

Any citrus fruit



Green tea with honey

The choice of losing weight




Green tea and honey





Green tea with honey




Fifth day menu


Fourth day menu


The menu of the third day


Second day menu


First day menu

Diet on apples and green tea

A diet based on apples and green tea should last no longer than a week. At this time, you need to eat only apples and drink green tea. Be sure to drink enough water during the diet. If a person has any disorders of the digestive system, then it is better to refuse sour apples.

Depending on the day of the diet, you should eat a different amount of apples:

  • Day 1: a kilo of apples.

  • Day 2: 1,5 kg of apples.

  • Days 3 and 4: 2 kilos of apples.

  • 5th and 6th day: 1,5 kg of apples.

  • Day 7: a kilo of apples.

Green tea and fruit diet

You can’t practice a three-day diet on green tea and fruits more than 2 times a month. In 4 months, you will be able to lose 12 kg.

Rules to be observed during the diet:

  1. Raisins and dried apricots are eaten three times a day.

  2. Drink green tea after every main meal.

  3. Water and green tea are drunk between approaches to the table.

  4. Other items on the menu are not included.

Diet on rice and green tea “Geisha Diet”

The geisha diet lasts 6 days. It can be practiced with a frequency of 1 time in 3 weeks. During this period, it will be possible to lose from 3 to 6 kg of excess weight.

On the first day of the diet, only rice or pearl barley soup is eaten. Menu for other days:

  • 0,5 l of green tea with water and 0,5 l of milk for breakfast.

  • 0,1 kg of rice and 0,2 liters of milk during lunch.

  • 0,1 kg of rice, 0,2 l of milk, 0,2 l of green tea.

Diet on buckwheat and green tea

A seven-day diet of buckwheat and green tea will allow you to lose 7-10 kg of excess weight.

During the process of losing weight, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • There should be three main meals per day.

  • The menu is based on buckwheat and fruits (with the exception of grapes and bananas). You can drink green tea without sugar and fat-free kefir.

  • Water should be drunk between main meals.

  • Buckwheat can be eaten as much as you want.

  • The last meal should take place no later than 4 hours before the night’s rest.

Menu for every day:

  • 0,2 l of kefir, 0,1 kg of buckwheat, 0,1 kg of fruit for breakfast.

  • 0,1 kg of fruit, 0,2 ml of green tea and a portion of buckwheat porridge for lunch.

  • At dinner, they eat only buckwheat.

Buckwheat is not boiled, but steamed. To do this, a glass of cereal is poured with 0,4 liters of hot water, covered with a lid and left overnight. If you cook porridge in a thermos, then 2 hours will be enough to brew it. If excess liquid remains, then it is drained.

On cottage cheese and green tea “Diet for models”

For three days on cottage cheese and green tea, you can lose weight by 3 kg.

The diet menu looks like this:

  • Boiled egg and tea for breakfast.

  • 100 g of cottage cheese and tea for lunch and afternoon tea.

  • They drink tea at dinner.

Diet green tea and eggs

The composition of the egg yolk includes biotin, which actively fights fat deposits, and also contributes to better absorption of proteins. The diet on green tea and eggs lasts 3 weeks, during which you can get rid of 5-10 kg of excess weight. Then you need to take a break of 21 days and you can repeat the diet again.

During the diet, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Morning should start with chicken eggs and any citrus fruit.

  • Two quail eggs are equal in nutritional value to one chicken egg, according to this principle, a replacement can be made.

  • From the diet should be removed fatty foods and sweets.

  • Be sure to drink enough water during the diet.

After the diet is over, you will need to introduce the usual products gradually. Eggs continue to be eaten every day.

Pros and cons of the tea diet

Pros of the tea diet:

  • The diet does not require the preparation of complex dishes, which is very convenient.

  • The diet cannot be called hungry, so it is comfortable to sit on it.

  • Green tea is a source of vitamins and nutrients.

  • Green tea perfectly strengthens tooth enamel without staining it in a dark color, as the drink contains a lot of fluorine.

  • A green tea diet can lower cholesterol levels in the blood, normalize the work of the digestive system, cleanse the liver.

  • Green tea is a powerful antioxidant that the body needs so much.

The green tea diet has virtually no drawbacks, as it does not limit the diet and does not cut the daily calorie content too much. The only disadvantage of the diet is the presence of a number of contraindications to it.


Green tea may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • A person has nervous exhaustion, he suffers from insomnia, is too irritated or overexcited.

  • You can not drink green tea on the background of tachycardia.

  • It is forbidden to use green tea for hypotensive patients, as this drink can reduce pressure. In severe cases, a person may even faint.

  • You can not use strong tea during weight loss, provided that a person has a stomach ulcer, or gastritis with high acidity.

  • Diet is contraindicated during pregnancy, with hypertension and atherosclerosis.

The choice of tea for the diet

To choose high-quality green tea, you need to pay attention to its appearance. Well, if you can buy tea by weight. Leaves should be large. This tea does not contain harmful additives.

The fresh product has a pistachio hue. If the leaves are dark, then this indicates that the tea has lain for more than a year. You need to choose those leaves that were collected in autumn or spring. The lighter the leaves, the higher the grade of the drink.

High-quality tea does not crumble. The leaves remain intact when touched. Small villi should remain on the surface of the leaves, which do not disappear anywhere after they are brewed.

How to brew tea correctly?

Classic brewing techniques

Classic green tea brewing techniques:

  • The teapot for brewing must be porcelain. First you need to warm it up. For this purpose, the kettle is poured over with boiling water and warmed up on fire for 3 minutes.

  • Take 2 g of tea per cup, pour the required amount of leaves into the teapot. Pour dry raw materials with boiling water.

  • Then it is covered with a linen towel and left for 10 minutes.

  • If you drink tea after 3-5 minutes from the moment of brewing, then the drink is considered invigorating.

  • If you drink tea after 5-10 minutes from the moment of brewing, then the drink will be soothing.

  • When the tea is infused for the right time, boiling water is added to the teapot. Leave the kettle not full (there should be a free space of 1 cm from the lid to the water).

  • If the tea is brewed correctly, then foam should appear on its surface.

  • Tea should be brewed in such a way that it can be drunk immediately without adding water.

  • Green tea should only be drunk fresh, within 15 minutes of brewing. If you drink it later, you will not be able to benefit from it.

Chinese tea ceremony

Gongfu Cha is the name of one of the most popular tea ceremonies in China. It is held during the meeting of guests, as well as in the family circle. Most often, semi-fermented turquoise oolongs are brewed.

This ceremony is akin to a whole kind of art:

  • Water for brewing tea is heated to 95 ° C.

  • The teapot is wiped with a tea brush to warm up. Be sure to heat all the dishes in which tea will be served.

  • Tea leaves are poured into cups separately to study its composition.

  • Then pour the tea leaves into the teapot.

  • Wrap the teapot in a towel, and then pat the bottom of the teapot for a minute. This allows you to get rid of tea dust and small particles.

  • Water is poured into the kettle from a height and immediately drained, but not drunk.

  • Pour water into the kettle again, hold for 10-30 seconds. The specific exposure time depends on the selected tea variety.

  • Strain the tea with a strainer and then pour into cups.

  • Tea cups should be tall. This is necessary in order to be able to enjoy the steam of tea.

  • The long cup is then covered with a wide cup and turned over. This allows the aroma and color of the tea to be revealed.

  • A long cup is carefully removed from a wide one and the aromas emanating from it are enjoyed.

  • Drink tea from a wide cup.

Japanese tea ceremony

The Japanese tea ceremony is conducted according to the following rules:

  • Only soft water should be used to brew tea. To do this, you can freeze it first. The opaque middle of the ice is removed.

  • The teapot must be taken with a strainer. Reception openings can be quite large in it, since small particles of tea can get into the drink.

  • The kettle needs to be preheated.

  • To brew sencha or genmaicha (a type of green tea), the water must be at a temperature of 75-80°C. To brew gyokuro (the highest grade of tea), the water should be heated to 50-60 ° C. The temperature should be the lower, the higher the grade of tea.

  • You can boil water, and then cool it to the required temperature, or you can dilute it with cool boiled water.

  • To brew sencha, two teaspoons of raw materials take 150 ml of water. To brew gyokuro, take 100 ml of water for two teaspoons.

  • Sencha insist 1-1,5 minutes, and gyokuro 2 minutes. Tea is poured into cups completely.

  • Almost all types of green tea can be brewed several times, but the water temperature will need to be increased by 10 ° C all the time. This rule does not apply only to powdered matcha and roasted hojicha.

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